Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 174 I'm Still Here

Chapter 174 I'm Still Here

Quickly stepped up the marble steps, passed through the revolving door, and rushed into the hall. The security police gathered together and watched the man warily.

"This is a customer of our hotel, Mr. Chi." The front desk lady hurried up to defend him, and the policeman put down the gun in his hand, turned around and rushed to the stairwell.

The elevator has been stopped, and the power supply of the entire hotel has been cut off. That is to say, if the murderer is not caught in time, it is impossible to find them with the surveillance camera. Maybe they cut off the power supply just in anticipation.

At present, there are two hundred residents and dozens of waiters in the sixteenth floor. The only special thing is that there is only one customer on the fourth floor, and that is Jianxi.

Because he didn't want to be disturbed, he let Chris wrap up the next layer.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

The man stood in the middle of the hall. Although his stern face was as calm as ever, the furrowed brows and the faintly protruding veins on his forehead had already exposed his emotions on the verge of collapse.

He clenched his fists tightly, turned his head and stared at the front desk lady who came to comfort him, his eyes were so sharp that she couldn't help shivering, and reflexively took a few steps back.

"Your hotel doesn't even have basic defense measures? Why did you let such a person in?" He didn't growl, but his tone was as cold as ice, and his shrinking pupils were burning with anger.

"I'm really sorry, because it's near the sea and there are all kinds of tourists. When those people came to stay, we really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Maybe when they said they could go to the room by themselves we It should be..."

With a livid face, he was sullen and furious, "Enough, is it useful to explain this now? You inform the police and let them go directly to the fourth floor to find Jianxi."

This is not partiality, he is very clear that their only target is Jian Xi.

damn it!If Xue Jinxi had his way, he would never let her go.

Not allowing her to refute, the man bypassed her and rushed to the stairwell. He didn't believe that those who had been stuck here for so long and just went up just now had any ability to save people. He wanted to see for himself that Jian Xi was fine.

Otherwise, no one will let him go!
The power supply of the elevators was all cut off, the ceiling lights of the hotel were all off, and the dark corridor could only be seen clearly through the window at the end—the light coming in from the window.

The structure of the resort hotel is complicated, and the corners are often forks, which means that it is even more difficult for him to find her.

"Jianxi?" He cautiously looked around, holding his breath, but what came to his ears was the stairwell behind him, the crowd who fled from the upstairs, many of them rushed down in their pajamas, of course there were People are fully dressed.

Among those residents who escaped, there was a high possibility that those who were chasing Jian Xi were mixed in.

But he has no intention of turning back.

Those people were just doing things for money, and the real mastermind behind the scenes was either Xue Jinxi, or——a person he had been suspicious of in the past.

Passing through the corridor again, at the opposite end, a cold light flashed through the silver elevator door, and the guns piled up on the floor also emitted a faint light, and the brass-colored bullets rolled on the ground, making a rustling sound.

Walking slowly towards the end, his steps were heavy, until the bullet rolled to his feet, the rustling stopped, the crater on the elevator door looked shocking, luckily, there was no blood on it.

Jian Xi used to stay in this elevator. The man stood quietly in front of the elevator door, turned his head and looked to the left and looked at another corridor leading to the escape exit. There are rooms on both sides. The size of this hotel is an ordinary five-star hotel. Twice as high as a hotel.

The overhead light on the ceiling was shattered, glass shards splashed all over the ground, and there were scratches on the marble wall. Following these tracks, Chi Yichen could almost see the traces of her escape.

However, the door of the escape exit at the end was closed tightly, and it was already a dead end.

Secretly clenched his fists, the veins on the back of his thin hands bulged, he closed his eyes, and the sound of his own heavy heartbeat could be heard in his ears.

When he came, he searched their room first, and almost lifted the bed board, but he didn't find her.

If it is an elevator, after a power outage, the elevator door cannot be opened unless external force is used. No matter how strong Jian Xi is, it is impossible for him to pry open the elevator door.

Where is Jian Xi?

"Weakness, that person knows her biggest weakness." The last words that Xue Jinxi said to him when she jumped down flashed in her mind. The smile on the corner of her mouth was mocking, as if she knew everything from the beginning.

Sword eyebrows frowned, the man opened his eyes suddenly, and countless memory fragments flashed in his mind, the dancing figure of the woman, and some inexplicable memories welling up from the depths of his memory.

"Sheng'er, why are you crying?" The youthful young Pianpian pulled up his sleeves and wiped away the girl's tears. On her pale face, the eye sockets were flushed, and the curled eyelashes were still dripping with tears.

She shook her head and pouted stubbornly, never revealing her weakness.

Not all innocent people live in greenhouses, there are also people who live in discarded cardboard boxes, seeing all the darkness in the world, and only because of one person's brilliance, let go of their guards.

And the boy who is as dazzling as the sun made her finally willing to open her heart and tell him boldly.

"Chi Yichen, I'm afraid of the dark, but she locked me up, so I can't escape."

Weeping loudly, the heartbroken voice pulled the man back from his memories to the real world, his eyes were as deep as swirls, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the hotel manager who was still guarding downstairs.

"You send someone to bring tools up to the fourth floor to pry open the elevator door, there are people inside."

Without waiting for the other party to respond, he hung up and tried to dial Jianxi's number, but as expected, he was still not within the service area.

Throwing the phone hard against the marble wall, he bent down and picked up the silver pistol on the ground, and opened the magazine. There was still one bullet in it, that is to say, they fired five shots at her.

Since that person is ruthless, he will not be polite.

In deep thought, he had already held the gun, raised it, pointed the muzzle at the elevator door, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of bullets rubbing against metal, there was a scream from the elevator. Although it was subtle, it was full of fear. He was most familiar with this sound, and Jian Xi was indeed inside.

"Jian Xi, are you inside? Don't be afraid, it's me." He reached out and stroked the door full of bomb craters, the silver light reflected the man's appearance, on the delicate face like white jade, with lowered eyebrows and downcast eyes, full of sorrow.

There were rustling sobs from inside, and he knew she was afraid.

Can't hear her voice, not sure if she's talking to him, he and her seem to be isolated, obviously close at hand, but he just can't touch her, can't see her, can't even hear her to her voice.

He felt sorry for her, but there was nothing he could do.

Wanted to rant, why haven't the damn crew come yet?But he was afraid that he would be frightened, so he suppressed his emotions to the extreme, his pale face, deep eyes as black as the night, were intertwined with distress and helplessness.

"Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

The rustling inside was getting smaller and smaller, and after being locked up inside for so long, she must have exhausted her strength.

Fortunately, the manager led a group of firefighters to rush over, and Chi Yichen quickly moved out of the way, watching the firefighters quickly squeeze the stick between the two doors, forcing the door to open to both sides .

In the narrow space, Jian Xi curled up on the ground, trembling all over, her eyes were flushed, her face was full of tears, and her brows were tightly frowned.

This was the second time that he saw her so vulnerable. The first time was when he stretched out his hand to her in the water, but she didn't catch it.

"Jianxi." Pushing the firefighter away, the man quickly stepped forward and hugged her from the floor. Her consciousness gradually became clear, her empty eyes gradually filled with emotion, and tears welled up again.

She hugged his neck violently, and buried herself on his shoulder, crying loudly.

"It's so dark inside, I'm so scared, I thought I was going to die here." She spoke intermittently, crying so hard that the man's heart was about to break.

Patting his hand on her back, he hugged her tighter.

"Excuse me, do you need to be sent to the hospital—" The manager smiled flatteringly, and stood in front of Chi Yichen desperately.

He didn't make a sound, just cast a razor-like look over him, the manager immediately shuddered, and obediently made a way for him.

Holding her all the way down the stairs, she kept crying all the way, Chi Yichen was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do for her.

She could only whisper softly in her ear, "It's okay, I'm here."

The hotel personnel contacted Chris, and when he went downstairs, the driver had already parked the car at the door, opened the door, and winked at the two bodyguards in suits beside him, and they rushed into the hotel to help them packing luggage.

After getting in the car, the person in his arms finally calmed down, obediently leaning on his body, his breathing gradually became steady, but he still sobbed from time to time, which sounded distressing.

"I'm sorry for making Mr. Chi tired." The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away in the direction it came from.

The man closed his eyes and rested his mind, his knife-sharpened face was expressionless, no emotions could be seen, but the tone of his mouth was cold.

"Inform Chris to use public opinion means to completely bring down that hotel within a month."

There is no room for negotiation, let alone his sympathy.

At the same time, in a villa in the wealthy area of ​​the western suburbs hundreds of miles away, a graceful and luxurious woman is half lying on the sofa. The surface of the sofa is hand-woven with gold thread, which sets off her skin exposed outside the sleeves. Fairer.

The woman listened to the phone with a calm expression, "You've done a good job. As I said, it's fine if you kill her. If you don't, then let her life be worse than death. I know her weakness very well."

As she spoke, she couldn't help sneering, her eyes sharp.The right hand holding the microphone, the gemstone and diamond ring on the ring finger exudes a faint cold light.

Although it didn't make much sense to do so, if she didn't do it, she would die of suffocation sooner or later.Since she dared to appear in front of her, then she had to have fun with her, otherwise how could she be worthy of her sincerity?

Jian Xi couldn't escape her palm, she must make her disappear completely.

Of course, before that, she would be worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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