Live stream I'm a dad in the countryside

Chapter 729 Zhang Hao is not good!

Chapter 729 Zhang Hao is not good!
Although the previous Zhang Hao was powerful, it was very difficult to achieve the step of rubbing iron sand.

This is thanks to two things, which gave him a qualitative improvement in strength.

One is Guo Yunshen's boxing secrets, which allowed Zhang Hao to truly master the technique of exerting force, and his strength went a step further.

More importantly, after Zhang Hao killed the Snake King, the little gourd absorbed the golden light ball and mutated.

Now the effect of Xianlu is amazing.

His body is at least three times stronger.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

A strong man in the lead asked in panic and fear.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were many of their brothers around, he would have turned and fled long ago.

"Of course I am human, but I am stronger than you."


As soon as Zhang Hao finished speaking, he rushed towards the few people in front of him like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

The figure was tossing and turning, and the power on the fist was even more powerful and terrifying.

In just a few breaths, the group of people had all fallen to the ground.


"It hurts..."

"Mom, my hand... I'm broken!"

Those who were attacked by Zhang Hao all had broken bones and tendons, lying on the ground and howling.

Zhang Hao grinned and said, "It's not enough, cry for me!"

These strong men glared at Zhang Hao.

"I am in our village, and I have a head and a face, so why make me cry."

"You can fight, but you just sneaked up on me. If you have the ability, can you let me see how you punched?"

"When my mother gave birth to me, I didn't cry. Why did you make me cry?"

The strong men are all very angry, crying is too bad for their face.

You can't cry at all.

We can't do embarrassing things.

"Don't cry, right? Then don't blame me." Zhang Hao sneered.

Seeing the incomparably cold smile, the people around couldn't help shivering.

What is this guy trying to do?
We are all so miserable, why doesn't he let us go?

He wouldn't really dare to kill someone, would he?

The more the strong men thought about it, the more frightened they became, and they began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Screw rustle..."

At this moment, there was a slight sound from the nearby grass.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the grass was shaking constantly, and a big white wolf came out of it.

"This... what kind of monster is this?"

"It's so big, my god, has it become a sperm?"

"This guy is almost catching up with the horse, what the hell is it?"

Seeing this scene, the few people on the ground were so frightened that their souls trembled.


Dabai walked over, and lightly licked the face of the strong man at the head.


With a burst of shrill screams sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the boss, and just licked it, which made half of his face bloody.

It was terrifying, really scary.

"My daughter told me to cry you, you have to cry, do you hear me?" Zhang Hao said coldly.


Seeing this terrifying big wolf and the vicious Zhang Hao in front of them, the strong men knew that they had provoked someone.

And I feel that this person is sick, and he actually likes to watch others cry.

But everyone dared not stop crying.

They all started crying.

This group of people didn't act, they were really crying because it was really painful.

Under the broken bones and tendons, they had all endured it before, and seeing the miserable state of the boss, no one dared not cry.

All crying out of pain.

Crying tears and snot kept flowing down.

"Ah ah ah..."



This group of people cried very hard, afraid that Zhang Hao would have any dissatisfaction.

The crying voice was heart-piercing, and no one could hear it in a radius of [-] meters.

At this time, Zhang Hao turned his head and looked in the direction of the taxi.

She saw Xiao Yue'er sticking out a tender white hand out of the window and giving Zhang Haobi a thumbs up.

After receiving the compliment from his daughter, Zhang Hao was even happier.

"Give me all the money you have on you!" Zhang Hao said coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After the group of people heard this, they all nodded, and then began to rummage through their pockets, throwing everything in front of them.

They really threw out everything that was useful.

Pockets are cleaner than their faces.

"Take off all my shoes too?" Zhang Haofen said angrily.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Zhang Hao would actually make such a request.

But everyone didn't dare to delay, they took off their shoes one after another and threw them in front of them to form a pile.

Then Zhang Hao came to the side, took out all the gasoline from the van they drove over, and splashed it on the shoes.


Zhang Hao lit a lighter, then threw it on the shoes beside him.


A large number of flames began to burn.

Those shoes immediately gave off a burnt smell.

Then Zhang Hao put all the valuables on the other party's body in a bag, and after returning to the taxi, Zhang Hao drove away.

A group of strong men were left behind, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"What the hell is going on?"

Everyone stood up in confusion.




At this moment, the group of people stepped on the ground with both feet.

Because this is a country dirt road, all of it is covered with gravel.

When both feet stepped on it, there was a sharp pain.

Barefoot, on this broken ground, it is almost impossible to move an inch.

In the process of walking, their feet began to be gradually cut by gravel.

One by one weeping for father and mother in pain.

At the end, the entire sole of the foot was bloody.

Compared with the bandits who wanted to cry but had no tears, Zhang Hao was very happy.

He drove his own car back to his home.


Xiangxiang got out of the car, and she looked at the villa in the village with a look of shock.

Ever since she was a child, Xiangxiang has never seen such a nice house, even Chen Ruoxue's small villa is far behind it.

"Yue'er, is this your home?" Xiangxiang said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'll show you around my home."

While talking, Xiao Yue'er pulled Xiangxiang to Dabai's side, grabbed Xiao Huang off Dabai's body, and then the two little guys turned over and rode on Dabai's body.


Dabai looked helpless.

Because its body is already a bit big, it is not convenient to be such a small taxi. It ran madly all the way with Xiao Huang on its back.

It's all right now, let's not rest when I go home.

Xiao Yueer happily directed Dabai to the front of the house.

Because she is not tall enough to open the door, she needs to ride on Dabai's body.

Press it with your finger, the fingerprint is unlocked, the door is opened, and they ran home with Xiangxiang, and started to play like crazy.

Just when Zhang Hao was about to walk in with a smile, a figure ran over in a hurry.

"Zhang Hao, you...Your boy is back, something has happened! Something has happened!"

The old village chief ran over anxiously, and when he saw Zhang Hao, it was like seeing a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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