Chapter 218
In the next few days, Zhou Yu was even more courteous. In the words of the love sage Guo Peng, a man is born with a low life. When chasing a woman, he must pretend to be a grandson!

Hard work pays off, Zhou Yu's hard work finally moved Qingqing, a week later, Qingqing agreed to be Zhou Yu's girlfriend, Zhou Yu was worried that Qingqing would change her mind, and decided to get engaged on May Day.

Next week is May [-]st, engagement should be regarded as a big event, so Qingqing told Xiaomai and called her parents. Unable to get away, Qingqing's mother took the plane that day and rushed over.

It happened that Xiaomai was also seven months pregnant, and she was due to give birth in two more months, so Qingqing's mother made plans to live here for a long time.

That night, Zhou Yu came to see his future mother-in-law. Before that, he just heard a few words about Zhou Yu's situation from Mai Mai, which was not true.

No wonder Qingqing looks down on so many blind daters, so there is such an excellent young man!
But then he became worried again, this young man is handsome, his family is rich, and he is two years younger than Qingqing, can he live together?What's more, the life of a wealthy family is not as easy as others imagined, can Qingqing handle it?

Zhou Yu has already seen the change from happiness to melancholy. He guessed Qingqing's mother's thoughts, and repeatedly promised her:
"Auntie, you can safely hand over Qingqing to me, I will never let her be wronged in the slightest!"

Even so, Qingqing's mother was still worried, and asked Mai in private:
"Wheat, do you think Qingqing and Zhou Yu can live together?"

Wheat squeaked and said, "Maybe it can."

Qingqing's mother felt that Maimai's expression was wrong, and asked again: "Maimai, do you have something on your mind? Qingqing is a careless girl who doesn't know how to take care of others. If you have anything to do, just tell the godmother, and the godmother will give You back up."

Mai Mai smiled bitterly and shook her head. Ever since she heard the news that Qingqing was going to be engaged to Zhou Yu, she felt extremely uncomfortable for some reason. Although she also wanted Qingqing to be happy, the uncontrollable pain still engulfed her heart. Sometimes, the fetus in the womb always seems to have a sense, and will kick her a few times. This is probably the only consolation for Xiaomai.

(End of this chapter)

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