Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 987 Healing 1

Chapter 987 Healing 1
God Zeus is so smart, he has long guessed that Zifeng, a queen of a generation, would not easily accept Fan Ren's fate, so, while opening the trapped fairy formation to force the contract, he also cast a summoning spell in her body. It is impossible to escape, or even kill Feng Caitian before she becomes a god, and replace her.

Zifeng also knew that her idea was a little naive, but she didn't break the law after thinking about it, and she didn't really intend to leave forever.

"Who are you?" At this moment, a cool and displeased voice sounded.

Xiaobailong and Zifeng were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

The man in front of him was dressed in white, like an immortal under the moonlight, with a pair of shuddering eyes set on his handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

"Who are you?" Zifeng hesitated for a while, and asked a little defensively.Although she felt that with the strength of the man in front of her, she could crush him to death with one hand, but the aura exuding from him secretly frightened her.

Xiao Bailong snorted, wrapped his long and powerful arms around Zifeng's small waist, and stared back without showing weakness.

Just as Zifeng thought, this man with an evil smile on his lips could dip a toe into the mud, but his aura is so strong that even if he already possessed a godhead, Can't help but secretly startled.

Liu Yihan didn't answer, and his eyes as deep as a pool carefully looked at the two people in front of him. I have to say that these two people are very young, but their aura is very strong, but there is no hostility.

"Where's the master?" Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, Bai Yu flew over, with a humanoid fur ball and ice scale standing on his back.

"Hey, why are there other people here?" Maoqiu asked in surprise.

"Suzaku, snow fox, ice unicorn?" Zifeng and Xiaobailong were eye-opening. These three kinds of monsters are all rare, but now they are gathered together. Isn't this too rare?
"Are you friends of the master?" Fuqiu asked friendly, but was extremely surprised in his heart.He and Binglin both hid their animal forms and turned into human forms, but the woman opposite could see their disguises at a glance, which was really shocking.

Zifeng didn't answer, but asked in surprise, "Are you also Feng Caitian's contract beast?"

Maoqiu blinked and nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?" Then, he gave Zifeng a strange look, thinking that this girl knows what they are, why do they have to ask so many times? .

"All three of you?" Zifeng suddenly became a little flustered, isn't this too exciting?
Hearing this, Bing Lin glared at her, "I'm not."

"Then you belong to that handsome guy next to you?" Zifeng guessed excitedly.

Bing Lin frowned inexplicably, "Is it related to you?"

"Eh..." Zifeng choked suddenly.

"Oh, what did you say? My daughter-in-law asks you, that's how I respect you. Don't be ignorant!" Xiao Bailong is a standard man who loves his wife and is a good man. Seeing Zifeng being beaten, of course he stood up immediately Come out to accuse Binglin of being wrong.

Binglin rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask her to ask!"

"Okay," Xiao Bailong wanted to say something, but Liu Yihan quickly waved his hand, "I don't know what's going on with Caitian now, so stop making trouble here."

Binglin pursed her lips, "Who messed with him?"

Bing Lin whispered in his heart, Xiao Bailong gave him a disdainful glance, and then continued to look at the huge white light cocoon in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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