Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 210 Forget about that day

Chapter 210 Forget about that day

Suddenly rushing out from the entrance shocked everyone, but Jian Xi has no time to care about others now, she has only one goal.

That was Jian Jia who was still humming proudly in the room on the second floor.

She, a bitch, actually did such a crazy thing, she, Jian Xi, would never forgive her!

Jian Xi rushed upstairs like a leopard, before he even had time to see the figure clearly, only a gust of wind left behind, and Chi Jinnian's gray hair moved with the wind.

After a moment of silence, old man Chi looked at Chi Yichen, he seemed not to understand the situation, "What's wrong with Jianxi? He looks like he's going to kill someone."

Just kidding, that posture is just like a monster in a horror movie, even the old man who has seen the world can't help but hold his heart, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

Chi Yichen, on the other hand, was much calmer. Obviously, the doubts in his heart kept climbing like vines, but there was no trace of emotion on his delicate face. He calmly took a sip of the tea, and the fragments of tea leaves were still circling in the cup.

"I don't know, probably because I drank too much water and rushed to the bathroom."

"..." Hey, is this reason too far-fetched?
But thinking about Jian Xi's weird personality, maybe she could really do such a thing. Thinking of this, Chi Jinnian felt relieved, and continued to talk about business, taking a sip of hot tea from time to time.

Only Chi Yichen's complexion slowly sank, a trace of worry flashed in his deep eyes, and he quietly concealed the gloom under his eyes.

What happened to Jian Xi?
"Ah-choo--" Rubbing her nose, Jian Xi slowly stopped, her figure looked very petite in the empty corridor, her figure swayed, and she walked towards a door at the end.

Standing in front of the door, in sight is a peony that blooms introvertedly but is extremely beautiful, carved on the deep purple carved wooden door, with a touch of sandalwood, refreshing, but her restless heart just can't calm down.

Something was knocking in her head, and the throbbing pain made her frown, take a deep breath, and raised her hand to twist the doorknob.

Just opened a crack, and the strong wind rushed out, whistling in the ears.

"Who's outside? Come in directly." The lazy voice accompanied by whirring sounds was particularly harsh, as if she was whispering in Jian Xi's ear. Jian Xi raised his hand with a disgusted expression Cover your ears.

Now that Jian Jia said that, she didn't hesitate any more, she just lifted her foot and kicked the door open, and the warm wind blew her hair behind her head.

Under the milky white curtains fluttering in the air, Jian Jia sat on a chair, and in front of her was a small European-style round table, on which were placed macarons, brownies, and a cup of strong coffee, and the aroma permeated the room.

Seeing her put a macaron filled with cream in the middle into her mouth, chewing it slowly, without even looking at Jian Xi, her attitude was arrogant.

"Didn't you say that you will be sick in the first three months of pregnancy? Why can you eat everything like a pig?" With a sneer, Jian Xi walked quickly across from her, sat down on her buttocks, with an indifferent expression.

Although those desserts are too tempting, if you can't help it at this time, you will lose all your dignity.

Sarcasm can't make Jian Jia stop talking, anyway, Jian Xi is just jealous of her, and now she flies to a branch and becomes a phoenix, she can do whatever she wants, and there is no need to pay attention to the words of a fanatical jealous person.

Tapping the table with her fingertips unhurriedly, making a crisp sound, Jian Jia smiled softly, not to mention how smug the corners of her eyes were.

"Just say what you want to say. Anyway, I won't be influenced by you anymore, because I know that no matter what you say, you are jealous of me. Now that I am rich and prosperous, you must be very envious."

envious?If she was really envious, she wouldn't let Jian Jia sit here and talk shamelessly.

She didn't want to become a child who didn't even recognize her parents, but with parents like Xue Qi and Mrs. Xue, and a grandfather like Xue Yuepeng, she would rather become an orphan than recognize them.

When they missed the opportunity, it meant she wouldn't look back.

She is Jian Ce's daughter, and has been all her life.

With Erlang's legs crossed, Jian Xi put her hands on her lap, looked down at the diamond ring on her hand, and then raised her eyes, a trace of coldness flashed in her bright eyes, and a dangerous atmosphere wafted in the air.

All the anger, unhappiness, and grievances were all suppressed in her heart, a restless heart was beating wildly, and her hands trembled slightly.

"Why do you want to do that kind of thing—" When Jian Jia cast a puzzled look, Jian Xi shrank his pupils suddenly, his pale face, only the anger in his eyes was red, burning crazily, "Why? Want to Putting me to death should not be done with such a lame method of smashing me to death with a potted plant."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Xi watched Jian Jia's face turn from rosy to livid, and her swollen face began to twist and become ferocious.

The fingers that grabbed the edge of the table tightly pinched the table, and the fingertips were slightly white.

How could Jianxi know about this?Impossible, she obviously didn't even disclose it to Chi Tianyou, and even for this plan, she decided to stay at Chi's house in the western suburbs for a few days so that someone could give her an alibi.

She thought she had done everything perfectly, but she didn't expect that it was exposed anyway.

"I can't understand what you said at all." Jian Jia pretended to look away calmly, her pale earlobes were trembling, her red lips were slightly parted, as if she was gnashing her teeth.

play dumb?Did she think that Jian Xi would dispel her suspicion of her just because of her words?

Then she was too naive.

Suddenly raised his face and laughed out loud, full of Dongfang Bubai's chicness, Jian Xi's bold laughter sounded very harsh, and Jian Jia had to cover his ears, with panic in his eyes.

Suddenly, Jian Xi slammed on the table again with a "bang", and the coffee in the ceramic cup spilled out due to the tremor.

Turning to look at her, Jian Jia was almost taken aback - she had never seen Jian Xi's expression before, she couldn't see joy, anger, sorrow, or emotion, but it made people shiver uncontrollably, the so-called Ruthless, but that's all.

Half-raised her eyes, her black eyes were like cold arrows trying to see through the person opposite. If anger could burn people, Jian Jia might be going to return to the mountains now.

"Do you think I'm stupid? That night when you were lying on the low wall and looking down at me, your necklace was hanging down, and your flat shoes with muddy soles, you went to that apartment, and it was around ten o'clock at night, and I almost died at 10:30!"

Her fair face was as pale as paper, Jian Xi was so angry that she almost lost her mind, her hands that were slapped on the table were slightly red, and the veins on the back of her hands were popping up and throbbing, time passed by little by little, and she fell into a deathly silence.

At the moment of knowing the truth, all the nostalgia for the past, even a little bit, vanished instantly.

No matter how willful you are, you shouldn't make fun of people's lives. If she was really killed that night, I don't know what Jian Jia will think. Does she think she can live her life with peace of mind?

Trembling all over, Jian Jia was so frightened that she couldn't speak, she could only open her mouth and forced a few whimpers from her throat.

Fear can also make people cry. She didn't cry because of regret. She still doesn't feel regret!

She covered her face suddenly, tears overflowed from between her fingers, Jian Jia cried so much that she finally recovered. "I don't want to do that either, but I'm really scared. I know very well that you already know that I'm not Sheng'er. It's useless for you to play dumb with me. I can see that you are laughing at me."

Even if she wanted to pretend she didn't hear, she had to accept the fact that she had done such a horrible thing.

I've had enough of being treated as a joke all my life, I thought I could finally fly on a branch and become a phoenix this time, but in the end I still can't get a little self-esteem from Jian Xi, how can she bear it?
Jian Xi must think it's ridiculous, she is obviously a member of Jian's family, but she still has to pretend that she is Sheng'er.

Damn it, she doesn't know Sheng'er at all?
She only knows that as long as Mrs. Xue helps her, she can enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth, as well as the admiration and respect of most people. She wants this right to disappear, but she doesn't want it!

"Even if you cry like pear blossoms and rain, I still can't sympathize with you." Jian Xi sneered, without even looking at her, she turned her head and looked out of the window, blue sky and white clouds, sparrows chirping on the branches, and then a strong wind blew, Before it could learn to fly, it fell.

What a poor and sad sparrow.

Taking the opportunity to take a piece of macaron from the table, Jian Xi chewed it, looked back at her crying, and secretly picked up her coffee cup, taking a sip from another mouth.

Let alone sympathy, she didn't even know how she felt towards her now, whether it was hatred or not.

"I didn't die that day. You could have let go, but you pressed on every step of the way, and even bought thugs to chase me down. Jian Jia, you and I have been sisters for more than 20 years, but I never thought that you would be so cruel!" The tone was flat , but stronger than all words.

Jian Jia let go of her hand suddenly, her face was full of tears, and she looked at her suspiciously, "What hunt? I have never done that kind of thing. I didn't kill you that day. I was already scared. I was afraid that if I was found If I die, I will go to jail, I am afraid that my father will scold me, I am terribly afraid."

She was so terrified that she wished she could erase that memory, how could she keep making mistakes again and again?
Thinking of the feeling at that time, Jian Jia still couldn't stop trembling. She put her hands on her slightly protruding stomach, for fear of moving her fetus.

However, Jian Xi still didn't believe it. That kind of thing happened twice in the same time period, and Jian Jia admitted that she did it the first time. What else can I say?
Standing up and staring at her condescendingly, Jian Xi was expressionless, but clenched his fists tightly, leaned on the table, and thumped hard.

"I said don't lie to me again, I can tell it myself, who else would do such despicable and shameless things except you? But don't worry, I won't find you out right away, because the blood in your stomach Children are innocent after all, I will deal with you after they are born."

At that time, she was punishing Jian Jia as her sister.

Because she found that Jian Jia was not qualified to play her role at all.

No one can be Sheng'er.

Until Jian Xi left for a long time, Jian Jia was still unconvinced, and kept repeating and chattering.

"It's not me, I really didn't do that thing, who the hell wants to slander me!"

(End of this chapter)

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