Live stream I'm a dad in the countryside

Chapter 692 Discovery Tracking

Chapter 692 Discovery Tracking

The crowd marched in a hurry, walked about a hundred miles, and finally came to a small river.

"Mr. Zhang, everyone has been running wildly for such a long time, so let's take a rest here."

Li Qing originally opened his mouth to call Zhang Hao's name directly, but stopped in the middle of the sentence.

What he said was indeed correct. They walked for a whole morning, and the mountain road was difficult. If it wasn't because Shennongjia was too evil, they probably wouldn't be able to walk so far.

Except for Lin Wan who was riding Dabai, the rest of the people were already exhausted.

"Okay, it's not far ahead, we're going to rest."

Zhang Hao pointed to a place not far ahead, which was a relatively wide place with a very good view.

Once there is danger approaching, everyone present will be able to spot it immediately.

Everyone came to this place next to the small river, and then began to rest. Everyone began to actively collect some dry branches and prepare to light a fire.

This time is different from before, no one rejects Zhang Hao anymore, wishing to get very close to Zhang Hao.

Only then will they feel safer.

It was still the old rule, Dabai went to hunt some wild game nearby, but after this game bringing meeting, someone took the initiative to help clean it up.

Finally, bring back the cleaned ingredients and put them next to the fire to start grilling.

Because it is coated with a layer of secret sauce, the grilled meat is particularly fragrant.

And this time, everyone has a share.

"Suck it, it's so delicious, Brother Hao, I was ignorant before, please don't take it to heart."

"Yeah, I blamed me for looking down on people before. I didn't expect you to be a real expert in the industry."

"Thank you Brother Hao for not blaming us, I'm really ashamed, sorry, sorry."

The few people around the fire kept apologizing to Zhang Hao with a very sincere attitude.

Before, they really didn't take Zhang Hao seriously, but after experiencing what happened before, they realized how ridiculous they were.

"The previous things are in the past, don't think about the past, let's work together to get out of Shennongjia." Zhang Hao said.

Shennongjia is very dangerous and terrifying. If there are other people to help, Zhang Hao's pressure will be much less.

One of them also took out a small jar from his backpack.

"This is my home-brewed liquor. I don't bring much with me. Just take a few sips and relax."

While the man was talking, he took the small jar and poured a small cup for everyone present.

There are not many drinks, and you won't get drunk after drinking.

Although it is taboo to drink alcohol in this place, everyone is under great pressure in this environment where life and death are in danger at any time.

For men, there are only two ways to relieve stress, one is women.

The second is drinking.

It was precisely because of this that the man brought a small jar of wine over.

Because of the great pressure, everyone did not refuse the brother's drink, and drank lightly while eating the barbecue.

Because there was too little wine, they were reluctant to drink it all in one go, so everyone drank in small sips.

At this moment, in the bushes in the distance, a pair of eyes full of killing intent stared at these people.


Dabai, who was eating roasted rabbit, seemed to have lost something, and looked up at the distant woods.

That is, the moment Dabai raised his head, those eyes disappeared.

"Dabai, what's the matter?" Zhang Hao asked curiously.

"Ow ooh..."

Dabai called softly a few times.

Others don't understand Dabai's meaning, but Zhang Hao does.

"Well, I understand what you mean." Zhang Hao nodded.

Zhang Hao could tell that Dabai was reminding himself that there seemed to be some danger around him.

But Dabai is not very sure.

"Go and check the place you sensed just now, and remember that if there is any danger, come back as soon as possible." Zhang Hao patted Dabai's head.


Dabai nodded.

After all, it was about the safety of the owner, so Dabai walked towards the distant woods without hesitation.

Seeing Dabai's figure disappear into the woods, the others looked at Zhang Hao curiously.

Li Qing asked nervously: "Mr. Zhang, did you find anything?"

"Dabai seems to have discovered something, but we can't be sure. Let's wait for it to come back." Zhang Hao said.

Everyone looked at Zhang Hao enviously.

Dabai's outstanding IQ and level of obedience are shocking.

As adventurers, they have also seen some top hounds.

An excellent hound can help the owner do too many things, not only help the owner bring back the dead prey, but also find the way and observe the surrounding dangers.

And Zhang Hao's Dabai is undoubtedly even better, which makes everyone very envious.

If they could have such a hound, they would be eligible to join the top adventure team just by virtue of such a hound.

"Dabai is back." Li Qing said.

Everyone turned their heads and looked in Dabai's direction.

I saw Dabai running towards this direction quickly.

"Ow ooh..."

Dabai came to Zhang Hao's side and began to scream, and Zhang Hao's brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Mr. Zhang, did you find anything?" Li Qing asked anxiously.

"We were stared at by a ferocious beast. Dabai discovered that beast when it was peeping at us. At that time, Dabai only had a vague feeling and was not sure."

Zhang Hao explained: "I asked Dabai to check in that direction. Dabai did smell some beasts and found some traces of beasts. We are in trouble."

"Puff puff……"

At this moment, Dabai spit on the ground in front of Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao looked down and found a strand of black hair in Dabai's saliva.

Not too dirty, picked up the black hair from Dabai's saliva and examined it carefully.

"Captain Li, do you think this is the hair of a black panther?"

Zhang Hao brought the drooling Mao to Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't think it was dirty, so he began to examine it carefully, wishing he could snap his eyeballs off and stick them to the black hair.


At that moment, Li Qing opened the zipper of his backpack and took out a small transparent bag, which contained black fur.

"Mr. Zhang, it's no surprise that we are being targeted by another black panther."

A smile that was uglier than crying appeared on Li Qing's face.

Inside the small bag was a strand of dead black panther's fur. To Li Qing, this was his own trophy. Now comparing the two kinds of hair, they are almost identical.

"Damn it, two black panthers are so rare. Why are they staring at us? Could it be the brother of the dead black panther?" Li Qing asked puzzled.

"Who knows." Zhang Hao said helplessly, "Just be careful."

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?" Li Qing asked humbly.

"Cold salad, at least we are safe now, this place is so spacious, if it wants to attack us, it will be able to find out immediately, so everyone must take a good rest here and recharge your spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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