Chapter 226
"No, no, you are not as beautiful as Qiao Qiao. It's strange to say, why the first time I saw this child, I felt very familiar, as if I had seen it before, but I had never seen it before. Could it be that Is it the fate of our wives?"

Mai Mai was slightly taken aback, with a nervous expression on her face, and hurriedly said:

"You are his godmother, of course it's fate."

Qingqing still has some doubts in her heart, obviously the feeling of having seen it before is very strong, but she really can't remember where she saw it, maybe she saw the children of her brothers when she was in Dahao before, so she felt that Qiao Alice is very kind.

During this period, Zhou Yu performed well, not only bowing his head and ears to Qingqing, but also coaxing Qingqing's mother around, and taking good care of Mai Mai, often buying a lot of expensive baby products for Qiao Qiao.

"Qingqing, I think Zhou Yu is really a good kid. At first, I thought that a kid from a rich family was ignorant, and I was afraid that he would bully you in the future. Now it seems that he is completely subdued by you, and you are not young. It's over, it will be thirty in half a year, it's time to get married." Qingqing's mother persuaded.

Of course, it was because Zhou Yu kept bringing up the matter of marriage intentionally or unintentionally, which made her mother-in-law care, because Qingqing always chose to avoid Zhou Yu's marriage proposal, saying that she hadn't played enough.

"Mom, you want to drive me away too?" Qingqing said coquettishly.

Qingqing's mother had a loving face, and said angrily: "This child, how do you talk?! Look at Mai, you have a son, and you are too old. If you don't have children, you will become an elderly mother, and you will suffer when you give birth! Mom still wants to help you take care of the child while you are young!"

As soon as I said this, I heard Qiao Qiao crying loudly, and it seemed that I would be a singer when I grew up.

Everyone laughed, Qingqing said: "Look, Qiao Qiao is reluctant to marry me as a godmother!"

Qingqing's mother hurried over to coax Qiao Qiao, and said:

"Don't worry, grandma won't be partial. Your godmother gave birth to a baby, and I love you just the same!"

Mai Mai said: "This child is a ghost, he is afraid that his godmother will not want him, ha ha!"

In the days that followed, both Zhou Yu and Qingqing's mother began to put pressure on Qingqing. Qingqing thought twice, and although the boss was reluctant, she still agreed to get married. After all, her body is not young.

(End of this chapter)

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