Chapter 178


When he heard this name, Zhang Hao rushed out with a startled face.

Regardless of the heavy rain outside, Zhang Hao, who had just rushed out, was instantly drenched by the heavy rain.

Many villagers were standing on the dirt road in the village, and they were all wearing raincoats, braving the storm and heavy rain and heading out of the village.

"Uncle Li, what happened? Flash flood? What flash flood?" Zhang Hao pulled someone over and asked.

"There was a flash flood outside the village, and the dealers were all washed away. Everyone went out to pick up people." Uncle Li said hastily.

There are large fields outside the village. Many big households rent the fields from some villagers to form a large area. They are afraid that some hares or wild boars in the village will harm the farmers, so they build small houses in the fields.

People live in small houses every day. Although this method is stupid, it is the most effective method. It can prevent nearly half of the food from being spoiled by those animals. If there is no one to guard it, the harvest may not even be one-third.

Today's group of people are wearing raincoats to pick up people in the fields, fearing that the rainstorm will be more serious, and even the people will be washed away.

"The terrain here is relatively high, and the mountain torrents can be smaller. According to the people in the village in front, the mountain roads in the low-lying areas have been washed away. Ah, I haven't finished talking yet. Why are you going?"

Uncle Li watched in shock as Zhang Hao's figure quickly disappeared into the heavy rain.

Zhang Hao, who was running, was extremely anxious, and took out the phone from his pocket.

"Connect, must connect!" Zhang Hao began to pray in his heart.

Fortunately, it is the latest version of the fruit phone, which has a certain waterproof function, so it can not be affected in such a heavy rainy day.

"Sorry, the phone of the person you dialed is switched off!"

When Zhang Hao heard the reply from the phone, Zhang Hao's heart was completely chilled.

As a business person, Chen Ruoxue's mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day.

It is self-evident what shutdown means.

Zhang Hao put two fingers in his mouth and blew hard, and a sharp whistle came out of his mouth.

"Da da da……"

The sound of running came from a distance.

I saw a white figure running in this direction at a very fast speed in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, Dabai came in front of Zhang Hao, and behind Dabai was Xiao Huang who was like a drowned rat.

"Xiao Huang went to Lin Wan's house to take care of Yue'er for me." Zhang Hao said.


Xiao Huang nodded his head. Seeing Zhang Hao's current appearance, the clever little guy knew that something serious must have happened. After running down from Dabai's body, he disappeared into the heavy rain.

Zhang Hao turned over and came to Dabai: "Dabai, run along the village road, hurry up."

Hearing the anxiety in Zhang Hao's heart, Dabai ran forward with Zhang Hao with four claws running wildly.

Riding on Dabai's back, Zhang Hao was full of anxiety.

As if feeling the master's mood, Dabai's speed was exceptionally fast, like a ghost in the rain.

Not long after advancing, I saw a few people running towards this direction.

"It's Ruoxue's secretary!"

The appearance of these people is very miserable, the whole body has been wet by the rain, and there is still a lot of mud on their bodies, as if they have just rolled in a mud pit.


When the little secretary saw Zhang Hao riding a white wolf, he was instinctively startled, wondering what kind of monster rushed out later.

"Where is Ruoxue?" Zhang Hao questioned.

"Dong... Chairman, she was washed away by the flood!" the little secretary cried.

In an instant, Zhang Hao felt as if he was standing on the spot like a thunderbolt, and his heart was in pain like a knife.

Zhang Hao grabbed the little secretary's shoulder and shouted loudly: "Where is the person? Where was he washed away! Say! Say!"

"You... you scratched me!"

Seeing Zhang Hao's appearance like a madman, the little secretary was frightened and burst into tears.

"If you cry again, I'll crush your neck!" Zhang Hao roared.

The little secretary was so frightened that she didn't even dare to cry.

"Tell me! Where is Ruoxue?" Zhang Hao asked coldly.

"On the small bridge in front of us, when we walked over, the small bridge suddenly collapsed, and our car fell down."

When he said this, the little secretary trembled with fright.

"The water was too fast at that time, and the driver and I tried our best to get out of the car. We could only watch the director being washed away by the water and the car together!"

In that kind of rushing flood, people's struggle is too weak. The flood is like a man-eating beast. Once it is swept away, life and death are not up to them.

It was really lucky that the little secretary and the driver survived. The two happened to be washed to the shore, but not everyone was as lucky as them.

She never wanted to recall that kind of fear for the rest of her life. When she came to her senses, Zhang Hao had disappeared.

At this moment, Zhang Hao ran wildly, and soon came to the side of the small bridge.

This is a small stone bridge, and the turbulent river is constantly beating on the broken bridge, splashing huge water.

However, the water surface is very fast now, but there is no shadow of Chen Ruoxue's vehicle, as if everything is submerged.

The flood in front of him was like a Tyrannosaurus running on the ground, seeming to be able to take away everything it passed.


Zhang Hao patted Dabai under him.


As Dabai got up, he started running along the downstream of the mountain torrent. The longer he ran, the colder Zhang Hao's heart became.


Following Dabai's yelling, Zhang Hao looked in the direction of Dabai's gaze.

I could vaguely see a black object that was tumbling in the mountain torrent.


Although they were far away and there was heavy rain blocking their view, Zhang Hao could tell that it must be the Rolls-Royce Cullinan that Chen Ruoxue was driving when he left.

The flood was very deep, and a little oxygen survived in the car so that a little bit of the body could still float on the flash flood.

And his wife is likely still trapped in that car.

"Catch up!" Zhang Hao shouted anxiously.

Under Zhang Hao's urging, Dabai's speed increased again, and he quickly caught up with that car.


At this moment, the torrent was extremely fast, and after a big wave, the shadow of the car disappeared completely in the muddy torrent.


Without hesitation, Zhang Hao jumped directly into the mountain torrent.

The flash flood was so huge and violent that Zhang Hao disappeared after jumping in.

In the face of such natural disasters, Zhang Hao's body didn't even splash a single splash.


Dabai anxiously walked around the shore, deeply worried about his master's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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