Chapter 160 Why?
"Youaremysunshine..." A certain woman was humming, walking on the path lined with green trees, with countless luxury cars passing by beside her, the sun was shining through the gaps between the leaves, and the early spring wind was so noisy.

Chi Yichen walked beside her, with his hands in his trouser pockets, also looking at ease, but his black suit seemed a bit abrupt on this occasion.

Today is a family dinner, everything was ready, but who knew that the car broke down on the way, the driver forgot to take the car for maintenance regularly, Chi Yichen was so angry that he almost fired him, luckily Jianxi stopped him in time .

Seeing that it was not far from the wealthy area in the western suburbs, a certain woman simply decided, "Let's just walk, anyway, I haven't walked with you like this for a long time."

In fact there is no good at all?When someone travels, he will definitely drive a luxury car, and she will always ride a car when she is with him.

So it is rare to have such an opportunity, which is actually not bad.

Chi Yichen didn't object, although it was a bit awkward to walk on the side of the road in a dress, but as long as she was happy, he didn't care.

Jian Xi jumped up and down all the way, swinging his hands in the air, as happy as if he had acquired some treasure, which made the man unknowingly infected, and his unsmiling face was unconsciously stained with a calm smile.

Holding her swaying hand, the man couldn't bear his curiosity, "Did something good happen? It can make you so happy."

To be honest, the man felt a little uncomfortable seeing her so happy, why didn't she smile like this when she was by his side?Although she was indeed smiling in front of him, he didn't believe it was because she was with him.

"Because I'm with you, and not at home but outside, even walking together, I feel incredible." Jian Xi turned her head to respond to him without even thinking about it, her smile was as bright as the sun, and her happiness climbed to the top. The face is more lovely.

Chi Yichen didn't expect her to be so frank, and for such a reason...

He suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her, no matter how many cars passed by, he just hugged her so tightly, put the tip of his nose into her hair, smelling the fragrance from her soft black hair.

Jian Xi immediately blushed, wanted to break free, but was a little reluctant, grabbed his collar as if acquiescing, and hesitated, "What are you doing? This is on the street."

In fact, a certain girl who is forgetful has completely forgotten what sensational words she said just now.

If she knew, her reaction would definitely not be as calm as it is now.

The spring breeze blew, and her long hair moved with the wind. The man rubbed her hair, and finally let go of her, and took her hand to interlock her fingers, and continued on his way.

"Did you go to see Yao Linna yesterday?" He chatted with her calmly, as if a smile flashed across the face of white jade that had been carefully sculpted, and his bright eyes that were as deep as swirls gleamed, and there was only room for her in them.

It's not bad to be able to chat like an old couple.

As soon as this was mentioned, a certain woman immediately showed her true nature, raised her face and laughed, completely disregarding her image, let alone her integrity.

"That's right, I went to negotiate with her yesterday, and I promised her that as long as she obediently acts as my eyeliner on Bai Rui's side, I can bring her back to her glorious moment." She said, paused again, her expression A little complicated, he looked at him suspiciously, "But how did you know?"

Chi Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't have the leisure to follow her.

Even if it was stalking, it could only be called protecting her.

"Because Yao Linna came to the company to look for me yesterday and asked me to give her an announcement first. Only by creating the illusion that she is still valued by me can Bai Rui value her and bring her to the party."

So that's the case, a certain woman nodded, what Yao Linna said was not unreasonable.

After all, that old fox Bai Rui is not a philanthropist, if Yao Linna is not famous, she has no reason to continue to support her.

"Then did you agree?" She looked at him uncertainly, after all, she didn't tell him about the negotiation with Yao Linna.

Nonsense, the man raised his hand and rubbed her head fiercely, he is the only one who understands her best, how could he not know her little thoughts.

During the conversation, he walked to the door of the villa unknowingly. The servants had been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing them appear, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were already half an hour late.

After passing through the granite path, they finally arrived at the inner room. Jian Jia, Chi Tianyou and others were already waiting in the living room, and Chi Jinnian went to the door to greet them.

Chi Yichen took off the suit jacket and handed it to the servant. He straightened his collar and nodded towards him expressionlessly, "Dad, I'm sorry we're late."

"It's okay, it's fine when people come." Chi Jinnian didn't care too much, glanced at Jian Xi with a smile on his face, and patted her on the shoulder. He also knew that Jian Ce agreed to their being together.

Since the parents of the other party agreed, of course he recognized Jian Xi as his daughter-in-law, and he liked her very much anyway.

When everyone was present, they hurried to the cafeteria to take their seats. Chi Jinnian, as the head of the table, naturally sat at the top of the table. Jian Xi and Chi Yichen sat on the left closest to him, while Chi Qingfeng and Chi Zhaoye.

As for Jian Jia and Chi Tianyou, they had no choice but to sit the farthest away. Whoever made them the least popular with Chi Jinnian would have nothing to say even if they were full of complaints.

Jian Jia glared at Jian Xi angrily, while secretly clenching her fists. Although she didn't do anything to her now, she hated her and Chi Yichen for stealing Chi Tianyou's limelight.

Ever since Chi Tianyou was disgusted by Chi Jinnian, Jian Jia has become his only support, because she has plenty of means.

Only by relying on her can he return to Chi's house, and gain Chi Jinnian's trust step by step.

Although Chi Tianyou valued her and made Jian Jia very proud, it was undeniable that her biggest wish, to have another child, had become the most difficult thing at present.

"Jian Xi, since your father said that, when do you plan to hold the wedding?" Chi Jinnian's deep voice interrupted Jian Jia's thoughts, she recovered and looked at Jian Xi, only to see that she was slightly She lowered her head shyly.

She usually does things carelessly and never cares about her image, but when it comes to this kind of thing, she becomes embarrassed again.

Really good at pretending, she sneered disdainfully, Jian Jia picked up the goblet, and took a sip of the red wine to suppress the burning anger in her heart, she was really afraid that she would give her a slap if she couldn't help it.

Jian Xi remained silent, Chi Jinnian looked at Chi Yichen again, his attitude was quite calm, "Anyway, it will definitely be within this month, and I happen to be free at the end of this month."

Chi Jinnian nodded in agreement, "That's right, the wedding should be more grand, and it shouldn't be rushed. In short, you must not disappoint your in-laws."

Before the words finished, she was interrupted by a sharp voice, looking for her reputation, and saw Jian Jia holding a goblet, with two blushes on her face, no one knew that she drank alone while they were talking. How much red wine.

As soon as Jian Jia saw Jian Jia, Jian Xi felt an inexplicable anger in his heart. Thinking of what Jian Ce said to her that day, it is still vivid in his memory.

"Actually, Jianxi is not my daughter..."

hateful!She gritted her teeth, barely restrained her resentful eyes, and pretended to be calm and lowered her head to stare at the steaming steak on the plate, without saying a word.

"I don't know when Dad can arrange a wedding date for me and Tianyou. To be honest, the matter between me and Tianyou has been delayed for a long time, and we have been engaged for so long." She seemed embarrassed, pretending to be coy He lowered his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

In fact, everyone knew that her skin was almost thicker than the wall.

Chi Tianyou was stunned by the side, his eyes were only on Jian Xi from the beginning to the end, even if she hadn't looked at him until now, it didn't matter.

It's just that he can't express his love to her freely now, because Jian Jia has tied him tightly, if he still wants to hang out in Chi's house, he can only follow her instructions and accompany her to finish the scene.

As soon as Chi Tianyou was mentioned, the old man's face immediately fell down, his gray temples trembled slightly, and his sharp eyes remained the same as before.

"Let's look at your affairs again. Jianxi's wedding hasn't been held yet. What are you in a hurry for?"

Such an obvious preference made Jian Jia feel ashamed, and she was extremely angry, but she could only bite her silver teeth and swallow it in her stomach, not daring to do anything wrong.

Glancing at Jian Xi, she was finally willing to look up at her this time, but her gaze was indifferent, and she couldn't tolerate any bullying from her.

Even if she didn't say anything, Jian Jia could still feel that Jian Xi didn't take her seriously anymore.

The hand holding the goblet increased strength, she still wanted to continue the conversation, but was interrupted directly by Chi Jinnian, he squinted at Jian Xi's hand resting on the edge of the table, two emerald green jade bracelets were wrapped around her It is very conspicuous on the thin hands.

"This pair of bracelets should be of a certain age. How did you have them?" For some reason, Chi Jinnian felt that this pair of bracelets looked familiar. He seemed to have seen this pair of bracelets on someone he knew before, but he just couldn't remember.

He suddenly focused his attention on her bracelet, and the certain woman was startled, and quickly put her hands on her knees, blushing.

In fact, she didn't want to put it on at first, but Chi Yichen said that it looked good on her and made her look very elegant. She listened to his nonsense for a while, so she put it on secretly.

Scratching her head shyly, she was a little embarrassed.

"Actually, it was given by my dad. He said it was my mother's relic, and it was my dowry." She almost blurted out, not even thinking that Jian Jia was still at the scene. When she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. .

Looking up, she saw that Jian Jia's face was ashen with heavy makeup.

It's over now, and she will be bored to death by this incompetent sister for a long time.

The hand holding the goblet was very strong, and the bright red nails sank into the flesh, pinching out a few blood marks, but despite this, she still forced a smile.

Why doesn't she have what Jianxi has?Obviously she is Jian Ce's own daughter, but Jian Ce actually gave her everything, what about her?Does she get nothing?

The same is true for the wedding, as well as the dowry, all of which were taken away by Jianxi. It was all because of her that her life was so miserable.

She hates her, she is not reconciled, she wants revenge!
Gazing at her bitterly, Jian Jia sat down with a hideous expression.

(End of this chapter)

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