Traveling to the present: the white-collar life of the queen

Chapter 254 Zheng Yalin's Misunderstanding

Chapter 254 Zheng Yalin's Misunderstanding
Zhou Yu was forced by his mother to send Zheng Yalin home once before, so he remembered her home, so he came up, and after entering the door, he saw Zheng Yalin's winking eyes flying around, his heart was not good, Zheng Yalin wouldn't misunderstand, right?

"Sit down." Zheng Yalin originally wanted to put on airs, but when she saw Zhou Yu's handsome appearance that made her heart flutter, she couldn't hold back anymore, and wished she could drag Zhou Yu to bed immediately.

She has been chasing Zhou Yu for a long time. One reason is that Zhou Yu is the type she likes, he is impeccably handsome, and the other reason is that the Zhou family has a prominent wealth.

It's a pity that Zhou Yu has always been indifferent to her, which made her extremely depressed, especially last time, Zhou Yu's parents had already agreed to their marriage, and she thought that her wish would be fulfilled immediately, but who would have thought that there would be a man on the way? Su Qingqing not only caused her to fail to marry Zhou Yu, but also made her full of anger.

Zhou Yu sat on the sofa farthest from Zheng Yalin. Zheng Yalin immediately made a cup of coffee and served it. When she bent over to pass the coffee, she could see the waves on her chest through the low neckline and translucent skirt.

However, Zhou Yu pretended not to see it, pretended to cough, and said, "Thank you! It is really urgent to take the liberty to visit today."

Zheng Yalin was slightly disappointed, sat on the sofa opposite, and said:

"Say it, if I can help."

I was very proud of myself, and was thinking about how to raise the conditions later, but Zhou Yu said with a gloomy face:
"Qingqing is missing."

Zheng Yalin was slightly taken aback, she blinked her eyes, she didn't expect this to happen, her good mood immediately disappeared, and she said depressedly:
"Oh, so this is the matter, you should call the police, what can I do for you?"

But I thought in my heart that it would be better if I disappeared, and it would be better not to come back forever.

Zhou Yu carefully looked at Zheng Yalin's expression, it didn't seem like she was lying, but she was unwilling, so she tried again:

"I've searched everywhere I can, and I've asked everyone she knows, except you."

Zheng Yalin frowned, her eyebrows stood upright, and she stood up and shouted: "What do you mean? Do you suspect that I hid your woman? I'm considered someone she knows? Zhou Yu! Don't go too far!"

I was so pissed off, I thought something ambiguous would happen when Zhou Yu came in the middle of the night, all the preparations were done, but unexpectedly it turned out like this, Zheng Yalin gritted her teeth so badly when Su Qingqing was mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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