Chapter 198

The three looked at Zhang Hao with increasingly disdainful expressions.

"If you want to ask us about diving knowledge, then you are looking for the wrong person, you are not worthy." Han Kai, the captain among the three, said arrogantly.

"The captain is right. It's just two jokes. Being able to talk to us is a blessing you have accumulated in eight lifetimes. You should be grateful to Dade."

"Looking at your angry look, don't you think that we are on the same level naively? Make it clear that you are just searching for waste in some simple areas."

They laughed arrogantly. Among all the teams, their team is the best, and has the qualifications to look down on everyone, let alone the two farmers.

Han Kai walked out with a smile: "Dragon does not live with snakes, you are not worthy to be with us, recognize this."

"Apologize to my friend." Zhang Hao said coldly.

"Apologize?" Han Kai covered his stomach and laughed loudly: "Haha, are you worthy?"

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about with the beast."

Zhang Hao walked towards the three with a cold face, felt his arms tighten, looked behind, and saw Er Niu holding him back.

"Haozi, let's forget about this matter, it's just being said a few words, and it's not a nuisance." Er Niu persuaded with a simple smile.

Although Er Niusheng is tall and burly, he has lived in this village all his life, and when he occasionally sees people from the city, he feels very inferior.

Zhang Hao patted Er Niu on the shoulder: "It's okay, I'll go and reason with the other party."

"It's reasonable, you have studied for a few years, and you are still with me..."


Before Han Kai finished speaking, he was kicked in the stomach. It felt like being hit by a train, and he flew out instantly.

The huge force was blasted out, flew out of the pier in an instant, and fell on the sea surface with a "plop", causing countless splashes.

"Dog, you are looking for death!"

"Male Gobi, did you give me a face?"

When the two companions saw the captain being kicked out, they became furious instantly, and rushed towards Zhang Hao, raising their arms to hit him.

"You two go down too!"

These two people were carrying heavy diving equipment and oxygen cylinders. They were very clumsy, so how could they be Zhang Hao's opponents.

Zhang Hao just waved his hand lightly, and pushed two or two people under the pier.

"Pfft puff..."

With the sound of two entering the water, the two people fell directly into the sea.

The three of them were all experienced divers. They fell into the water in a panic, and they didn't get in danger of choking on the water. Instead, they floated on the water and glared at Zhang Hao.

"Bastard, you are dead on the horse, I will definitely let you get out of here."

"You two bastards, you don't even know who you offended, even if you kneel on the ground and beg us, it's useless!"

"What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and pull us up!"

The three of them just felt that they had lost all face, and their only thought now was to catch Zhang Hao and let them get out of this place.

At this moment, the three people had already swam to the stone wall of the pier, hoping that Zhang Hao could put down the rope and pull them up.

Waiting left and right, I found that Zhang Hao didn't move at all, which made the teeth of the three people in the water itch, really unrepentant.

This pier was an old pier decades ago, and it was built of stones. Using hands and feet together, the three began to climb the stone wall, preparing to climb up.

As a result, halfway through the climb, Zhang Hao came to the pier again, dragging a stone the size of a human head in his hand.

"You...what are you going to do? Put down the stone quickly!" Han Kai said hastily.

"Apologize to my brother!" Zhang Hao said coldly.

"You dream..."

Just when Han Kai blurted out angrily, Zhang Hao suddenly threw the stone the size of a human head.

Han Kai watched helplessly as the stone flew towards him. The stone was like a scythe in the hands of the god of death. At that moment, his legs trembled in fright.

"Swoosh... plop."

The stone flew past Han Kai's face with the whistling sound of the wind, and fell into the water. The water splashed and fell on the three of them.

At that moment, the three of them were terrified. When they saw Zhang Hao picking up a stone again on the pier, the three of them wished they could leave and jump into the water to stay away from this demon.

"I'll give you one last chance to apologize. If you miss this time, you can apologize in your next life." Zhang Hao said coldly.

At this moment, the three people were standing on the stone wall of the pier, unable to go up or down, and could only look at Zhang Hao holding the stone above their heads.

"I'm sorry!" Han Kai said through gritted teeth.

"Not sincere at all, apology again."

At this moment, Han Kai was so angry that his whole face was distorted, but he still squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "I'm sorry."

If Han Kai had a knife in his hand, he would definitely not mind sending this bastard to the west.

"Haozi, let's forget about this matter, don't make it a big deal." Er Niu persuaded from the side.

"For my brother's sake, forgive you once."

Zhang Hao threw the stone aside and ignored the three people on the stone wall.

Seeing Erniu start to take off the diving equipment on his body, Zhang Hao asked suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"After offending these three guys, we can't stay anymore. Let's go by ourselves, so as not to be embarrassing." Er Niu said helplessly.

Thinking that the 100 yuan a day would be gone like this, Er Niu felt unwilling, but now he has no choice but to get the money.

At this moment, the three of Han Kai also climbed onto the pier, looking at Zhang Hao and the other with resentment.

At the same time, the movement here also attracted people from the Haibao Bureau, and a comrade from the Haibao Bureau came here.

"What happened? Just heard someone shouting here?" the person from the Marine Protection Bureau asked.

"Comrade, I will report..."

A team member next to Han Kai immediately stood up, his eyes were full of resentment, and he wished to drive Zhang Hao and the others out immediately.

As a result, Han Kai covered this person's mouth before he finished speaking.

"Ahem, comrade, the three of us accidentally fell into the sea, so our voice was a little louder, which caused you trouble." Han Kai said hastily.

"Well, this pier has been built for decades, and some places are not strong. If you are not familiar with this place, you must be careful, don't fall down again, and pay attention to safety."

After the staff member finished speaking, he turned and left. Things at the pier are very busy now, and the staff has no time to waste in this place.

Han Kai also let go of his team member's mouth.

"Captain, why didn't you report these two bastards? We are the strongest diving team. As long as the three of us speak up, these two peasants will definitely be disgraced and get out!" asked the muffled team member in confusion.

"Let them go, it's too cheap for them." Han Kai said with a look of resentment: "He is very good at fighting on the shore, but we have the final say in the water. Isn't it easy to play him to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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