Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 149 She Knows Everything

Chapter 149 She Knows Everything

In a daze, Jianxi dreamed that she had gone to heaven. She was wearing a snow-white dress and was wrapped in warmth. Standing in front of God, she could feel the holy light radiating from her surroundings.

"Please tell me what you are most proud of in your life." God's kind voice is like Jian Ce's voice.

Without hesitation, Jian Xi lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly, looking at the sparkling diamond ring on her right ring finger, her eyes were full of happiness.

"Falling in love with Chi Yichen."

It's definitely the proudest thing she's ever done.

With a "crash", the sound of water came from her ears. Jian Xi opened her eyes in confusion. Before she lost consciousness, she saw Chi Yichen swimming towards her. His body was covered by the light behind him. Halo, his black hair became light under the water, floating around, and his hand was stretching out towards her...

"Don't touch me!" With a scream, Jian Xi suddenly opened her eyes, what she saw was neither heaven nor Chi Yichen in the water, but a white ceiling with warm wind blowing in, pale pink curtains blowing in the wind And move.

The milky yellow sunlight passed through the window and climbed onto her hands stretched out of the bed. It was warm, and her consciousness began to be confused again.

It's a pity that she didn't feel well, with uncontrollable shortness of breath, the coldness coming from her left hand, the needle water flowing from the tube into her blood vessels little by little, and her dry lips seemed to be split.

Because of the nightmare, she was sweating and woke up feeling hot.

Before he could figure it out, Chi Yichen came back. He heard her panting when he was standing at the door, and rushed up anxiously. He didn't expect to see Jian Xi sitting on the bed panting heavily, with her round eyes wide open. Big eyes, looking at everything in front of him suspiciously, his eyes are empty.

He rushed to her bedside and saw that she was wheezing heavily. He quickly put on an oxygen mask for her, and while patting her thin back carefully, he said in a tone of uncontrollable excitement, "You finally woke up, that's great! Finally woke up."

Seeing Chi Yichen, Jian Xi finally dared to be sure - she is not dead!

Looking at the simple and warm furniture in the house, and the smell of the medicine filling her nasal cavity, it is not difficult for her to guess that this is a hospital.

After putting on the oxygen mask, her disordered breathing finally calmed down. Although she had a splitting headache, she didn't want to fall asleep, but she was weak all over, so Chi Yichen let Chi Yichen gently lay her down and cover her up. quilt.

There was no joy of resurrection in the empty eyes, her pale face was as white as paper, and her pale lips were tightly pressed, looking at him dully.

Chi Yichen was not angry or anxious, he was already very happy that she could wake up, he didn't dare to ask for so much, anyway, he had enough time and patience to accompany her until she came out of the haze little by little.

He pulled up a chair and sat on the edge of the bed. He held her right hand and warmed her cold hand with his warm palm, while slowing down and whispering, "You know what? You slept for a month and a half, doctor Tell me that if you still can't wake up, he will judge you as a vegetable, but fortunately, you woke up."

Does she know?For the past one and a half months, he has been by her side every day, whether it is work or life, it is arranged here. If he has to go out, he will simply refuse.

She was in the hospital all the time when she was in a coma, and so was he. Except for buying fresh flowers to put in the vase on the bedside table every day, he didn't go anywhere, just guarding her.

Although the past was very heavy, but he was afraid that she would be curious, so he coughed twice to restore the matter.

Yao Linna called him that day and told him that after Jian Xi was taken away, he was so anxious that he tried desperately to call her, but he got through just once, and never got through again after that.

He directly told her the head of the police station to send someone to the police, and called all the surveillance cameras in S city to search for all the news about her overnight.

Fortunately, he went to the Chenguang branch to ask for Bai Rui's number and address, and sent bodyguards to surround her before forcing out where Jianxi was. Otherwise, even if he searched for two or three months, he probably wouldn't be able to find anyone.

When we arrived, there was no one in the warehouse.The warehouse was located in the suburbs, and there was a pool of water behind it. The water was very deep. After they couldn't find her, they heard the sound of splashing water coming from behind the warehouse.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed directly to the warehouse and jumped into the pool to save her.

Chi Yichen didn't tell Jian Xi that when he saw her in the water, she was almost naked, with red spots all over her neck and neckline, he was afraid that she would collapse, even if he was going crazy with anger, he would never stand in front of her show up.

"After you were sent to the hospital, the doctor said that your lungs were flooded with water and caused inflammation. In addition to the impact when you fell into the water, you were unconscious and had a high fever. At that time, I thought you were going to die... It scared me Dying too." His voice was still trembling as he spoke.

Carefully kissing her hand, there was no trace of indifference or blame on the man's knife-like face. Although he smiled reluctantly, he was gentle, with distressed and tender feelings in his brows and eyes, wishing he could take her into his arms.

However, her face was still ashen, and there was no ripple in her eyes when she looked at him.

In order to reassure her, he hesitated for a while, and told her what the doctor said, "The doctor said that although you are covered with injuries, there will be no scars, so you can..."

Before the word "An Xin" was uttered, Chi Yichen raised his eyes, and saw Jian Xi's pale face and wide eyes, those once clear eyes were now full of anger and grievance.

She suddenly became excited, sat up suddenly, took off the oxygen mask, grabbed his collar, and yelled hysterically, "What does the doctor understand? Only I know the pain at that time, and only I know that kind of pain." What does he know about the feeling that life is worse than death?"

The interrogation was like a pearl necklace being torn apart, each pearl was beating in his heart, and he was in pain, but this little pain was not as good as one ten-thousandth of the torture she suffered.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, her mouth was salty and bitter, she licked her lips, Jian Xi turned her face away indifferently, and loosened his collar weakly.

"Why did you save me? Wouldn't it be good to let such a dirty me die? I'm so dirty, you won't want me anymore." After all, her tone softened, but the choked up sound made people feel more heartbroken. broken.

How much she wanted to forget that terrible past, but she couldn't forget it, like a hot iron was branded on her heart, and she couldn't get rid of that "dirty" mark anymore.

It's not because she's afraid that Chi Yichen will abandon her, but because she knows very well in her heart that she is not worthy of him.

There was no equivalent in the first place, and now even people have become dirty, what face should she have to face him?

For the first time, Chi Yichen tasted the feeling of his heart being twisted like a knife. It would be fine if a knife was stabbed. Her words were like needles being stuck in his heart and it hurt, and he couldn't find any outlet to vent it.

He hugged her violently, hugging her desperately, but cautiously as if she were a fragile work of art.

What she said just now terrified him.

"Don't think like this, I don't allow you to think like this, I won't want you, even if you are short of arms and legs, I will want you, even if you die, I will hug your cold body and sleep with you, I will never let you go in my life, do you hear me?"

No matter how many words piled up together, they could not break the wall of her heart. She still shed hot tears and looked out of the window with empty eyes. Birds flew by, it was free, but she was not anymore.

He put his thin lips next to her ear and whispered, repeating the love words that he had never said before-"I love you" over and over again, tirelessly.

At the end, his voice also became hoarse, and his shirt was soaked with her hot tears.

"Sorry, I'm late." A faint apology made her shoulders stiffen suddenly.

Her right hand grabbed his neckline violently and beat his chest. She finally began to collapse, buried in his shoulder and cried loudly, venting all the grievances she suffered there on him.

After all, she still blamed him in her heart.

If that day, he could come earlier, then everything would be different. If that day, he said that he would go home for dinner, then she would not go to any party. If that day, what's the use of saying this now.

It's too late!She could no longer look directly at herself.

"Chi Yichen, if I didn't fall in love with you, maybe I wouldn't be in such pain." She cried so hard, accused him, beat him, but he was willing to suffer, closed his eyes and hugged her tightly, hating You can't rub her into your body.

That way, he would be able to feel her pain himself.

If she doesn't fall in love with him, maybe she will still be sad, but at least she won't struggle between continuing to live and dying.

Now that he is still here, how can she let go?But how can she continue to hold his hand with such a dirty face?
I don't know how long she cried until Jian Xi cried until her tears dried up and she fell asleep on his shoulder, Chi Yichen didn't let her go, not even for a moment.

From daytime to nightfall outside the window, his shoulders were numb, but he still let her fall asleep on his shoulders.

Patting her on the back, even in her sleep, her shoulders were still trembling slightly, which showed how scared she was.

When he thought of seeing her messy appearance at that time, his heart felt as if he was being severely grabbed, and the pain was so painful that he was about to suffocate.No matter what, he will never let anyone who hurts Jian Xi go, he will torture them to death bit by bit!

It was planned to let her sleep until the next day, but she woke up when the nurse pulled out the needle. The nurse didn't know that she woke up and was shocked.

"She's fine, I know I'll stay for a few more days, you can go out now." His attitude towards outsiders was still very cold, his indifferent eyes sparkled with hissing, it seemed that as long as he resisted, he would be furious.

The nurse nodded nervously, turned around and ran out as if fleeing.As soon as the nurse left, Chi Yichen quickly turned his head, put on a gentle expression, and said softly, "You can continue to sleep, don't mind."

But he didn't expect that he happened to see a slight smile appearing on Jian Xi's pale face. Although it was only for a moment, it was already a great gift to him.

"It may take a long time for me to recover, can you wait for me?" she asked uncertainly.

After all, she still couldn't let him go.

The man was ecstatic, smiling like a frivolous teenager, with a soft tone, "Yes, I can wait in my whole life, I can wait in my next life, I can wait in my next life..."

If he is asked to choose the thing he is most proud of in his life, it is not his career.

It's "falling in love with Jianxi."

(End of this chapter)

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