Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 961 Blood Demon Recurrence 1

Chapter 961 Blood Demon Recurrence 1
If she didn't use spiritual power to assist her, she wouldn't believe that people could increase her speed to such a degree even if she was killed.

However, she is very clear that the first test of the God Punishing Token for the successor is how to survive the loss of spiritual power.Therefore, Zifeng was quite surprised at this time, and thinking of the speed at which the two of them ran for their lives together before, but Feng Caitian was always following closely behind, she couldn't help but start to feel relieved again.

"Be careful!" Zifeng opened her mouth, and a thousand worries melted into a gentle order.

Looking up again, Feng Caitian has already touched the abrupt white stone and used his strength to get on the platform.

Zifeng watched quietly, her heart was like a thunderous drum, her breathing was lowered a lot by her, those who didn't know thought she was acting as a thief for her accomplices.

Feng Caitian didn't have so many scruples, even the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin, Yunding Tiangong, these mysterious and dangerous places, she had sneaked to, let alone such an ordinary high platform.

However, Feng Caitian never dreamed of the so-called careless loss of Jingzhou, that one day she would make a wrong judgment and lose her intuition.

As soon as she stepped onto the high platform, the crystal ring on her finger suddenly shone with seven colors of light, but in the blink of an eye, it enveloped her whole body!
The sudden burst of light caused Feng Caitian to close her eyes involuntarily, a feeling of dizziness from falling immediately made her ready to fight!This feeling was like suddenly losing weight when taking an elevator in the 22nd century. She felt that the stone platform under her feet seemed to disappear.

Zifeng had been carefully watching Feng Caitian's every move, but when she suddenly saw a vision protruding, she suddenly had a bad idea, and without even thinking about it, she stepped forward and flew towards the platform with luck.

However, when she flew into the air, the high platform that had made her palpitate actually formed a thin film like soap bubbles in the air. When I came here, I had already used all my strength.

Under the high-speed inertia, Zifeng slammed into the transparent film with seven colors of light, and then.The extremely sunken membrane bounced back quickly, and before Zifeng had time to rub her bruised nose and swollen face, she was bounced back by the membrane again, and then flew out...

There was a loud 'bang' in the dark secret room, and Zifeng felt that her whole body was falling apart, and when her neck was crooked, she passed out.

On the other side, on the Gobi Desert, Liu Yihan who was quietly waiting in the tent suddenly became violent.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Bing Lin's heart skipped a beat, and she hurried over worriedly.

However, before he got close to Liu Yihan's side, he was swept away by a strong wind.

At the same time, the wide and sturdy tent was instantly torn in half by this wild breath.

"What's going on? What happened?" Hearing the noise, all the people who had been resting in the tent rushed out.

"Are you okay?" Bai Yu and Mao Qiu immediately found the ice scale lying on the ground vomiting blood.Mao Qiu hurriedly took out a pill and stuffed it in Bing Lin's mouth, while Bai Yu asked anxiously from the side.

You know, Binglin is a first-order magical beast, which is completely beyond the existence of these divine beasts. How could he be blown away and bleed, and fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

"I'm fine, master..." Although Binglin didn't continue to vomit blood after taking the elixir, the inner turmoil was definitely not a joke.


Three chapters will be updated first, and there will be more updates in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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