Chapter 706
Liu Bo didn't look up at Zhang Hao at all.

"Are you kidding me, what the hell are you..."

Before Liu Bo finished speaking, Zhang Hao directly picked up a chopstick in front of him and quickly flew towards Liu Bo.


Liu Bo's arm was pierced immediately, and the pain made him unable to speak.

"I'll say it again, hand over the real estate certificate."

Zhang Hao's words were oppressive like a mountain, how could Liu Bo dare to say nothing.

"A good man... I didn't take it... Mr. Xu detained it."

Ouyang Qi on the side said angrily: "Is it Xu Hongze again?"

Liu Bo nodded in pain.

"Where is he now?" Zhang Hao asked coldly.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, Liu Bo said, "At Shili Machang."

Coming out of the hotel, Zhang Hao was going to take Lu Fei'er to get the real estate certificate back.

"Brother Hao, I'll take you there, I know it well." Ouyang Qi volunteered.

"It's better not to bother you, just let's take a taxi." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

But Ouyang Qi said: "Brother Hao, you don't know, you can't enter the Shili Racecourse without members, and I happen to be a member there."

It turned out that this was the case, so Zhang Hao didn't shirk and took Lu Fei'er into Ouyang Qi's car.

Ouyang Qi was driving very fast along the way, and she would look backward from time to time while driving.

This Zhang Hao was going to treat Lu Fei'er so well, not only fighting for her but also worrying about her. Ouyang Qi felt that she was not bad, but why didn't she attract Zhang Hao's attention.

Just when Ouyang Qi was thinking wildly, the car had deviated from the main road, and it was dark, so Ouyang Qi drove towards the side of the road without seeing clearly.


The two girls screamed, Zhang Hao grabbed the steering wheel and turned the car back to the main road.

While Ouyang Qi was frightened, she found that Zhang Hao was sitting beside her at some point.

"Brother Hao, I'm sorry, I don't usually drive like this."

But Zhang Hao smiled: "It's okay, fortunately there is no danger, isn't it?"

Ouyang Qi's face was red, this was the first time she was shamed by driving, she must have left a bad impression on Zhang Hao.

Then Ouyang Qi drove the car very carefully, and finally came to a European-style building in the suburbs.

"Brother Hao, we are here, here it is."

Zhang Hao and Lu Fei'er got out of the car. Sure enough, the Shili Racecourse was very grand, and the racecourse was well repaired.

Several people walked towards the gate.

The two welcoming staff saw that it was Ouyang Qi who came over enthusiastically.

"Miss Ouyang, hello, you haven't come to us for a long time."

"These two are my friends. You help them equip them. We are going to run."

Under the guidance of the male staff, Zhang Hao was taken to the men's locker room, where a new set of riding clothes had been prepared.

"Sir, this set of equipment is brand new and has never been used by anyone. You can use it with confidence." The staff member said politely.

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Hao said.

"You are very kind and it is an honor to serve you."

After speaking, the staff left the room and stopped disturbing Zhang Hao.

Originally, Zhang Hao was going to find Xu Hongze and leave, but Ouyang Qi in the car kept talking about how good the racecourse is. Seeing Lu Feier yearning for it, Zhang Hao decided to stay and play for a while before talking.

When he was abroad, every time Zhang Hao finished his mission, he would enjoy the beauties and life crazily. Among them, equestrianism was very popular, and it was also a way of pastime for the upper class.

Zhang Hao also often rides a horse to relax the depressive work.

Afterwards, Zhang Hao just put on the riding clothes, and did not wear the protective gear. It is impossible for him to use these things at his level.

After getting dressed, Zhang Hao walked out of the changing room to the hall, and found that Ouyang Qi and the others hadn't come out yet, so he simply sat on the sofa and waited.

In the women's changing room on the other side, Ouyang Qi and Lu Fei'er chatted casually.

Facing Bai Fumei like this, Lu Fei'er felt inferior. She felt that she was inferior to him in everything.

Ouyang Qi did have a natural sense of pride, but she didn't show it.

"Sister Fei'er, when did you and Brother Hao meet?" Ouyang Qi asked pretending not to care, but she was already very curious in her heart.

Lu Fei'er told Ouyang Qi about her encounter with Zhang Hao.

"Ah? Brother Hao is not a courier, but a sales team leader." Ouyang Qi was taken aback.

"What courier, I've never heard of it." Lu Fei'er asked back.

"Oh, nothing." Ouyang Qi said with a smile.

It seems that the relationship between Lu Feier and Zhang Hao is much closer than her own, but the one thing they know about each other is that they were both rescued by Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao, who was waiting on the sofa, was watching the news on his mobile phone. At this time, a tall and handsome young man came out of another changing room, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

When the young man saw Zhang Hao on the sofa, he showed a puzzled expression. Those who could come here for entertainment were rich second generations from the upper circles of Shanghai, but he didn't know Zhang Hao.

"Who are you?" The young man pointed to Zhang Hao and asked.

Zhang Hao looked at him indifferently and said, "When you ask someone's name, shouldn't you introduce yourself?"

Hearing Zhang Hao's words, the young man was a little dumbfounded, and there was even a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"You don't know me?" the young man said with a smile.

"Could it be that you have evolved to such an advanced level that everyone can know you?" Zhang Hao said without looking at him.

"Okay, good, good, you are the first one who can talk to me like that, I hope you can still be so backbone in a while." The young man raised his head and laughed, then turned and left.

That posture was like a god in the sky looking down on the mortals on the ground, and he didn't put Zhang Hao and other ants in his eyes at all.

"The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds. I take myself too seriously." Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly.

After a while, Ouyang Qi and Lu Fei'er came out fully dressed.

"Brother Hao, why didn't you wear those protective gear? If you fall off the horse, you will be injured."

Zhang Hao walked over with a smile and said, "Don't worry, brother's horsemanship is much better than you imagined, and you don't need protective gear at all."

Seeing Zhang Hao's self-confidence, Ouyang Qi thought about it. She had seen Zhang Hao's skills before, so what's so difficult about riding a horse.

Ouyang Qi didn't know why she had a kind of blind trust in Zhang Hao, as long as Zhang Hao said she would believe it unconditionally.

The three of them came to the racecourse together. Although it was dark, the lights illuminated the entire racecourse, just like daytime.


There was a loud shout, and Xu Hongze rode a black horse and ran towards them, followed by a few guys like the rich second generation.

(End of this chapter)

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