Chapter 278
Professor Wilson frowned, and said in blunt Chinese:

"How did this happen? How do we know what's weird about her? Is she the one we're looking for?"

Seeing Professor Wilson's suspicious face, He Jingjing hurriedly said:
"We won't lie to you, Professor. I have shown you the previous video. Since she can occupy other people's bodies, she will definitely not die easily. There may be new discoveries tomorrow."

Wilson traveled all the way to China, but he didn't expect to see a vegetative person. Naturally, he was very unhappy. Coupled with the exhaustion of traveling all the way, he decided to go to rest first, and entrusted He Jingjing and Mo Qingqing with the task of awakening Qingqing. modest.

Mo Qian took the two professors to another room to rest. He Jingjing looked at Qingqing angrily, and felt that Su Qingqing had caused her a lot of embarrassment today.

So he took out another silver needle, came to Qingqing, and said:

"Wake you up! Wake you up!"

Then he ruthlessly pierced Qingqing's fingers, you must know that the ten fingers connect to the heart, where the prick is the most painful.

After all, Qingqing is a martial arts practitioner. Feeling the sound of the wind approaching, her heart was not in a good mood. She turned over abruptly, avoided He Jingjing's needle, and stood up quickly, but because she slept for too long, she became dizzy for a while and couldn't stand stably. With a plop, it fell again.

"Ah!" He Jingjing's hand stopped in the air, her face turned pale with fright, and she let out a terrified scream.

But the sound insulation effect of the room is relatively good. Mo Qian and the others are busy entertaining the professor at the moment, and they are not by the monitor, so no one heard He Jingjing's scream.

He Jingjing was about to rush out the door, but Qingqing, who had reacted, immediately got up again, rushed over, and directly threw He Jingjing to the ground, her teeth itching with hatred, she punched He Jingjing in the face, and her nose was bleeding profusely.

"Are you a human or a ghost?!" He Jingjing endured the pain, terrified.

"It doesn't matter whether I am a ghost or not, the key is that someone will soon become a ghost!" Qingqing punched in again, He Jingjing shattered two front teeth, looked at Qingqing in horror, and spit out two words :

"Fraud corpse."

Then passed out from the pain.

The update has been slow for the past few days. I have been feeling uncomfortable. It was not too serious. I thought I could get through it, but I still can’t hold it back until now. I have a fever and a headache. Take a break.

(End of this chapter)

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