Chapter 127 Found it

Zhang Hao held the torch in his left hand and the hunting knife in his right.

It was already dark outside at the moment, and it was unknown when the heavy rain would last, so Zhang Hao wanted to ensure the absolute safety of this cave.

No matter what the sound was, Zhang Hao would not allow any threats to be by his side.

"I'll go inside to check the situation, you wait here." Zhang Hao explained.

"Brother Hao, I'll go too."

Lin Wan gritted her teeth, she didn't want to be treated as a vase behind Zhang Hao forever.

Also pulling out a burning log from the fire as a torch, Lin Wan's expression was also very determined.

"Then follow me closely."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he walked towards the depths of the cave.

The position of the entrance of the cave is no longer safe, instead of letting Lin Wan stay, it is better to let her enter the cave with him.

"Wow wow wow..."

As they continued to go deeper into the cave, the crying of the baby became louder and louder.

Coupled with the dim everything in the cave, it looks so eerie.

At present, more than 200 million people are still watching the live broadcast, but they are all huddled under the quilt in fear.

"When walking, you must be careful on the ground, and don't trip over the gravel." Zhang Hao said.


Lin Wan nodded.

After walking into the depths of the cave, the stones on the ground look very sharp. If you trip, those sharp stones are definitely enough to drink a pot.


A burst of subtle voices came from the cave.

"Brother Hao, there seems to be the sound of water in front." Lin Wan said.

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand, and gently tugged on Lin Wan's head, and a hair fell off.

"Oh, it hurts, why are you pulling my hair?" Lin Wan asked anxiously.

"Nonsense, talking about myself, doesn't it hurt." Zhang Hao said as a matter of course.

what! ?

This may sound reasonable, but...

"Look at your hair."

While speaking, Zhang Hao lifted Lin Wan's hair in front of her, and saw the hair swaying slightly.

"Here, look at you. Your hair is shaking, which means that this place is ventilated. There should be other exits from this cave, or an underground river."

Zhang Hao said seriously: "The reason why you use your hair is because your hair is long, so you can more accurately determine that there is wind here."

"Hehe, what you said really makes sense."

Lin Wan resisted the thought of unscrewing Zhang Haotian's spirit cover.

"Wow wow wow..."

When walking to the depths, I heard more and more crying, and the surrounding was dark. Just hearing this sound made my heart beat wildly.

"It scared me to death. Now I have turned off the sound and I am shivering under the quilt."

"Same as upstairs, I'm really scared, but I still can't stop wanting to read on."

"It feels like the distance is getting closer, and my hand is on the exit button. As long as my hand speed is fast enough, those unclean things can't catch up with me."

Many people have already squinted their eyes at this moment, as long as those scary things appear, they will immediately turn off their phones.

It's still really scary, but I'm also looking forward to it.

My heart is full of entanglements.

"Wow wow wow..."

The cries grew louder and came from behind a stone.

"Brother Hao, be careful!"

Seeing Zhang Hao walking over, Lin Wan reminded her in a low voice, and at the same time tightly held the torch in her hand. If there is really something terrible, the torch in her hand might save lives.

"It turns out that this thing is there."

After lighting the things behind the stone with fire, Zhang Hao showed a wry smile.


Seeing Zhang Hao's appearance, she knew that there was no danger. Lin Wan poked her head out from behind Zhang Hao, and saw a dark thing lying on the ground.

This thing doesn't look small, it's about one meter long, it looks like a fish, but it has four legs.

After the big mouth was opened, it made a penetrating sound like a child crying "Wah-wah-wah".

"This thing is a salamander." Lin Wan said with wide eyes in surprise.

"Yes, the scientific name is giant salamander, and the nickname is giant salamander. Although I have long known that salamanders can make children cry, I have never found such a thing in the streams of mountains and forests. Although I have a little doubt in my heart, I did not expect It really is this thing." Zhang Hao said.

"I've never seen a salamander before."

Just when Lin Wan was about to step forward, Zhang Hao quickly stretched out his hand to stop Lin Wan in front of him.

"Don't get close to this thing, the salamander is not as cute as its name, it's very fierce."

While speaking, he took out a bird's egg from his pocket, which was given to him by King Cobra Old Hei when he first entered the forest.

Zhang Hao casually threw the egg out.

"Wow wow..."

The salamander who was screaming suddenly jumped up, opened its mouth wide and caught the flying bird eggs.


Under the bite of great force, the egg liquid of the bird's eggs flew out, which shows how powerful the force is.

"It's amazing!" Lin Wan said in surprise.

"This thing is fierce and ruthless. It can bite off a piece of human flesh in one bite. Don't mess with it." Zhang Hao said.

Afterwards, Zhang Hao threw the other eggs in his pocket towards the giant salamander. After the salamander was full, he swayed his body, contentedly, and disappeared into the stream not far away.

"Brother Hao, there is a brook here." Lin Wan said in surprise.

"This is an underground river. I didn't expect that the depths here turned out to be an underground cave." Zhang Hao said in surprise.

Raise the torch higher, and you can see a lot of stalactites standing in the cave.

"It's so beautiful... Whoops!"

Just as Lin Wan was amazed, she suddenly tripped over something under her feet and fell to the ground.

"It hurts..."

When Lin Wan struggled to get up from the ground, she subconsciously grabbed something on the ground.

"what is this?"

Out of curiosity, Lin Wan held this thing in front of her.

"Bone... bone!"

It turned out to be a dark white skull in her hand, Lin Wan was so frightened that she trembled when she spoke, and threw the skull out with a trembling hand.

If it wasn't for Zhang Hao's quick eyesight and quick hands to support her, she would almost fall to the ground again in fright.

"What bones?"

Zhang Hao had been watching the underground river just now, and didn't even notice that Lin Wan fell and threw a bone.

Lin Wan was so frightened that she grabbed Zhang Hao's clothes corner with one hand, and pointed to the ground with the other hand, her eyes were full of fear.

Zhang Hao shone the torch downward, and saw corpses strewn about on the ground.

"The dead man, it looks like he's been dead for hundreds of years, not only the bones are left, but even the clothes are in tatters."

Zhang Hao frowned: "Ma'ergou Village is very remote and poor. Even in the war years, the village was still not affected. Why did a group of foreigners come here hundreds of years ago?"

While thinking about it, Zhang Hao's eyes lit up. Although Malgou Village is poor and dilapidated, there is one treasure that can make people crazy.

Are they here for that?
(End of this chapter)

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