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Chapter 697 It Actually Attracts the Snake King

Chapter 697 It Actually Attracts the Snake King
While everyone was running, Zhang Hao felt cold behind him, as if he was being stared at by something.

When Zhang Hao turned his head and looked behind him, he found that huge snake king staring at him with a pair of golden ruthless eyes.

"damn it!"

The moment Zhang Hao saw this big guy staring at him, Zhang Hao's heart sank. He knew that there was no point in escaping now.

"Run, follow Dabai's back!"

Zhang Hao explained: "Remember, none of you can stop until Dabai stops!"

Then Zhang Hao said to Dabai and Xiaohuang: "You two protect them well, no matter what, don't come to me!"

At that moment Zhang Hao stopped, but his hands suddenly pushed on the backs of Wang Da and Li Qing.

Wang Da and Li Qing were pushed far away.

When the two of them turned their heads, they could still see that in the Poisonous Dragon Pool, the gigantic monster-like Snake King was slowly crawling out and coming towards Zhang Hao.

"Brother Hao, let's run together!" Wang Da screamed.

"Go away!" Zhang Hao roared at Li Qing, "Take him away!"

Li Qing gritted his teeth, and finally pulled Wang Da into the distance.

Zhang Hao has never been a self-sacrificing guy, and the reason why he let everyone go is because it has a feeling.

The reason why this big snake left Poison Dragon Pool was entirely because of him.

When martial arts has been cultivated to a certain level, his sixth sense will be very accurate, and he can even detect the hostility of others towards him.

Although Zhang Hao's martial arts practice is still low, his body is strong, and after taking Xianlu all the year round, his sixth sense is very accurate.

"This big snake is here for me!"

Zhang Hao could feel that the big snake's gaze had locked on him.

In order to verify the idea in his heart, Zhang Hao turned around and left the crowd, and ran in another direction.


The big snake let out a beast-like roar, and immediately turned around, chasing in the direction of Zhang Hao.

"Sure enough, it really came for me!"

Seeing the big snake rushing towards him persistently, this confirmed Zhang Hao's thoughts even more.

If it's just for food, then there are two people on Li Qing and Wang Da's side, so it doesn't need to give up the two people to chase itself.

"If you want to kill me, let's wait and see!"

Zhang Hao also became ruthless, and the crimson color in his eyes became more and more intense.

For a long time, Zhang Hao has been suppressing the killing intent in his heart, so as not to let himself go berserk.

But now, it's different!

"Damn it!"

While Zhang Hao kept running, he took off the long bow that was slung across his shoulders, and quickly drew three arrows from the quiver on his back with his right hand.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Under the blessing of the terrifying longbow, three arrows flew out with a terrifying spiral force.

The power carried by the arrow is extremely terrifying. If it hits a person's chest, it is enough to completely shatter a person's chest into a huge hole.

These arrows flew out, piercing the snake king's body with majestic force, and blood blossomed out.

These arrows have penetrated deeply into the snake king's body, and blood is continuously flowing down.


The pain made the Snake King howl, and then he rushed towards Zhang Hao with a more ferocious expression.

"It didn't cause serious damage to it!" Zhang Hao thought to himself.

This king snake is really too big. Its head is the size of a small house, and its body is 30 meters long. It looks like a train.

The body is covered with white and gray scales, and it still looks like a metallic luster, which makes people feel tricky just by looking at it.


Now Zhang Hao holds the longbow and draws three arrows from the quiver again.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Three arrows flew towards the big snake like shooting stars.

"Puff puff……"

Three blood flowers bloomed on the big snake's body, but they didn't cause too much damage.

It's like three toothpicks piercing the snake king's body, the injury is certain, but it's not very useful, it will only irritate the snake king.

"To hit a snake, you have to hit seven inches!"

While running away, Zhang Hao drew out the arrow again and shot at Qicun of the Snake King.

"Puff puff……"

As the arrow pierced within seven inches, the Snake King's scales and flesh and blood defense capabilities were too strong.

There is no way for the arrow to attack the opponent's heart.

Arrow after arrow, under constant shooting, the Snake King's chest was already bloody.

However, it was just blood and blood, and it didn't hurt the vitals.

Zhang Hao subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the arrow, but in the end he caught nothing.


When the arrow caught the air, Zhang Hao's face changed, he had no more arrows.

More than 100 arrows were shot at, but the snake king still didn't seem to have suffered much damage.


With a loud roar, the Snake King had already rushed to Zhang Hao's side, and bit him with his mouth open.


At the critical moment, Zhang Hao held the longbow across his chest to resist.

The huge seemingly invincible power lifted Zhang Hao away, and the longbow in his hand flew out.


Zhang Hao in the air adjusted his posture, and the first thing he did after he fell to the ground and stood firm was to kick his legs on the ground.

Knowing that he had no way to escape, Zhang Hao directly chose to rush towards the Snake King.

Facing this terrifying snake king, the dagger was useless. Although the dagger was sharp, it couldn't penetrate deep into the snake king's body.

Now the only thing that can save him is this pair of iron fists.

"Half! Step! Collapse! Punch!"

Zhang Hao roared every word, and Zhang Hao punched in the air.


The extremely ferocious fist surged out, bombarding the Snake King's chest.

The majestic punch burst out, directly smashing the flesh and blood on the Snake King's chest.


Under the pain, the snake king became even crazier. The huge snake tail swept out, like playing golf, and blasted Zhang Hao away.


Zhang Hao, who flew upside down, spat out a mouthful of blood, which turned into a meteor at such a high speed.

Zhang Hao in the air felt that he was seriously injured by the bombardment of this huge tail. Under the severe pain, Zhang Hao wiped the small gourd at his waist with his hand.

Take out a few drops of fairy dew and drink it on the spot.


At this moment, the Snake King, who smelled the scent of fairy dew, roared wildly and rushed towards Zhang Hao at an extremely fast speed.

"It's Xianlu!"

I didn't know why this big snake would chase me so hard before, but now I finally know.

It turned out to be because of Xianlu.


It's a pity that it was too late. The Snake King rushed over and bit Zhang Hao, and then his huge body slipped back into the Poisonous Dragon Pool.


As several bubbles appeared above the Poison Dragon Pool, Zhang Hao and the Snake King disappeared into the pool at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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