Chapter 267 Surveillance Zhang Yifan

Li Xin nodded and said: "I saw some grass leaves on his body and some mud on his feet. He must have walked in the deep mountains just now, and he seems to be hiding something from us."

"That's why you stopped me from telling me the truth, because you suspected that he had something to do with Qingqing's disappearance, right?" Zhou Yu suddenly realized, and said.

Fang Yuxuan also seemed to understand Li Xin's meaning, frowned, and said:

"Could it be that he kidnapped Qingqing and hid her in the mountains? But why did he do this?"

Li Xin thought for a while, but was noncommittal, he was just guessing, he didn't dare to conclude, maybe Zhang Yifan also found some clues, and went to the mountains to find Qingqing?

Zhou Yu was a little impulsive, and said, "I'll go to him and ask him to understand!"

Li Xin hurriedly stopped him: "No! If he is like us, he is looking for Qingqing, but if he really kidnapped Qingqing, wouldn't you harm Qingqing if you go there like this? He can't be alone. After doing this, let's check to see if there is a woman surnamed He beside him!"

Having money means doing things well. Soon, they got the information from the private detective, but they didn't find out that Zhang Yifan had a close relationship with a woman surnamed He. There was only one girlfriend, who seemed to have broken up, and that woman Still abroad.

Maybe it's his own overthinking, Li Xin thinks so, but he must be on guard against others. On the one hand, he sent people to monitor Zhang Yifan's every move, and on the other hand, he was going to go into the mountains to investigate.

As for Qingqing, life has been difficult for the past few days, because Mo Qian came for a day and left in a hurry, so He Jingjing was left to look at Qingqing, because Qingqing had made He Jingjing choked up in the past few days, and He Jingjing was annoyed, Ignore Qingqing, no matter how Ren Qingqing yells or scolds, she just doesn't show up.

It's okay to make Qingqing feel bored, and Qingqing is not given food, often only one meal a day, and it is terrible.

"Smelly woman! Come out! Eat these moldy things again. When Mo Qian comes back, I will definitely expose you!"

"He Jingjing! If you don't get out, I'll hit the wall and kill myself!"


Qingqing shouted until her voice became hoarse, but no matter how much she threatened, He Jingjing wouldn't listen to her, which really broke Qingqing. It seems that the story of the wolf has been staged too much, and it has no effect.

(End of this chapter)

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