Chapter 662

Seeing that Zhang Hao was so ignorant, the stall owner immediately pulled the young man over and said, "I still have many kinds of purple roots like this here, and I will sell them to you for 20 yuan."

Hearing this, the young man looked at the stall owner with an idiot-like expression.

"Do you know that the violet root just now is the best violet root, and the ones you have left are dyed." The young man said angrily.

There are not a few top-quality violet roots in the world, and more are found in the depths of the desert. No one will go there to look for them, and even if they go, it is difficult to come out alive.

"What you said is true?" The stall owner's mouth was trembling.

The young man pointed to the old man beside him and said, "Do you know who this is?"

Seeing the stall owner shaking his head in a bewildered expression, the young man said, "This is Mr. Nalan, the drug king of Magic City. Do you think he can be mistaken?"

"Nalan...could it be..."

Seeing the stall owner's appearance, Mr. Nalan stroked his white beard: "I have been in the Chinese medicine industry for decades, and I will definitely not be mistaken. That is the top-quality purple root."

Mr. Nalan has said so, so is there any fake? Now the stall owner only feels that he has lost a few hundred million, which is really heartbreaking.

Seeing the stall owner fell to the ground, the young man knelt down to help him feel his pulse. Mr. Nalan said, "Don't worry, he's in a hurry, just take a rest and he'll be fine."

Sure enough, the symptoms were the same as his own pulse, and the young man had to admire the teacher's ability.

"The teacher is really extraordinary, and he can see the problem with just one glance."

Nalan said lightly: "Stop talking about this, go find that young man quickly, if you find Ziluogen, your sister might be able to restore her original appearance."

Hearing what the teacher said, the young man immediately ran forward.

Since my sister was poisoned, her face began to fester. No matter how many medicines she tried, there was no improvement. Now her whole body is almost abnormal.

At this moment, Zhang Hao is constantly looking for good centipedes in the shops and street stalls. With Ziluogen, gallnuts are no longer needed. Now he only needs to find good-quality centipedes, and then he can go back and mix them with royal jelly. To treat disfigurement is the best.

"Please save my husband..."

A middle-aged woman hugged a man in the middle of the road and kept crying, and all the people passing by looked sideways.

Zhang Hao came forward, this woman was plainly dressed, with a weather-beaten face, she looked like she had come to the country for medical treatment, the man in her arms was in a coma, but the pustules on her body were particularly eye-catching.

He was supposed to be a healthy middle-aged man, but he was tortured by this strange disease and was as skinny as a stick.

According to the woman's account, her husband fell ill suddenly the year before last. At first, there were pustules on his body, and later it developed on his face and body. The smell of pustules was so bad that even the neighbors stayed away from him.

She bought a house and land, and brought her husband to Shanghai to seek medical treatment. She spent money and asked for help, but there was no cure.

I heard people say that this disease can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine. They have been going to various hospitals in the past few days, but no one has taken over.

Just yesterday her husband suddenly fell into a coma, she had no choice but to try her luck in the traditional Chinese medicine market, hoping that some kind Chinese medicine doctor could help her.

"Hey, it's rare for such a good wife. They have been kneeling here for two days. If no one treats her, I'm afraid she will die."

"This man must have been a good person in his previous life, that's why he has such a good wife to protect her in this life."

"But the smell is too bad, I can't get through it at all, isn't there anyone to take care of it?"

The surrounding crowd, some sympathized, some hated, and even wanted to drive them out.

Zhang Hao could tell that this wife really loved her husband, presumably her husband also gave her a lot of love.

Just when Zhang Hao was about to go to the hospital for treatment, the young man grabbed Zhang Hao.

Panting, he grabbed Zhang Hao's hand and said, "Brother, I finally found you. According to what you said before, one hundred times, 200 million, can you sell me that purple root?"

"Of course not." Zhang Hao refused.

This thing is not only used to treat Xinxin, but it will also be very helpful to him in the future. He will never buy it.

Seeing Zhang Hao's reluctance, the young man really lost his patience. He even thought of some special methods, but he really didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

The young man's name is Lu Ming. His name is very common, but his background is very prominent.

Anyone who is in the traditional Chinese medicine circle knows that Jiangnan Lujia is the most influential pharmaceutical factory in the country.

Almost 70.00% of the country's medicines have passed through the hands of the Lu family, which shows its extraordinary strength.

Lu Ming is the sole heir of the Lu family, and it can be said that the Lu family will be his world in the future. Such a distinguished and rich second generation actually came down to find medicine in person.

Lu Ming has a younger sister, who is the only relative left by his mother. His father has many illegitimate children outside, but his grandfather never approves of them, and will not give them any chance to inherit.

So in the family, only he and his sister are the closest.

Suddenly one day his sister's face was ruined. Lu Ming was so anxious that he searched all over the country, but there was no doctor who could cure his sister.

Nalan Pavilion is Lu Ming's teacher and a well-known medicine king. He has been studying Chinese medicinal materials all his life. He told Lu Ming that as long as there is the best violet root, her sister can restore her original appearance.

Since then, Lu Ming has been looking for it all over the country, but he has not found it.

He also came here with his teacher for a stroll today, but the teacher saw the purple root in Zhang Hao's hand at a glance. This is his sister's only chance to recover, and he will get it no matter how much it costs.

"Brother, as long as you give it to me, you can tell me how much it is." Lu Ming said sincerely.

Zhang Hao came and glanced at him with interest: "It seems that you are someone who knows medicine, well, as long as you can find Shi Zhonghua, I will give this to you."

"The flower in the stone?" Lu Ming had never heard of this thing either.

He asked the teacher for help and looked over, Nalange thought for a while and said: "The flower in the stone is a legendary flower that blooms in the crevices of the stone. It is said that as long as you get this flower, you can prolong your life and even greatly strengthen your physique. "

Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Yes, although Shi Zhonghua is only recorded in the book, but I know it must exist."

"Brother, I really don't have a flower in the stone. If I can, I can exchange it with you with Tianshan snow lotus." Lu Ming said anxiously, almost giving him all his worth.

But Zhang Hao shook his head: "A carload of snow lotuses can't exchange for a single flower in a stone."

At that moment, Zhang Hao ignored Lu Ming and walked towards the middle-aged woman.

(End of this chapter)

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