Chapter 100 Uneasy
It snowed all night, and by the next morning it was ankle-deep.Chi Yichen stepped on the snow unceremoniously. Rather than saying that he was brave, it would be better to say that his soul was not on him at all.

"Mr. Chi? Are you listening?" A burst of cautious inquiries interrupted Chi Yichen's thoughts. The belly separated the distance between them, I'm afraid they are about to have an intimate contact.

Fat like this, who is he trying to scare to death?The words that almost blurted out were abruptly choked back, Chi Yichen couldn't help but touch his forehead, when did he become so foolish?

It must be that woman's fault.

The meeting was halfway through, but he was no longer in the mood to listen to a middle-aged man with a greasy face standing on the stage and reporting some boring figures.This is of no use to solve his current troubles.

The sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the man's slender legs stepped on the cold marble floor, pushing the office chair back a few steps.The sharp-edged silhouette was still expressionless, and he turned his face away: "That's the end of today's meeting, and Minister Li, please wipe your face before you give a speech in the future, please?"

It looked like he had just licked the oil of a female colleague in the lounge, and he looked secretly happy. He squinted, stood up, straightened his suit jacket, and then walked out of the conference hall.

A bunch of stunned employees were left behind, and after being stunned for three seconds, they jumped up and cheered.

Walking through the corridor, waiting for the elevator door to open at the corner, a slender figure of a man is reflected on the silver door, his thoughtful eyes make him even more mysterious, with some kind of bewilderment, no wonder people will be unconsciously attracted by his temperament absorb.

Little did he know that the man's mind was completely muddled at this moment, and he knew very well that his state today was completely out of order, but he just couldn't help thinking about it.

What kind of witchcraft did Mu Shaogong cast on Jian Xi?Normally, no matter how intimidating or tempting he was, she would not say that she missed him, but she just went out for a while, and when she came back, she said that to her husband easily.

Thinking of what happened last night, Chi Yichen couldn't help gasping, exuding a dangerous aura all over his body.

Thinking about it, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground gradually behind him, Chi Yichen immediately frowned into the word "Chuan", turned his head without thinking, closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I say No loud noise allowed on the floor where my office is located?"

Even so, he still felt panicked.After living for more than 20 years, this is the first time I have such a feeling, it is simply a kind of torture.

The sound of footsteps stopped, and he slowly opened his eyes, only to see Chris's face smeared with heavy makeup, with a surprised expression.

"But Mr. Chi, this is not the first floor of your office, this floor is the meeting room..." She reminded him softly, although he had returned to normal, he could still feel it clearly, and she also noticed that his style of painting today was not right .

Where did the all-powerful President Chi go?Someone shouted in his heart, but on the surface he still lowered his head, respectful.

Chi Yichen had a cold face, under the seemingly calm eyes, there was a trace of panic lurking.He has always disliked showing his private emotions, so even if he is angry, that carefully crafted face is still like an exquisite work of art, which has never been damaged.

The air pressure plummeted, and when Chris lowered her head, she could feel the cold arrow-like eyes projected from the front, and she knew she had said the wrong thing.

Fortunately, the elevator door opened at this moment, Chi Yichen snorted, and immediately stepped on his slender legs, and quickly walked into the elevator, followed by Chris.

There is no need for a transcript, she can recite his itinerary fluently: "Next you have two international meetings to be held, and the foreign delegation will arrive at the company in half an hour and 50 seconds, please get ready."

The man put his hands in his pockets and didn't make a sound. Chris took it as a default and continued the itinerary.

When it was about to end, his cell phone rang suddenly, and Chris immediately kept silent, watching Chi Yichen take out the cell phone, frowning and scanning the page to display it, a hint of surprise flashed in his deep pupils .

Quickly connected the phone and stuck it to his ear: "How about the matter I asked you to investigate?"

The voice on the phone was not loud, it sounded like a whisper to Chris, she turned her face away, not intending to eavesdrop.

The numbers dimmed, and immediately after the elevator door opened, Chi Yichen quickly stepped out of the airtight and narrow space, striding towards the corridor, during which time the mobile phone was pressed firmly to his ear, his eyes indifferent.

Chris followed behind, catching the documents he passed behind him as he walked, and this situation had long been commonplace.

"Anyway, just tell him that I'm asking him to meet, and just go to the Jane Cafe downstairs in the company." He hung up the phone calmly, and the back of the phone was slightly hot. Kris, meaning let her be sterilized.

Chris caught it carefully, and Qiaolian was not in a hurry, because she had to repeat this scene every day.

But what Chi Yichen said before walking around the corner was the first time she heard it in her professional career - delay all schedules for half an hour, he has more important things to do than work.

Before she had time to be surprised, he disappeared in front of her like a gust of wind.

Although surprised, but as the perfect special assistant, Chris, of course, meticulously and satisfactorily completed the task he gave.

Based on her previous experience, her first reaction was Jian Xi's frivolously smiling face, her hand holding the document unconsciously increased strength, and wrinkles immediately appeared on the white paper.

After Jian Xi appeared, Chi Yichen became more and more abnormal, but he still seemed to enjoy it?

However, this kind of natural thought, when Chris went to the lounge to make coffee, she met Jian Xi head-on, and she froze in place immediately. "Why are you still here?"

According to the plot, shouldn't she be making love to Chi Yichen in Jane's Cafe at this time?Is it haunted?

Jian Xi leaned back with a complicated expression, why couldn't she be here?Anyway, she is also one of the employees of the company!
A woman who mistakenly thought that Chris was looking down on others snorted, crossed her hands on her chest, and said with a look of resentment, "What do you mean, special assistant? Why can't I be here? Don't get me wrong, I came to the lounge just to hang out." Coffee, not lazy."

"What do I mean? I mean, shouldn't you meet Mr. Chi at Jane's Cafe at this time? He even postponed his work for half an hour for you." Chris thoughtlessly The words came out in one breath, and then I realized something was wrong.

Wait, if Jianxi is still here, it means that Chi Yichen was not the one who left his work to meet him on purpose, so who would be so honored?

Before she could figure out why, Jian Xi turned around and ran away. When she left, there was a gust of wind, and Chris's forehead hair fluttered slightly.

Looking at the petite figure that was fading away, Chris suddenly realized, did she get into trouble?

Outside the company, a few cleaners were cleaning up the snow, and the ground was wet. It would be strange if they didn't fall when they ran in a hurry.Jian Xi didn't believe it at first, but then she realized for herself what heart-piercing pain is.

As soon as she rushed out of the company, she came into direct contact with the ground, her whole body almost slid out in a parabola, and then fell to the ground like a piece of paper.Jian Xi rubbed his sore buttocks, and struggled to get up from the ground.

Another fall, Jian Xi finally got angry, what the hell is she doing today?

Although she wanted to retreat, she couldn't calm down when she thought of what Chris had said.

For a workaholic like Chi Yichen, even if she asked him nicely, he would never put down his work and rush over to meet him.But that person just made a phone call, and he never turned back.

She was very dissatisfied!
Although he pretended to be sullen, he was very disturbed in his heart.She got up from the ground again and walked towards the business district next to the office building.

Outside the small but very cozy cafe, a certain woman put her hand on the glass window and carefully observed everyone in the cafe. Because it was still working hours and it was morning, the cafe seemed particularly deserted.

In the corner, the slender figure of the man and the dark gray suit came into view. There was no smile on his delicate side face, but a chill. Jian Xi could feel it from such a long distance. arrive.

Because it was blocked by the next compartment, Jian Xi couldn't see who the person sitting opposite was, but Chi Yichen was whispering, flicking the small cuff buttons on his cuffs from time to time.

It's fine to come out to steal, but you're still so blatant?Couldn't he have noticed that a group of female waitresses gathered hundreds of meters away, committing nymphomaniac attacks on him?
Roll up your sleeves.Jian Xi couldn't bear it anymore, so she simply pushed the door open and walked in.

Although I could see Chi Yichen's expression when he found out that she was following him, her curiosity and sullenness made her walk to the bar step by step, and ordered a cup of coffee with trepidation.

Then he turned his head away, and the man stared at the person opposite him unwaveringly, without noticing any movement here.

But Jian Xi no longer felt sad, because the man sitting opposite was not some vixen, but Mu Shaogong with a gentle smile.

"Miss, where do you plan to take a seat?" Before she finished speaking, she quickly turned her head to cover the waiter's mouth, and at the same time pressed her finger on her mouth to make a "shh" gesture.

After serving the steaming coffee by herself, Jian Xi raised the coffee cup to her eyes, stooped and walked to the leather chair facing behind Chi Yichen, she sat down carefully, and then put her ears on the back of the chair On, looking wretched.

Sitting inside, Mu Shaogong didn't realize her existence, let alone Chi Yichen who had his back to her.

She breathed a sigh of relief, shrugged her shoulders, and at the same time, a little smugness flashed across her pretty face.

I'm so smart, Jian Xi boasted happily, and automatically ignored the terrified eyes of the waiter tens of meters behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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