Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 935 Token Inheritance 6

Chapter 935 Token Inheritance 6
It seems that this time, she did not travel through time, but was brought to a mysterious space together with her body by the Nine-Turn Rubik's Cube.

When she is here, she will be injured, feel terrified, and even die. However, everything in this space is constantly changing according to her thinking.Although, it can read her memory, imitate her memory, and even change everything here, but if she doesn't think about anything, then these things will quietly disappear.

Feng Caitian raised the corners of her lips evilly, took out the fragrant pineapple fruit and took a look, then raised her head, her eyes were full of sharpness.

"Come out, since you're here, why hide!" Feng Caitian looked forward and snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the verdant grassland melted bit by bit like the first snow melting, and then, a huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky rushed out from the ground under the feet.

The corner of Feng Caitian's mouth twitched, she staggered and almost fell.

time oh!Do it again!
The dazzling light was like the sun at noon, Feng Caitian scolded in a low voice, and quickly raised her hands to cover her eyes for a long time before looking at the center of the white light through her fingers.

"People?" Feng Caitian was stunned for a while, she actually saw the shadow of a person in the white light, is this still scientific?
She clearly felt the breath of a beast, how could it be a human?
And he still doesn't have the slightest breath of beasts!

This is too nonsense!
Slowly, the white light gradually dissipated.

The shadow in the center of the light beam finally appeared.

Feng Caitian was even more surprised, that... is a woman with her eyes closed, her beauty is earth-shattering....

I saw her standing out of thin air, like a fairy in the dust, with fluorescent spots all over her body, as if she was a fairy descending from the earth, which made people dare not look at her closely.Wearing a purple dress fluttering in the wind, with long hair pouring down, the purple shirt is like a flower, and the white hair is more than snow. It is indescribably beautiful, elegant, noble and unconventional.

For a while, Feng Caitian was stunned.

In the previous life, there were many star beauties who had been packaged in various ways, but no one could have the detachment of the woman in front of her who gathered the essence of the world and conceived the essence of all things.

It seems that her beauty has surpassed the limit of human beings.

Just standing there lightly, Feng Caitian had the urge to bow down for the first time, because she couldn't find any flaws in her body at all, it seemed that when the world first opened, she had already stood proudly here In the world, peerless.

At this moment, a voice as gentle as the wind and as ethereal as a cloud sounded.

"Little girl, what are you looking at?"

Being called a little girl by a girl who looked only two years older than herself, Feng Caitian was already speechless.

But although the woman in front of her is beautiful, she is also very young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, but thinking of the time when the Nine-Turn Rubik's Cube existed, Feng Caitian felt relieved.

"Look at the beauties, otherwise what else can you look at!" Feng Caitian shrugged without any fear.

"Hehe... you are very interesting!" The woman suddenly opened her eyes, and couldn't help but laugh, her voice sounded like a relaxed smile.

At the same time, the foggy scene in front of her eyes gradually became clearly visible, and Feng Caitian finally saw the surrounding environment clearly.

This should be a courtyard, about the same size as the Zhuhai small courtyard of Sister Yue’s house, but the scenery is more serene. The huge phoenix tree is like a giant umbrella, covering the wooden house behind the woman, and countless flowers compete to bloom around her. Make her even more magnificent.

(End of this chapter)

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