Chapter 688 Scarlet Beetle
Just when everyone kept laughing at Zhang Hao and Lin Wan, there was a very attractive smell wafting over with the wind.

When everyone smelled this smell, they were all shocked.

In an instant, I felt that the saliva began to be secreted in large quantities, and the smell almost drew their souls out.

It is so fragrant, I feel the saliva is constantly secreted, and I look over there unconsciously.


"Where did they get the game?"

"This is unscientific. Why do they eat so deliciously?"

Li Qing and other adventurers looked at Zhang Hao and Lin Wan with their mouths full of oil, and their envious eyes glowed green.

Looking at other people's barbecue and grilled fish, and then looking at the jerky in my hand, tears are about to flow out.


Originally, they were very grateful to Wang Shao for bringing them such high-quality wild instant food.

This thing is not something that a group of adventurers like them can afford, it is ridiculously expensive.

But the price is expensive, there is a reason for it, at least these dehydrated instant food can keep the taste of raw materials to the maximum extent.

These things, for this group of wild explorers, are simply supreme delicacy.

They were grateful to Wang Da, and were even happier to be able to eat such good food.

He was proud with Zhang Hao and others just now, but he never expected that his face would be swollen when he saw what Zhang Hao and others were eating.

Dehydrated ingredients that are easy to carry are indeed very rare in the wild, and they are also delicious.

But no matter how delicious dehydrated ingredients are, it is impossible to compare with fresh ingredients.

Take a look, how fragrant and mellow the barbecue is.

And such a plump rabbit is still dripping oil.

The point is, they are in the wild and occasionally eat some wild game, but...

But Zhang Hao's game is so special.

After taking a sip of the taste, and facing the bland dehydrated vegetables in front of me, I have no appetite at all.

"Wang Shao's ingredients are very expensive, come here, don't waste them, eat quickly..."

Although Li Qing also has no appetite, even like chewing wax, but he has no choice but to eat!

This is the horse riding field, and it is also the most dangerous Shennongjia, where you may die if you are not careful.

Eating a full stomach here and having sufficient strength can increase the probability of survival.

When everyone heard Li Qing's words, they all took the food in their hands and started to eat it.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Things that were delicious before feel that they have no taste at all.

Eating, eating, everyone's tears flowed down.

Wang Da, who was originally sitting with the adventure team, came to Zhang Hao's side cheekily.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Hao glanced at him lightly.

"Ahem, I'm not sending some dehydrated ingredients to Brother Hao. I chopped these ingredients and put them in a pot to make porridge. It's delicious." Wang Da said with a smile.

Wang Da completely showed his shameless appearance.

"Go away, do it yourself."

While speaking, Zhang Hao casually threw the two fish that had not been cleaned up towards Wang Da.

"Hey, thank you Brother Hao, thank you Brother Hao."

Just when Wang Da was about to leave, Zhang Hao grabbed Wang Da.

"Here, take some of this stuff away. When the sauce is spread on the fish, it will be even more delicious when baked." Zhang Hao said.

Zhang Hao found out his small jar, took out two fish servings of sauce, and sent it to Wang Da.

"Hey, it's no wonder Brother Hao's food is so delicious. It turns out that there is such a good thing."

After Wang Da took the sauce, he happily walked in the direction of the original adventure team.

A member of the adventure team cleaned up the two fish with ease, and then spread the sauce on them.

For everyone, Wang Da is the boss, and he is also a rich and generous boss.

Naturally, everyone should take good care of this uncle.

Soon, the two grilled fish began to emit bursts of fragrance.


Everyone wailed in their hearts, it was so uncomfortable!

It turns out that although Zhang Hao's fragrance is so fragrant that it doesn't look like a delicacy in the world, it is still a bit far away.

But it's different now.

This delicacy is just around the corner.

This is so uncomfortable, it makes life worse than death.

Everyone felt that they were scratching their heads, making life worse than death.

Originally, Wang Da had planned to share a fish with other adventurers.

But the taste was so delicious that I was completely reluctant to part with it.

Two fish look quite big, but actually there is not a lot of meat. For an adult, two fish are just right.

Everyone was so greedy that they shed tears, but the other adventurers still remembered the cynicism and ridicule they had just given to Zhang Hao, but they couldn't save their face and asked for food from Zhang Hao.

After a brief rest, everyone started to set off again.

Because of the food matter, the resentment towards Zhang Hao in everyone's hearts increased significantly.

At this moment, everyone has entered the boundless forest and started to move towards the dangerous core.


While walking, Zhang Hao felt a strange feeling coming from his feet.

Looking down, it was a beetle that was crushed.

This is a very weird-looking beetle with a dark red body and six legs that look very strong.

"Brother Hao, what are you looking at so engrossed?" Lin Wan asked curiously.

"We are in trouble. Everyone stops immediately. We need to change our direction and avoid the small basin in front of us." Zhang Hao said anxiously.

Li Qing turned his head: "Zhang Hao, don't go too far. Crossing the basin ahead can save us a day's journey. Do you know how dangerous the extra day will be?"

Whether it was due to time considerations or safety considerations, Li Qing didn't want to take a detour.

I don't even want to be directed by a layman.

"See that dead bug under my feet?"

Zhang Hao pointed to the insect corpse and said, "We call it the scarlet beetle. What it likes to do most is to penetrate into the human body, then continuously penetrate into the heart, and finally kill the host."

"It may take a few days for a young scarlet beetle to kill its host, but for an adult scarlet beetle, it only takes one minute to kill its host."

When Zhang Hao said this, Li Qing had a mocking smile on his face.

"Nonsense, I have been adventuring for more than ten years, and I have never heard of this kind of bug. Don't deceive people here, or I will be rude to you!" Li Qing said with a sneer.

"You are just a frog in a well. Shennongjia is dangerous. How many people do you know? The reason why you survived is due to good luck. Don't use your luck to measure the horror of nature!"

Zhang Hao's warning, in exchange for Li Qing's disapproval.

Even take it as a joke, how can there be bugs in this world who like to drill their hearts.

"Let's keep going!" Li Qing said with a sneer, "If anyone is cowardly, just stay here!"

(End of this chapter)

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