Chapter 146 Burning Jealousy

Walking out of the dressing room, he bumped into the potbellied director head-on. He took a few steps back, his face still greasy.

Ever since she and Yao Linna quarreled because of him, Jian Xi always avoided him and tried not to give him a chance to praise herself. She wasn't afraid of Yao Linna, but she didn't want to cause too much trouble.

Who knew that if she could hide from the first day of the junior high school, she would still not be able to hide from the fifteenth day. A large living person stood in front of her, and Yao Linna flanked her behind her, so the certain girl couldn't move.

Forced to smile, she waved at her stiffly, and smiled dryly, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, director. You're getting more and more lucky." After finishing speaking, she glanced at his bulging general belly.

It was meant to be a mockery, but who knew that the director couldn't hear it, thought she was praising her, grinning from ear to ear, and habitually stretched out his hand to hold her hand, thinking of Chi Yichen, and finally closed it silently. went back.

He was smiling all over his face, the fat was pushed to the sides of his cheeks, his face doubled instantly, and his tone was flattering. "You too. I haven't seen you for a long time. Not only is your skin getting better and better, you are getting more and more beautiful, and your clothes are also getting more tasteful. You are indeed the wife of the president."

She just knew it!It's impossible for the director, an old fox, to fail to understand what she meant, so he responded with fire, mocking her previous dressing style.

Really wanting to show him her powerful martial arts, a certain woman clenched her fists secretly, but she still smiled calmly on the surface.

It was just a few words of ridicule, but she didn't expect this scene to fall into the eyes of Yao Linna behind her, and it became a reason for her jealousy. A trace of sullenness flashed in her eyes, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth and had to pretend nothing had happened.

In the entertainment circle, everyone has to act, whether they are happy or not, they have to pretend.

As usual, when Yao Linna was filming, Jian Xi sat on the sofa in the corner, drinking tea and watching the show. Although she was not happy, it was better than letting her stay at home alone.

As long as her mind is free, she will immediately think of what Jian Ce said, and she even began to wonder what kind of expression he had when he spoke?How much courage is needed to say such a thing.

Or is it that this kind of thing doesn't matter at all to Jian Ce?
The text notification sound from the bag interrupted her thoughts. A certain woman shook her head, trying to squeeze out the thoughts in her head, and immediately opened the shell bag beside her, picked up the phone, and clicked on the text message .

I'm going to work overtime tonight, I won't go home for dinner - Chi Yichen sent a text message, he always calls directly when he has something to do, and rarely sends text messages, so this feeling is very subtle.

"Sending text messages can only be done by student couples." Thinking of what he said, Jian Xi couldn't help laughing, the speed of this slap in the face is comparable to the speed of light.

She texted him back—it just so happened that I also had a party today, and I went to the Korean restaurant in Dongjie District with the crew.The implication is that if he is free, he can go there to pick her up and go home.

Lack of frankness has always been a shortcoming that she cannot correct. Fortunately, men can always clearly interpret the meaning of her words, and sometimes even understand her better than her.

Probably after Mu Ran left, without Sheng'er, he gradually became like this.

Putting down the phone and looking up, the filming of the scene has been successfully finished. The director is saying something to Yao Linna outside the camera. Although I can't hear clearly, I can tell from his furious expression and Yao Linna's pouting that she is being scolded again because of her acting skills. up.

In the past, she would definitely help her without hesitation, but now, pull it down.

She didn't have the time to help a white-eyed wolf, and she stayed by her side just to get closer to Bai Rui.

Seeing the dusk coming a little bit, the sunset glow dyed the sky red. In the winter afternoon, the beauty of the setting sun like blood is becoming less and less common.

After scolding happily, the director let Yao Linna go, and angrily led a large group of people out of the set. Jian Xi and Yao Linna were the only two left in the huge space. She blushed and was about to cry.

"Why didn't you speak for me just now?" Yao Linna yelled at Jian Xi regardless of her image, Yao Linna stomped her feet angrily, with a look of greatly hurt self-esteem, if a man saw her so pitiful, he would definitely feel distressed.

It's a pity that Jianxi is a real woman, even a female man has no interest in this kind of ungrateful woman.

Why should she help her?Who was there at the beginning, saying that she was meddling in her own business, and telling her not to interfere in her affairs in the future, because doing so would only make her hate her more.

Now that she obediently obeyed, she was fine, and she still had the face to lose her temper with her?

"I'm not your mother, why do you want to help you talk?" She pushed back unceremoniously, seeing Yao Linna's face wrinkled into a ball, she didn't even bother to raise her eyebrows, she gave her a sideways glance, got up slowly, and left the set.

They were all prepared not to meet and chat with Yao Linna for the time being, but unfortunately, she and Yao Linna were assigned to the same car, and the director thought he was very smart, so he took credit for it with a smile.

Invite your sister!Jian Xi looked up to the sky and sighed, but it was useless, she could only obediently obey the arrangement, squeezed together with a woman whose face smelled like she had just been soaked in a cesspit, and smoked her all the way.

After the car drove into the East Street District, the surroundings began to become lively. If the stars hadn't worn masks and hats early in the morning, they would have been blocked by fans passing by.

Arrived at the destination - the Korean restaurant, because the place is not big, so the director simply booked the whole venue lavishly, and the waiter in Hanbok stood at the door, smiling very kindly.

Three cars of people came down at the same time, as if gangsters came to collect protection money, Jian Xi couldn't help laughing.

"Stupid." With a sidelong glance at her, Yao Linna also got out of the car. The indifference on her face was fleeting after meeting the director, replaced by a flattering smile, softly, and her voice was delicate, "Director, wait for me."

Seeing her take the initiative to stick it on the lump of fat, Jian Xi shook her head, "Dogs can't change eating shit, it's true."

When she was seated, because she was an assistant, Jian Xi was still arranged next to Yao Linna, but this time it seemed that it was not arranged by the director, but by Yao Linna herself.

I really don't know what kind of wind is blowing.

Just like the scenes in Korean dramas, apart from kimchi, Korean food is barbecue, and few people actually eat it. They are very interested in alcohol, drink it on an empty stomach, and go crazy when drunk.

Jianxi's capacity for alcohol is not very good, and the wine quality is poor, so she only drank barley tea, sipping a cup of hot tea, squinting her eyes, like an old lady.

Even if she didn't do this, they wouldn't dare to touch her just because of the title of "Mrs. Chi".

Of course, except Yao Linna.

She buried her head in the meat, but a hand holding a small cup of shochu appeared in her sight. The bright red nails were quite eye-catching. She immediately stopped and stared at the glass of wine for a long time before turning her head to look beside her.

I saw Yao Linna's red lips slightly parted, revealing a flattering smile, which made a certain girl's little heart thump wildly. There must be no poison in this glass of wine, right?
"What are you thinking again? I toasted you just to thank you, and I didn't mean to get you drunk." Her tone finally eased, no matter her attitude or expression, it was clear that she was showing her favor.

Because of the noisy voices, her voice sounded as small as a mosquito.But Jian Xi liked this kind of feeling, so that they would pay less attention to her, and she could feel at ease to eat meat with her belly open, even regardless of her image.

Following her eyes, a certain woman turned her head to look at the glass lying in front of her eyes. She didn't know if it was intentional, but the end of her finger holding the glass was already soaked in the wine, and her nails were even more bright red in the transparent wine.

Although I feel disgusting in my heart, it's a party now, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can I not get stabbed, no matter how much Jian Xi doesn't like it, he can only drink the wine with a light smile, and thank her shyly.

Watching Jianxi drink up the small glass of wine with her face up, a smile slowly bloomed on Yao Linna's face, like a delicate flower, so beautiful, but it's a pity that she stepped on other flowers to climb step by step to this point.

I don't want to do this either, you forced me!She clenched her fists secretly, and a trace of sullenness flashed in her sharp eyes. It was the raging anger ignited by jealousy. Although it couldn't burn the body, it could burn people's reason.

Anyone who wants to take her place is delusional!

In fact, when Jian Xi drank that glass of wine, the wine felt weird. It's not that she has never drank shochu, logically speaking, it shouldn't taste like this. The glass Yao Linna gave her had a strong medicinal smell.

As soon as she realized something was wrong, a certain woman suddenly turned her head and widened her eyes at Yao Linna who was smiling treacherously. In her contracted black pupils, besides anger, there was more disappointment.

Immediately afterwards, her consciousness suddenly became blurred, and she immediately fell to the side, falling into a coma.

Yao Linna pulled her into her arms in time, helped her up and was about to leave, but was stopped by the drunken director, "I just came, where are you going?"

Her body froze, she turned her head and smiled obsequiously, "Jian Xi is drunk, I will take her home."

Although the title of "Ms. Chi" is enviable, sometimes it has its disadvantages. For example, at this time, when the director heard the name Jian Xi, the director raised his hand and let them go without even thinking about it. When he became delirious, he absolutely refused to let him go.

Yao Linna's small heart was beating wildly. If it wasn't for the cold wind that pierced her bones and calmed her down, she would really have to worry about whether she would get a heart attack due to nervousness.

A silver van was already waiting at the gate. As soon as Yao Linna approached the van, the door was opened from the inside to the outside. Bai Rui was sitting in the car, still wearing a white woolen coat, looking at everything in front of her with cold eyes.

Pushing Jian Xi into the car, Yao Linna wanted to get in the car too, but she didn't want to be stopped by Bai Rui. She said coldly, "It's none of your business anymore, you can go."

"Wait...Didn't you say you were just punishing her? Why didn't you let me get in the car? You wouldn't..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bai Rui slammed the car door shut, and the car sped away.

Yao Linna, who was left in a mess in the wind, had mixed feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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