Traveling to the present: the white-collar life of the queen

Chapter 215 The Rivalry at the Dinner Table 2

Chapter 215 The Rivalry at the Dinner Table 2
Mrs. Zhou said with a gray face, "Miss Su, please use the serving chopsticks!"

Qingqing giggled and said, "It's okay Auntie, Zhou Yu and I often use the same pair of chopsticks!"

Seeing Zheng Yalin's face gradually turn green, Qingqing felt proud that she had finally avenged the humiliation she suffered at the beginning. She was not a little daughter-in-law who swallowed her anger, but a master who would repay her kindness and avenge her revenge!

Zhou Yu looked distressed, in fact he didn’t like fish very much, so he raised his head and said to Qingqing who was still serving food:

"Okay, I can't finish eating."

Mrs. Zhou said sullenly, "My Yu'er hates eating fish the most!"

After finishing speaking, he winked at Zheng Yalin.

Zheng Yalin understood, got up hurriedly, and used the most elegant movements to fill a small bowl of rose lover porridge, which she ordered deliberately, and handed it to Zhou Yu, Jiao Didi said:

"Brother Yu, this is the rose lover's porridge I deliberately ordered. Try it. Before eating vegetables, you must eat a bowl of porridge to maintain your health. Especially uncles and aunts, the more you eat, the younger you will be."

As he spoke, he served another bowl to Zhou Yu's parents and Zhou Fei.

Comparing this kind of virtuousness with Qingqing, it is natural that they are superior and inferior, even Zhou Fei can't stand it, but Zheng Yalin has too much deliberate and artificial elements.

Mrs. Zhou was so happy from ear to ear:
"Okay, okay, Yalin is the most caring, more like a daughter than Feifei! Zhou Yu, I can't let Yalin down."

Zhou Yu had no choice but to pick up the small spoon and prepare to eat the delicious rose porridge, but Qingqing flew up a chopstick, caught Zhou Yu's small spoon, and said:
"No, you must eat fish first today!"

After finishing speaking, he took a provocative look at Zheng Yalin, what do you mean, actually gave Zhou Yu rose lover porridge, I didn't feel at ease when I saw it, at least Zhou Yu is my boyfriend now!

Zhou Yu felt that Qingqing was a bit too much today, but now that the relationship between the two is in a wavering period, he didn't dare to offend Qingqing, so he had to pick up his chopsticks and prepare to eat fish.

Zheng Yalin's face elongated all of a sudden, but it was not easy to get angry, she just looked at Zhou Yu pretending to be resentful, Mrs. Zhou saw this, she quit, grabbed Zhou Yu's chopsticks, and said:
"Eat porridge first! As I said before, eat porridge before meals to keep healthy! What is Miss Su thinking about? Is it not for Yu'er's good?!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Qingqing with fire in his eyes, wishing he could drive her out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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