Chapter 187 You Crazy Woman
The luxuriously decorated but stylish interior is different from the usual cold atmosphere, because of the presence of Jian Jia, the atmosphere is much warmer.

In front of the fireplace in the corner of the hall, on the dark green leather sofa, there was endless laughter and harmony.

However, Xue Qi felt bored. He really couldn't stay in this weird atmosphere, so he got up and prepared to go back to the room to rest.

"Dad, where are you going?" A sweet voice came from behind, and Xue Qi immediately had goose bumps all over his body. He had to stop and turned to look at Jian Jia.

Jian Jia was dressed in fancy clothes, with a blanket on her legs, sitting at one end of the sofa, talking to Mr. Xue, but her eyes were always on Xue Qi, as if deliberately trying to attract his attention.She also flicked her hair hanging on her shoulders, charming and moving.

It's hard to believe, how could his obedient daughter become such a woman?

Xue Qi sighed, shook her head, and went back to the sofa to sit down again.However, his behavior has already attracted Xue Yuepeng's attention, Xue Yuepeng immediately frowned, even though his head is gray, his majesty is still the same as before.

The wrinkles on his face piled up together, and Mr. Xue slapped his thigh, furious, "What's the matter? You've been frowning for a few days. Could it be that you are so unhappy when your own daughter comes back? You bastard, if it wasn't for you, Sheng How long can you leave us?"

In fact, Sheng'er's disappearance has nothing to do with Xue Qi, but it's not that there is no connection at all. His father's depression has nowhere to vent, so he just vented it all on him, hating him for ten years.

He was almost used to Xue Yuepeng's expressionless face.

In the end, a "Sheng'er" popped out. Obviously, even her ashes were scattered in the sea at that time. Mr. Xue just didn't believe in Sheng'er's death. He searched hard for many years, but never expected that she would really come back. up.

"Father, it's my fault. It's not that I'm unhappy that Sheng'er can come back. It's just that I'm just a little uncomfortable. Please forgive me." He bowed his head respectfully and apologized. Xue Qi got up again and was about to leave. Old Xue didn't stop him either. He snorted coldly, with disgust on his face.

Seeing this, Jian Jia wanted to stop him, but she got ahead of Mrs. Xue, who was sitting at the side and remained silent from beginning to end.Mrs. Xue got up and explained to Mr. Xue with a light smile while turning her head, "I'll take him to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee to refresh himself, you two talk first."

In fact, it was late at night, but Xue Yuepeng still wanted to hear more about what happened to Jian Jia in recent years, so he insisted on not sleeping, and asked everyone not to sleep.

Stretching out her hand to hold Xue Qi's arm, Mrs. Xue forcibly dragged him into the kitchen and dismissed all the servants who were working. She poured a glass of boiled water and handed it to him, "I mean you, no matter how unhappy you are, You can't show it, no wonder Dad is angry."

It's not without reason that she flattered Xue Yuepeng. You must know that the Xue family's property is huge, and there are many wolves who rob meat. If they can't make Mr. Xue happy, it means that the property belongs to others.

How many years has she endured humiliation in the Xue family, if there is no return at all, how can she be reconciled?

Mrs. Xue kindly persuaded her, but it seemed even weirder to Xue Qi. He didn't understand that Sheng'er was not her own. Now that she came back, Mr. Xue was alluding to her everywhere he spoke. How could she bear it?
"Don't you hate Sheng'er's mother? Why did you change your attitude now? You must be planning something again." Pulling her hand away abruptly, Xue Qi's expression was indifferent, with weather-beaten eyes In the eyes, there is guard and sarcasm.

Mrs. Xue's eyes widened in disbelief, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

She didn't even take the initiative to mention that woman, but he didn't ask for it.

Suddenly turning around, Mrs. Xue poured the boiled water in the glass into the sink, turned on the tap, and washed carefully. If she hadn't seen her true face, she would be easily deceived by her appearance as a good wife and loving mother.

Accompanied by the sound of water, her voice became more and more indifferent, "It's so kind to be like a donkey, you think I like to put a hot face on a cold butt, and it's not all for you. It's not pleasant, do you think it's possible for Dad to leave the property to you?"

Asking Jian Jia to pretend to be Sheng'er is because there are many chess pieces to do things easily, and secondly, it is also to fight for property. Mr. Xue likes Jian Jia so much, and he probably won't leave nothing to Sheng'er's father.

As soon as the words were finished, the atmosphere became heavy. Xue Qi coughed twice, but remained silent.

He is not a person who is indifferent to the world. The property belongs to him, so of course he wants to get what he deserves.

After a while, when Mrs. Xue had already started making coffee for him, Xue Qi moved her stiff steps, walked up behind her, and whispered against her back, "Take this as my fault, I can apologize, But Jian Jia, didn't Dad take her for a paternity test?"

Before he finished speaking, Mrs. Xue turned around and reached out to grab his neck, wishing she could get closer.

For many years, he has never been so close to her as he is now.

A heart softened into a mess in an instant, Mrs. Xue caressed his shoulders carefully, feeling the warmth of his skin through the clothes, she took a deep breath, her nose was filled with the faint smell of tobacco on his body, she couldn't help it Bring back red lips.

"Don't worry, just let Dad be happy for a while now. Anyway, Sheng'er's appearance is good for us, and you and I just need to try our best to cater to them. Listen to me, okay?" The flame of desire burned hot in her heart.

Longing for him, she hasn't touched him like this for many years.

However, before Xue Qi could respond, he heard the loud doorbell ringing outside the door. Xue Qi immediately pushed her away and rushed out of the kitchen.After all, he was still unwilling to accept her, otherwise why would he need to escape?

"Hmph." She sneered, raised her hand to look at the onyx diamond ring on her right ring finger that was emitting a faint light, her eyes shifted.

Immediately afterwards, with Jian Jia's exclamation, there was a crisp sound from the glass bottle hitting the marble table in the hall.

Mrs. Xue hurriedly chased it out, and before she got close to the corner of the hall, she stopped because of the splashing glass shards. The light from the crystal chandelier shone on the glass shards all over the carpet, shining like diamonds.

In front of the sofa, Jian Xi still held a bottle in her hand, blood slid down her white arm, she shivered slightly with her back to Mrs. Xue's figure.

"You crazy woman, this is not Chi's house, what are you doing here?" Several bottles of red wine for decoration on the table were all smashed, and the alcohol splashed everywhere, and Jian Jia, who couldn't dodge in time, was already splashed all over her body.

Jian Jia yelled, hugging her head and crying, with hot tears in her eyes, anyone who saw her would feel distressed, let alone Xue Yuepeng who regarded her as a jewel in his palm, his face turned livid, and he pulled Jian Jia away, His expression was furious.

As soon as Jian Xi rushed in, regardless of the servants' obstruction, he ran directly to them, overturned the tablecloth, and showed an unrepentant attitude. It's strange that Xue Yuepeng was not angry.

But Jianxi is going all out, she has nothing, what else is there to be afraid of?

Really capable of acting, she almost fainted, Jian Xi sneered, dismissive of Jian Jia's reaction.

Who would have thought that she would guess correctly—Jian Jia suddenly went limp, and collapsed into the arms of Old Xue. He couldn't hold on alone, so he quickly asked Xue Qi to help, and the scene was in chaos.

"Jian Xi, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. If you have something to say, can't you just calm down and talk about it?" Xue Qi was also angry, and hugged Jian Jia, and led her to the study, followed by the servant behind her. Take the medicine box with you.

She is this kind of person?Otherwise, what kind of person did he think she was—Jian Xi really wanted to refute, but no matter how hoarse she was, or even hysterical, her vocal cords remained motionless, and she felt powerless to fight back.

She doesn't care about her damn friends, lovers, and even her life experience. She, Jianxi, just wants to be self-willed. She has tasted the taste of death, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

Putting Jian Jia on the sofa, Xue Qi was worried that something would happen to his father, so he hurriedly chased him out. Who knew that the moment Jian Xi met his eyes and burst into tears, he felt more distressed than anyone else.

This kind of heartache is not because of love, but a strange feeling welling up from the bottom of his heart, which makes him feel very familiar.

But Mr. Xue couldn't help him lose his focus, he grabbed Xue Qi's wrist suddenly, and he glared, "Why don't you hurry up and put this crazy woman down, where's Aunt Mei? Did she call for bodyguards?"

Crazy woman?How dare he call her a crazy woman?Jian Xi also suddenly became manic, and kicked away the servants who surrounded him, while opening his mouth wide, eager to make a sound from his throat.

Arms were suddenly trapped from behind, Jian Xi simply raised his leg and kicked their stomachs and chests, raised his foot, and slammed on the shoes under his feet.

It was almost a matter of a while, five or six servants fell down at the same time, even if they could get up again, they didn't dare to mess around.

Trash, if you want to trap her, at least send some professional thugs!Looking at Xue Yuepeng provocatively, Jian Xi smiled wickedly, her pretty face was slightly distorted, her hair was sticking to her face randomly, but she had a kind of messy beauty.

Xue Yuepeng pushed Xue Qi again, but he still hesitated, not because he was afraid that he would not be able to beat her, but because he couldn't bear it.

Xue Qi's hesitant expression was fully seen by Mrs. Xue, who was watching from a distance. She suddenly felt furious, and she didn't know where the courage came from. Wearing house shoes, she stepped directly on the broken glass, walked up to her and raised her hand. to fight.

Jian Xi didn't stop her, and still looked at her with a smile, with disdain in her eyes.

Pulling out the wine bottle with his teeth, Jian Xi lifted the bottle above his head in a smart manner, and turned it around suddenly. The crimson red wine gushed out from the narrow mouth of the bottle. Madam Xue happened to strike at that time and hit her , but it also dirty her hands and splashed her face.

Didn't you say I'm a crazy woman?Then I will give you crazy.

Jian Xi raised her face and laughed loudly, the red liquid slid down her hair, her body was bright red, and she smelled of wine, but she didn't care anymore, she just wanted the truth, why is it so difficult?

Seeing Jian Xi gloating so much, Mrs. Xue was very angry, and raised her hand to slap her again, but this time Jian Xi will not stop fighting back.

She bangs her head directly to hers.

With the trembling of the hair, the red wine splashed everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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