Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 955 You Are Reasonable 4

Chapter 955 You Are Reasonable 4
Watching the castle master wake up is what they are most looking forward to and the most important thing.

"No, don' can't do this, why do you do it?" Yulan took a few steps back and roared at the top of her lungs, but she didn't make any sound.

However, Lan Ji could see what she meant from the shape of her lips.

"No reason, just because I am the hand of the four guardians and have the right to punish some things in the Demon City except the castle master." The corners of her lips curled slightly, without any emotion, as if the person in front of her was nothing at all A companion who has been together for thousands of years, but a passerby, a stranger who has never met.

"No..." Yulan shook her head with tears in her eyes.

However, Lan Ji was unmoved, and turned to look at Xing Yu, "Stay!"

"Yes!" Xing Yu's expression changed, and she was about to pull Yulan, when she saw Yulan raised her hand in rebellion, with huge spiritual power brewing in her hand.

Lan Ji's expression changed drastically, her eyes fixed on her fiercely, and she said, "How dare you!"

Yulan's raised hand froze for a moment, struggled for a while, and finally hung it down without courage, and the spiritual power in her palm also dissipated.

Soon, only Lan Ji, Qiu Ye, Liu Jin and others were left in the room.

Seeing Yulan and Xingyu's voices disappearing outside the house, Lan Ji couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and her tense face also relaxed.

"I'm really sorry, Yulan..." Lan Ji showed embarrassment, after all, this matter was all caused by them, and they were also very responsible for Miss Feng's disappearance.

Qiu Ye waved her hand, "I know that you can't blame all of my young lady's disappearances, but what Miss Yulan said was indeed too harsh, so that those of us who were 'invited' to treat illnesses seemed to be wrong. That's right." When Akiba said 'please', she deliberately emphasized her tone.

"Cough..." Lan Ji smiled mischievously, and quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, you said just now that the reason why you waited until dark to come in after the city gate was to open the defensive array?" Lan Ji asked.

"That's right." Qiu Ye blinked, a little confused, "Don't you know? It's because of your broken defense formation that we were able to bask in the sun for a full ten hours on that slope."

Although there is a sun umbrella, the sunlight is really too hot. Even with the pill and the sun umbrella, it will still feel hot when it shines on the body.

Lan Ji's expression flickered, and a look of ruthlessness flashed across her eyes, then she raised her head and said apologetically, "I think there must be something wrong with this, you guys are waiting here, I'll find out after I ask."

Let's talk, Lan Ji nodded at MG, as if asking for MG's opinion.

Mingjue didn't make any trouble, nodded to her, and walked out the door.

"My lord, are we going to let her go like this?" After walking for a long time, Qiu Ye was at the door, and after Lan Ji could no longer be seen, she walked up to MG and asked in a low voice.

Mingjue raised his head and glanced at her, "Let her go, it's useless to stay here."

"Then what about Miss?" Qiuye asked anxiously, obviously not satisfied with MG's answer.

"Do you trust your lady?" Ming Jue asked quietly after staring at Qiu Ye for ten seconds.

Qiu Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said without doubt, "Of course! Of course I believe in Miss!"

"Then do you think she will die?" MG smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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