Live stream I'm a dad in the countryside

Chapter 159 The Old Bear Ridge Crisis

Chapter 159 The Old Bear Ridge Crisis

This guy is kind of charming.

At that moment, Lin Wan looked at Zhang Hao bewilderedly.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Hao touched his face strangely and asked, "Is there a flower on my face?"

"'s nothing." Lin Wan blushed instantly and lowered her head.

"If you don't have anything, hurry up!" Zhang Hao reprimanded.


In an instant, all the beautiful fantasies Lin Wan had about Zhang Hao were shattered.

The veins on Lin Wan's forehead throbbed violently. How could this kind of guy have a daughter? Chen Ruoxue was really blind to fall in love with this guy.


After the mighty Dabai came to Zhang Hao's side, Zhang Hao turned over and rode on Dabai's body.

Zhang Hao patted the position behind him and said to Lin Wan, "Come up."

"Can Dabai stand it?" Lin Wan asked with concern.

Dabai's body looks very majestic, even bigger than a tiger, but it is not as good as a horse after all, Lin Wan is still very worried.

"Don't worry, Dabai is much stronger than you imagined." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Hao's words, Lin Wan was not polite, and turned over directly to Dabai's body. After sitting on it, she found that Dabai's back was quite stable, without any pressure at all.

"Little Huang, protect Yueer well, if you let me know that you are lazy, be careful and I will strip off your monkey skin." Zhang Hao said.


Xiao Huang patted his chest and signaled to Zhang Hao that he was fine.

In Zhang Hao's mind, Xiao Huang is very playful and very unreliable. Who knows if he is too playful and leaves Xiao Yue'er alone to sneak out.

Zhang Hao was able to feel at ease after being told by ear and face.

"Xiao Huang, well done, I will reward you when I come back." Zhang Hao said.


When he heard the reward, Xiao Huang's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly, for the master's reward, he would not let up a bit.

At that moment, Zhang Hao patted Dabai under him lightly and said, "Dabai, let's go."


With a howl of a wolf, Dabai ran wildly at high speed.

"Wow, so fast!" Lin Wan was shocked.

Dabai's speed was as fast as the wind, amazingly fast, even much faster than the big wild boar he was riding before.

"Da da da……"

After a burst of running wildly, in the blink of an eye, Dabai rushed out of the small village with the two of them.

"Dabai is too strong, he can carry the two of us so fast!" Lin Wan said in surprise.

"And the long bow on my back. This bow may not be lighter than yours." Zhang Hao praised with a smile: "Dabai is the son of the wolf king, and his physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary wild wolves."

There is another point that Zhang Hao didn't say, Dabai eats a lot of fairy dew, and the huge power can tear tigers and leopards alive, and it is easy to take them with him.

Running wildly, they rushed into the woods, not caring about the grass on their bodies at all, Dabai ran forward all the way.

Because the speed was too fast, in order not to fall, Lin Wan hugged Zhang Hao with one hand, and grabbed the phone with the other hand.

Zhang Hao in the front is holding the white hair on Dabai's neck with one hand, while holding a flashlight in the other hand to illuminate the forest in front of him.

Dabai is like a ghost in the jungle, constantly moving around, so fast that other wild animals can't catch up.

"Dabai is too powerful. My riding speed is not as fast as Dabai's, and not only is it fast but also lasts longer. I still have enough strength to run so far."

"I really want to have a pet like Dabai. In winter, I can hold it in my arms to keep warm, and I can also ride it. I'm so envious."

"Master Hao, I want to buy Dabai at a high price. I'm not short of money. Even if I exchange it with my luxury private cruise ship, I won't blink. If it's really not possible, you can match it with Dabai. I'll pay the same high price for its children."

"Upstairs, you are here to be funny, you are not short of money, is it that I, Master Hao, are short of money?"

"Hey, look at such a mighty and strong Dabai, and then look at my Erha. Sitting on it, I might be able to sit on it to death. The gap is really too big."

At this moment, everyone was envious in their hearts, wishing they could ride on Dabai's body and enjoy the feeling of riding a wolf.

Dabai, who was running, not only didn't feel tired, but felt very refreshed. He had always been Yue'er's bodyguard, and he was rarely able to run so freely.

Now its nature has been completely liberated.

Under the rapid running, in more than an hour, he passed through countless high mountains and crossed many streams, and he had already reached the depths of the mountain forest.


There were bursts of howling wolves in the deep forest, and under the illumination of Zhang Hao's flashlight, many pairs of green eyes could be seen in front of him.

"It's a pack of wolves!" Lin Wan exclaimed.

"I don't care, just sit tight and hold me tight," Zhang Hao said.

When hunting man-eating bears before, Lin Wan had seen wolves before, and knew how terrifying these beasts were. Seeing them again this time, she panicked.

And holding the mobile phone in one hand, and holding Zhang Hao in the other, she couldn't pull out her electric baton in a short time.


There were bursts of low growls from Dabai's mouth. Facing the pack of wolves, its speed still didn't slow down by half, on the contrary it accelerated a bit.

Seeing that Dabai was about to go deep into the pack of wolves, the hearts of the audience hung up. There were so many wolves in front of him, one bite at a time, I'm afraid none of them had a whole body.

At this moment, Dabai rushed into the pack of wolves, and the surrounding pack of wolves rushed towards the intruder in an instant.

"It's over!"

A wild wolf pounced on Lin Wan, and she could clearly see the windy teeth in the wolf's mouth, as well as the dripping saliva.

"Boom bang bang..."

Just when Lin Wan thought she was about to be bitten, Dabai accelerated suddenly, like a high-speed train, directly knocking all the wild wolves in front of him into the air.


The group of wild wolves fell to the ground fiercely and howled in pain.

Just when the other wild wolves were about to pounce on Dabai again, the extremely fast Dabai had already disappeared from their sights.

"Fuck, it's so exciting."

"Dabai is too fast, the other party doesn't even have a chance to follow Dabai and eat ashes."

"As expected of Dabai, Master Bai is mighty!"

Originally everyone thought that Zhang Hao and the others would be torn to pieces by the pack of wild wolves, but they didn't expect that the pack of wild wolves didn't even have the qualifications to stop Dabai.

While running again, it didn't take long for him to cross two hills, and he could vaguely see a high mountain in front of him, and he could hear roars from that high mountain from time to time.

"Dabai, stop." Zhang Hao said.


Dabai started to slow down, and finally stopped slowly on a small hill.

"Brother Hao, look quickly, there are many fire lights ahead, and many black bears!" Lin Wan exclaimed.

"Lao Xiongling is ahead." Zhang Hao said helplessly.

Standing on the hillside, you can see a cave on the opposite mountain, with a bonfire burning in front of the cave.

In front of this cave, there are many black shadows walking around, which are huge black bears.

The black bears had already surrounded the entrance of the cave, and the reason why they didn't rush in was because they were afraid of the flames at the entrance of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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