Live stream I'm a dad in the countryside

Chapter 754 Zhang Hao hits the arrow

Chapter 754 Zhang Hao hits the arrow
Xiaoyue'er saw Zhang Hao rushing in from the door at a glance, and shouted excitedly: "Father, I am here."


Zhang Hao ran towards this direction, his mind was all on Xiao Yue'er, and he didn't pay attention to the things under his feet.

As soon as he stepped on the ground in front, Zhang Hao was directly covered by the large net connected by four ropes.

This kind of net is made of special materials, so hard that ordinary tools can't tear it apart.

Haiwei came out from the side in a wheelchair and looked at Zhang Hao with a smile on his face: "Aren't you very powerful, what's the matter now, you have become a trapped tiger, what right do you have to fight with me?"

Zhang Hao looked at him coldly: "Do you know what will happen if you dare to kidnap my daughter?"

"I don't know what's going to happen to me, I only know what's going to happen to you."

Haiwei is not afraid at all, and now he is the leader of the whole matter.

"At the beginning you made me embarrassing in public. I have never forgotten this hatred. Now I will let you know what the price is."

At that moment, Haiwei waved his hand, and his subordinates pressed the button, and Xiao Yue'er was directly pulled into the air, approaching the oil pan in front step by step.

"Have you never seen the scene of a living person under a frying pan? Today I will let you..."


Zhang Hao pulled the net out of a huge hole, and before Haiwei finished speaking, Zhang Hao punched him directly.

"How did he come out?"

It was too late to deal with these scumbags, so Zhang Hao went to rescue Xiao Yue'er first.

Seeing his daughter's frightened appearance, Zhang Hao's heart tugged together.

"Father, save me." Xiao Yue'er shouted hysterically.

Zhang Hao found the switch of the button and tried to pull her back, but the buttons were all the same, and if she was pressed wrongly, she would fall.

At that moment, the group of people rushed directly towards Zhang Hao. They took up weapons and prepared to leave Zhang Hao's life here.

Zhang Hao, who was cracking the switch, used one hand to entangle with the opponent, and at the same time used his feet to resist them from hurting Xiaoyue'er.

Haiwei was beaten badly, his eyes were bleeding from the beating, even under such circumstances, he was still not going to let Zhang Hao go.

At this time, Haiwei took out a black weapon from the pocket of his clothes, and Xiao Yueer could tell at a glance that it would be dangerous to Zhang Hao

"Dad, be careful, he has a weapon."


Zhang Hao turned his head when he heard Yue'er's words, but Haiwei's finger had already pressed the transmitter.

Huge force shot at Zhang Hao's head.

Seeing that her father was about to be shot, Xiao Yueer burst into tears.

Just when everyone thought that Zhang Hao must die, Xiao Yueer also closed her eyes in fear.

When Zhang Hao turned around again, he was holding a crossbow bolt in his hand

Haiwei was completely dumbfounded, what kind of monster is this, who can catch crossbow arrows with his bare hands.

This is a high-end crossbow purchased at a high price to deal with Zhang Hao, but he unexpectedly caught it.

Zhang Hao's reaction has been much slower. If it was placed a few years ago, he would directly let the crossbow shoot back.

The crossbow bolts were thrown on the ground, and Zhang Hao fired all the power and broke the legs of all the stunned people around.

"Oops, my legs."

"It hurts to death."

Finally, under the wailing of everyone, Zhang Hao found the return button.

After pressing it, Xiao Yueer began to move in his direction.

When he touched Yue'er's hand again, Zhang Hao's heart fell.

"Father!" Yue'er fell into Zhang Hao's arms and burst into tears.

While untying the rope for her daughter, she comforted her: "I'm sorry, Yue'er, it's because Dad came late and made you scared."

Returning to her father's arms again, Xiao Yue'er's trembling body finally calmed down.

Haiwei touched his waist, ready to launch again while Zhang Hao was not paying attention.

At this time, many people's voices came from outside, and Ouyang Qi had already rushed here with Xu Lei and others.

"Brother Hao, here we come." Ouyang Qi said loudly.

Xu Lei ordered his subordinates to come in quickly, and he was relieved when he saw that Yue'er was fine: "Brother Hao, I'm late."

Zhang Hao refused to let go of his daughter's hand because of the feeling of finding it again.

Ouyang Qi looked at Haiwei in the corner and quickly shouted: "Brother Hao, be careful."


Haiwei quickly fired a crossbow at Xiaoyue'er's back

Zhang Hao instinctively held Xiao Yue'er in his arms, and used his back to resist the sudden crossbow.


A streak of blood appeared on Zhang Hao's back, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground, but Zhang Hao never let go of Xiao Yue'er's hand from the beginning to the end.


Xiaoyue'er is in a state of collapse now, her father, who she always thought would never get hurt, is actually hit now.

"Dad is fine, really fine."

Zhang Hao endured the pain and comforted Yue'er. He knew that the crossbow arrows were not too close to his heart, and his life would not be in danger.

Ouyang Qi and others ran towards this direction, Xu Lei ordered Hai Wei to be arrested.

But Haiwei planned it long ago, and with the help of his subordinates, he threw a smoke bomb and disappeared.

"It's horrible to let him run away."

Ouyang Qi came to Zhang Hao's side. Although Zhang Hao was in good condition, his complexion was very bad and his back was bleeding all the time.

"I'm fine, really fine."

Xu Lei asked with concern: "Brother Hao, I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, no need, I can do it myself, but I would like to trouble you to take care of Yue'er for me. Don't send her home before dark. I'll come back to pick her up after I've dealt with my injuries."

Ouyang Qi and Xu Lei didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Hao's actions at all.

"Father, where are you going, Yue'er should not be separated from you." Xiao Yue'er hugged Zhang Hao's arm tightly and didn't want to let go.

"Be good, Yue'er, go and play with your uncles and aunts. Dad will be back soon. Mom has made a lot of delicious food at home and is waiting for us."

Ouyang Qi pulled Xiao Yue'er and said with a smile: "Yue'er, sister will take you to a very interesting place, please, I promise you have never been there."

Yue'er didn't want to leave just to play, but she knew that her father did it for a reason.

Looking at Zhang Hao's sweat, Yue'er didn't want her father to suffer any more.

"Okay, then you must come back early, I will wait for you to go home together."

Zhang Hao smiled at Yue'er with a pale face, and quickly left here.

Zhang Hao was hurt by such a weapon before, but today he felt that something was wrong with this crossbow bolt, not only made him bleed, but also eroded his blood.

Fortunately, it is far away from the urban area, and Zhang Hao, who is covered in blood, did not attract the attention of others.

When he came to an open space, Zhang Hao made an unknown call through the encryption system.

After being connected, Zhang Hao lay down on the ground without any strength and passed out.

"Hello, Zhang Hao, is that you? Hello?"

A woman's voice came from the phone. She seemed to be able to feel Zhang Hao's breathing, but she couldn't hear his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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