Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 125 The father-in-law chapter is here

Chapter 125 The father-in-law is back

A spacious and gorgeous room with a warm yet stylish design. The light from the crystal chandelier on the ceiling is a bit dazzling, making the woman squint her eyes, and her vacated body is carefully placed on the soft bed.

The scorching gaze made her feel like she was on fire, and she raised her arms around the man's neck without hesitation.

"I won't take part in that kind of activities in the future. Those women are like they haven't seen a man for hundreds of years. The look in your eyes can almost eat people." Even though he was confused, the words whispered in his ear were still tight around this topic.

Although he is such a dazzling person, it is normal for him to have a few suitors, but at least when his wife is around, they should restrain themselves a little bit, otherwise one day she is not around, wouldn't it be lawless?
This woman has fallen into the jar of vinegar, Chi Yichen couldn't help chuckling, put his lips on her warm neck, and kissed her inch by inch until her breath became turbid.

"Okay, but you have to spend more time with me." She still had a domineering tone, and she was used to his kind of coquettish words. Anyway, as long as she could give her any request from him, she would be unconditional indulge.

Putting her lips behind the man's ear, she nodded in a daze.As if a lighter had ignited a man's gradually burning desire, feeling the huge gap between his legs gradually heat up, he finally couldn't bear it any longer.

The slender fingers crossed her hair, and turned off the dim yellow light on the bedside table, and they fell into the endless darkness together.

The dark night hides the beautiful spring scenery in a room, even the full moon blushes and hides silently behind the dark clouds.

The next day was the weekend, so a certain woman slept until noon before she was willing to raise her eyes.The sunlight poured in from the window, and the empty seat beside me was no longer warm.

Although he was a little lonely, he was the president of the group after all, so it was normal not to have weekends.As a wife, she has to endure!
She got off the bed tremblingly, her waist and knees were sore and weak, and her legs were also weak, which made her almost fall to the ground. Fortunately, she held on to the edge of the bed in time to barely hold on.

"Damn it, leave your wretched wife at home after enjoying yourself, you blood-sucking capitalist." He blushed and muttered as he walked slowly towards the bathroom.A certain woman is really dissatisfied with the fact that the man is not around.

But she just thought about it, there must be a limit to self-willedness, then it will make him uncomfortable, and it will be her who will feel distressed.

Although the temperature is getting warmer, it is still winter after all. It is almost the New Year, and even the suburbs have become lively. When you open the curtains, you can see the trucks coming and going outside the window. In the villa.

At this time in previous years, she would also go home to spend the New Year with her father. Because she did not have her mother to accompany her, Jian Xi had to take on the responsibility of taking care of her father whenever she was busy.

"If your mother knows that her daughter is so sensible, she will be very happy." Jian Ce always said that, and she always lowered her head in embarrassment, pretending not to hear.

Although he always mentions his mother from time to time, the family has never seen a picture of her, not even a trace.

Seeing it engrossed, the cell phone rang suddenly, Jian Xi almost jumped up as if startled, hurriedly took out the cell phone from the pocket of the cardigan, and connected it.

"Jian Xi, I can't get through to Jian Jia. Aren't you coming back this year for the New Year?" The gentle voice rang in my ears, and Jian Xi almost didn't realize it for a while. Fortunately, he didn't impulsively ask who he was.

Because the person who called was her father!A certain girl was so excited that she almost cried out. You must know that since Jian Ce went to support education, there has been little news, and she didn't say when she will come back, which made her worry for a long time.

However, no matter how excited she was, because she was not intimate before, her tone of voice was still calm and respectful.

"Dad, are you back? I'll go back right away, and I'll explain the details to you one by one."

After hastily hanging up the phone, Jian Xi didn't have the courage to leave. How should she explain her relationship with Jian Jia?If the truth is told, Jian Jia will definitely hate her even more after being scolded.

She is not afraid of her hatred, but she is afraid of trouble. Jian Jia's annoyingness is far beyond her imagination, and it is better to avoid it.

Sure enough, it would be better not to say anything, she was a little nervous suddenly, but she packed up in a hurry and rushed all the way home.

After not going back for several months, every part of the house was covered with dust, and Jian Ce sat on the sofa with his back hunched, holding his nose with his hands.As soon as the door opened, he followed the sound and looked over. Jian Xi stood stiffly in the entrance, holding a bag of things in his hand.

They met her eyes, and they had nothing to say.

From before to now, it has always been like this, even though Jian Xi repeatedly reminded herself that he is her father, Jian Ce's attitude towards her is too good, it is not like treating her own daughter, but more like a guest.

"Dad, I bought daily necessities and came here. You shouldn't leave when you come back this time." In the end, Jian Xi broke the silence first. She put on her slippers, put the things in the entrance, and walked straight to the sofa in the living room, holding sit down.

Jian Ce smiled and looked at her softly. "Jian Xi, you have grown up."

Although the childish look in her eyebrows and eyes has not changed, she has gradually become like an adult in her gestures. She must have had a lot of things during the few months when he was not around.

Why didn't she feel it?A certain girl who couldn't stand the praise immediately failed, and lowered her head to look at herself in doubt. Her chest was still so flat. Sure enough, her father was just coaxing her.

When Jian Ce came back this time, he only rested for two months. After the New Year, he was going to set off again. After all, it was his dream to support education, and Jian Xi couldn't stop him, so he didn't say much.

She wanted to say a lot, but it was a pity that it was not the fur.

Having lived together for so many years, Jian Ce understands his daughter's mind somewhat. Every time she glances away, it is precisely when she has something to say.

"Just tell me if you have something to say. Did Jian Jia have a boyfriend, or did you have a boyfriend?" Girls in this period only had boyfriends on their minds. Jian Ce pushed his presbyopic glasses and smiled meaningfully.

He didn't know about Jian Xi's relationship with Chi Tianyou.When she was a student, Jian Ce hardly interfered with anything Jian Xi did, and agreed with them all. It was a miracle that she didn't spoil her.

In contrast, the more you discipline Jian Jia, the more rebellious she will become. After going to a third-rate university, she becomes a third-tier starlet. As soon as she comes back, she will quarrel with him. If she says a few more words, she will burst into tears immediately. Son.

Thinking of her waywardness, Jian Ce can't help but shake his head up to now, feeling really helpless towards this precious daughter.

Asking so bluntly, Jian Xi was taken aback, her eyes widened, her pretty face was stunned, and there was a little bit of luck.

Since he proposed it on his own initiative, she can rest assured to say it.Standing up straight, she straightened the neckline of the cardigan, and Jian Ce was really taken aback by her serious appearance.

"Dad, I have a boyfriend, and Jian Jia also has a boyfriend."

"It's normal." He nodded approvingly, girls at this age should really consider getting married.

The little face immediately wrinkled into a ball, her face was ashen, and her shoulders trembled slightly.After hesitating again and again, he continued the conversation. "But Jian Jia is already engaged, and I have gone with him to get a marriage certificate."

The long silence made her little heart almost stop, she secretly glanced at Jian Ce out of the corner of her eye in horror, as expected, his face was also livid.

"It's really not good for female colleges." At the end, Jian Ce patted his knees and sighed.

It's time for the raw rice to be cooked. What else can he say? He was still worried about whether the two daughters could find a boyfriend. Who knew that the daughter would not be his own daughter when he came back, but already belonged to someone else's family. Daughter-in-law!

Nodding tragically to express her acquiescence, she was about to burst into tears. Fortunately, Jian Xi knew how to read his face, and hurriedly comforted him, "Don't worry, he is also in S City, so I can come back to see you anytime."

After all, he was the one who gave birth to her and raised her. How could he have a husband and forget his father?

Jian Xi is now worried about Chi Yichen's side. He hasn't met this father-in-law yet, so he doesn't know if he can handle it.

With her comfort, Jian Ce finally felt better.Although he even got his documents, he thought it was necessary to bring them back for a visit. He still had some important things in his hand that he was going to give to Jian Xi as a dowry.

It was a relic left by her, and it was always her regret that she couldn't hand it over to Jian Xi. Now that Jian Xi has grown up, let him take over this task.

Sighing, he pushed his reading glasses and said in a deep voice. "What's the other party's name? Where do you work? When can you come over and meet?" He wanted to wait for his son-in-law to come and then take out those things.

"Chi Yichen." She could answer all the questions with just one name.He is often featured in major business magazines and is known as a man who can cause a storm in the business world. His father should not be unclear.

Hey boy, what do you want for this atmosphere?Her little heart can't take it.

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down again. The silence made Jian Xi feel a little uncomfortable. She is used to being wild, and what she is most unaccustomed to is silence. That feeling is like pulling people into the water. It is so uncomfortable that you are about to suffocate, but there is nothing you can do. .

She thought that Jian Ce would be happy, at least she would be relieved that she had found such a wealthy son-in-law.But I don't want to see a trace of gloom on his face, his face is sullen, this is the first time Jian Xi has seen such stern eyes.

"No, you absolutely can't marry him!" The inexplicable words made Jianxi confused, she immediately stood up, took a few steps back, her eyes widened and she couldn't believe that these words came from her father.

Chi Jinnian didn't dislike her background back then, why did Jian Ce react so strongly instead?

Could it be that it's another TV drama's bloody plot?

Slamming on the table, she leaned forward with sharp eyes. "Dad, don't tell me that Chi Yichen and I are actually long-lost siblings, right?"

As soon as the words fell, she was patted lightly on the head, and Jian Ce had a embarrassed face, quite helpless.

"What have you been thinking about all day?" He paused, sighed again, and gently rubbed his palms against his knees. "It would be nice if it was just the relationship between brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years..." Then maybe the bond would not be so deep.

Fuck, what did she hear?A certain woman couldn't believe her ears.

In an instant, tens of thousands of alpacas ran over her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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