Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 25 Transformation of Mood!

Chapter 25 Transformation of Mood!
The yellow sand is raging, the land is full of desolation, and everything you can see is barren. This is the current status of the earth!
Since the Juxia was bombed and sunk three months ago, the global communication was destroyed, and the army company was broken up, the earth is no longer able to organize forces to resist the invasion of Taotie!
Now, as far as the eye can see, there are gluttonous warships everywhere. Human beings who have lost their air supremacy, like prey being targeted by eagles, are shivering in the dark room corners!

The main line cities are occupied, and everyone can only flee to small cities and countryside that even aliens don't bother to go to!

On the uninhabited "Jingxia" expressway, a gust of autumn wind blows, the surrounding yellow sand begins to roll, weeds are flying in the wind, and the sound of a motorcycle engine suddenly comes from a distance, breaking the here only the sound of wind and sand desolate environment!

The person on the motorcycle is Ge Xiaolun who came out to explore the road alone!
This kind of national expressway usually has a service station every certain distance, and the "Jingxia" expressway is no exception. After all, it is also a fast way between China Unicom Juxia City and Beizhixing!
Looking at the simple service station in front of him, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help speeding up a bit!

At the entrance of the service station, Ge Xiaolun stopped the motorcycle, and the surrounding environment returned to the quietness before.Of course, except for the sound of wind and sand!

"Is anyone there?" Ge Xiaolun yelled into the room.

No one responded!

In fact, Ge Xiaolun had already guessed the result before shouting. After all, if there was such a big cycling noise, someone would have already run out, there is no need for him to shout!
Glancing at the surrounding environment, Ge Xiaolun frowned slightly!

The deserted service station, the endless Gobi sand.Well, both the atmosphere and the environment are very similar to the scene of Resident Evil III, except that there are no zombies here, but there are aliens that are more terrifying than zombies!
Walking into the house, although the display inside is messy, and even many of the furnishings are crooked, I have to say that there are quite a lot of supplies inside, at least the cola, chocolate, cans, instant noodles and smoke cabinets on the shelves There are still a lot of cigarettes!

"Material resources are scarce at this stage, so I just bring you some snacks back for a change!"

After all, Ge Xiaolun strode over, picked up the goods on it and checked them carefully one by one. After confirming that they were not expired, he threw them directly into the space of the dark plane!

Different from other people's dark plane space, Ge Xiaolun's dark plane seems to have mutated. It is the same as the storage ring in fantasy novels. Except for living things, basically everything can be contained in it. Those brought from the Marvel Universe Asgard's collection and some materials he collected before are basically stored in the dark plane space!
After collecting the supplies on the shelf, Ge Xiaolun turned around and came to the smoke cabinet, looking at the boxes of cigarettes placed under the glass cover, Ge Xiaolun raised the corners of his mouth involuntarily.

"Old Chu and the others must have been smokers for more than ten years. They haven't smoked this stuff for a long time, and they must all be exhausted!"

With a wave of hand, dozens of packs of cigarettes disappeared in an instant!

There is still a lot of gasoline in the oil pipe of this service station. After collecting the supplies, Ge Xiaolun did not leave immediately, but turned around and picked up the oil gun to refuel his beloved small motorcycle!

Seeing the gluttonous battleship floating above the city in the distance, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help closing his eyes, and kept telling himself: relax, relax. Relax.
I can't relax, shit~
Ge Xiaolun dropped the oil gun in his hand, and opened his right hand towards the gluttonous spaceships in the distance that made him unable to control the killing intent!
"Start the galaxy, parse the target rewriting rules"

The invisible anti-void force was released, and a group of normally normal spaceships suddenly tilted collectively!
"what's the situation?"

"I don't know, the system is suddenly paralyzed!"

"What, why don't you check it quickly and wait for the ship to crash?"

There was a panic inside the Taotie flagship, and all the technicians moved one after another, either checking the program or repairing the engine!
In normal times, such a small problem would not be difficult for them, but today it is Ge Xiaolun who caused these problems on the spacecraft, and it is the Milky Way that is many years ahead of their space-level civilization.

A few minutes later, spaceships began to fall from the sky one after another, and the instigator of all this, "Ge Xiaolun", had already filled up his fuel and left on his two cool motorcycles!
Along the way, looking at the desolate land, Ge Xiaolun felt a burst of sadness in his heart!
I am a super soldier of the Earth Heroes Company, or it is more accurate to say that the Lord God of the future of the Earth!

A month ago, due to a little accident, I left this universe, and traveled to the Marvel universe that I had seen in the movies in my previous life, or the universe of "Avengers" is more accurate!

After ten years of growing up, I finally returned to my birthplace, Chaoshen Universe!

It's just that the current situation on the earth is far beyond my expectations!

Looking at the desolate world in front of me, I have no impulse, no hatred, only endless killing intent and the determination to lead the civilization of the earth into an aerospace-grade civilization!
Although the heart had a murderous intent, but the body did not make the impulsive action of blood spattering ten steps!

Because I know that doing that will not change anything except killing a few more gluttons!

So I've been looking for the crux of the problem at the root all this time!

In the final analysis, it is because the civilization of the earth is too backward. The reason why the gluttonous civilization can invade the earth unscrupulously, besides having a main god behind it, and getting rid of the mother star on which it lives, is probably a very important reason!
In the past, I admired the superheroes in those movies very much, because what those superheroes did was exactly what we Chinese people have been doing since ancient times.
But now, I began to advocate the "kingly way"!

When the man is angry, blood splatters ten steps, when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses are laid down!

A hero can save one person, and a king can save the world!

In my previous life, I heard people say that the greater the responsibility, the greater the ability. At that time, I scoffed at it, but now
Ge Xiaolun frowned: I seem to understand this truth!
My name is Ge Xiaolun, a corporal of the Xiongbing Company of the Super Seminary, and the future God of the Earth!

"Keep going, keep going, build a solid line of defense, and protect the people behind you!"

"The last evacuation point is ahead, everyone continue to work hard"

Along the way, what Ge Xiaolun saw was basically ordinary people with dusty faces, malnourished people, and young soldiers who were vigilant and ready to fight with their steel guns in their hands at any time!

"Please rest assured that this place is far away from the city. New comrades please come here to receive tents and food. The lights will be blacked out after 9 o'clock. Please obey the order and take care of each other!

The camping place, before Ge Xiaolun entered the camp, he heard the soldiers in front shouting into the loudspeaker vigorously!

In fact, along the way, the number of refugees encountered far exceeded Ge Xiaolun and Chu Yunfei's initial expectations! In less than a day, the number of refugees increased from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

"Alas, the authentic firewood rice smells delicious now!" An old lady on the side of the road looked at this desolate and chaotic world, and couldn't help sighing!
Cycling all the way, Ge Xiaolun didn't stop in the middle, and came directly to the temporary command tent!
Seeing Ge Xiaolun walking by, a young soldier immediately said to his companions, "Look, that's from the Xiongbing Company, a black-armored soldier!"

"Oh, but why is he wearing dark silver armor?" Another soldier asked with a puzzled face.

Obviously, his attention was not on the topic at all, but on Ge Xiaolun's battle armor!
In the tent, everyone was sitting inside together. As soon as Ge Xiaolun came in, everyone stood up on their own initiative!

(End of this chapter)

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