Live stream I'm a dad in the countryside

Chapter 182 The Disappearing Courage

Chapter 182 The Disappearing Courage

Chen Ruoxue came to sit beside Zhang Hao, stretched out her hand and gently grabbed the plate in front of her, and lightly sprinkled the powder on Zhang Hao's hand.

"It must be very painful, right?" Chen Ruoxue asked with concern.

"It's actually okay." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Don't cry, if you cry, tears will drip on my wound."

The more stable Zhang Hao was, the heavier the tears on Chen Ruoxue's face.

She will never be able to forget that in her most desperate and darkest time, it was this man who saved her.

It is also hard to forget how violent the violent current was when Zhang Hao led her out of the car, squeezing her to spit out the air in her mouth.

In that terrible situation, Chen Ruoxue couldn't imagine what kind of hardships this man went through to save himself.

He could have saved himself by not jumping into the water.

The tears never stopped, crying until the eyes were red and swollen.

After sprinkling the medicine powder, Chen Ruoxue carefully helped Zhang Hao start bandaging his hands.

It's just that the technology of bandaging is really not flattering.

Zhang Hao used his own mouth to bandage it before, so he could still pick up things, but Chen Ruoxue bandaged two steamed buns alive.

Chen Ruoxue felt embarrassed when she saw this scene.

"Zhang Hao, when the rain stops tomorrow, I'll take you to the hospital for treatment." Chen Ruoxue said distressedly.

"I am a doctor myself, and the bandages are much better than theirs." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "There is no need for a hospital."

If it was in the past, Chen Ruoxue would definitely not tolerate Zhang Hao's refusal, but it is different now, after she drank the traditional Chinese medicine, she miraculously found that she had the strength to get out of bed and walk.

It also changed her views on Chinese medicine. Since Zhang Hao insisted, Chen Ruoxue did not object.

"It's getting late. You are still weak and need a lot of rest. I'll send you back to sleep," Zhang Hao said.

"Is it just me?"

Chen Ruoxue lowered her head, her voice was as low as that of a mosquito.

"What did you say?" The voice was too low for Zhang Hao to hear clearly.

"'s nothing, I said you should go to bed early too."

The courage that had been summoned up disappeared under Zhang Hao's questioning, and at the same time, Chen Ruoxue's face became even hotter.

If the celebrities in Shanghai saw Chen Ruoxue like this, their jaws would probably drop to the ground.

The number one iceberg beauty in the capital city, the person who can make people cold to the bone, actually shows such an appearance, it is simply unbelievable for people to believe their eyes.

Probably because she was too shy, Chen Ruoxue hurried back to her room after saying goodbye to Zhang Hao.

Seeing Chen Ruoxue leave, Zhang Hao smiled. He felt that Chen Ruoxue had changed a lot.

Now that the medicine had been prescribed, Zhang Hao simply returned to his room. Seeing the palm wrapped in steamed buns, Zhang Hao smiled wryly.

"Hey, I can't even untie my clothes now, so I can only sleep with my clothes on." Zhang Hao said with a wry smile.

Because the palm was seriously injured, Zhang Hao looked like a caterpillar, and the bed that was pushed up got into the bed, and he couldn't hold things with his hands at all.

When he was lying on the bed and sleeping, Zhang Hao could still feel the life-like pain coming from his hands.

If Zhang Hao used Wannian stone milk mixed with Shangxian dew, he could reach the point where the bones could be raw, and he would definitely be cured in two days.

It's just that Wannian stone milk is the life of his daughter, and Zhang Hao is reluctant to use even a drop, preferring to suffer himself. With the help of Xianlu, the recovery speed is far faster than ordinary people.

Slowly, Zhang Hao sank into sleep under the severe pain.

late at night.

The torrential rain that had lasted for two days finally began to slowly start to weaken.

The next day.

When Zhang Hao woke up, the sun had already come out, shining warmly on his body.

Raising his hand to look at the wrapped palm, he felt that the pain on it had weakened a bit.

"In a few days, the palm should be able to fully recover, not bad." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

Regular consumption of celestial dew has made Zhang Hao's body stronger than ordinary people can imagine. The recovery speed is already fast, and with the addition of various medicines and celestial dew, the effect is even more obvious.

When Zhang Hao walked out of the room, he heard a chattering sound coming from outside.

When Zhang Hao just walked out the door, he saw Lin Wan teaching Chen Ruoxue to cook in the kitchen.

Zhang Hao was surprised when he saw this scene.

In the past, he could feel Chen Ruoxue's hostility towards Lin Wan, but what is the situation now, these two are as good as sisters.

"Pfft, just now my father-in-law looked so confused, I laughed so hard."

"Haha, Master Hao should be wondering why these two women didn't fight?"

"Don't say Brother Hao is confused, even I am confused, are all of them so generous?"

"Can you people be more pure? Master Hao and Master Wan are pure brothers. If I have such a beautiful wife, I can be brothers with Master Wan, the kind that doesn't have evil thoughts."

When Zhang Hao appeared, the bullet screen began to surge crazily, and the teasing got so excited that he forgot to ask why Zhang Hao's hands were injured.

"You... what are you doing?" Zhang Hao asked strangely.

"Xiaowan taught me how to cook. I have to say that Xiaowan's cooking skills are really good." Chen Ruoxue said with a smile.

Lin Wan smiled embarrassedly: "I just know a little bit of cooking skills, but I'm not as good as you say, sister-in-law."


Seeing Zhang Hao's bewildered look, Chen Ruoxue couldn't help laughing, this man didn't even think about breaking his head, Chen Ruoxue must have initiated the relationship between the two women.

Last night, Chen Ruoxue figured out a lot of things. A man is willing to risk his life to save you, so why don't you trust this man.

Since her daughter also likes Lin Wan and has confidence in her man, of course Chen Ruoxue would not choose to be a jealous woman.

"Villagers, please pay attention. One person from each family will come to the village committee to gather."

Above the loudspeaker in the village, the voice of the old village head came from it.

"I'm going to the village committee. It seems that the whole village meeting was held probably because of the mountain torrent." Zhang Hao said.

However, Zhang Hao found that the two women were chatting passionately, as if they hadn't heard his words.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhang Hao smiled wryly and walked out the door. He didn't expect to be ignored so much.

Zhang Hao's departure did not have much impact on Chen Ruoxue and Lin Wan, the two were still chatting passionately, and Chen Ruoxue also humbly learned how to cook from Lin Wan.


There was another loud noise at the door, the door of Zhang Hao's house was kicked open, and a group of people broke into Zhang Hao's house with hoes, rakes, shovels and other things.

(End of this chapter)

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