Chapter 228 Bite if you can!
Jian Xi is no longer the same as before. She has been able to keep some things in her heart, like a stone sinking to the bottom of the sea, silently.

The agreement with Xue Jinxi is like this, and the grievance with Mrs. Xue is also like this.

She has already been able to do it, and she no longer shows it in front of Chi Yichen.

Time flies, and it's evening in the blink of an eye, but at the end of the day, Jian Xi didn't do anything, just stared blankly.

Before Chi Yichen came back, she patted her cheeks, trying to keep herself awake, otherwise she would be exposed by accident - at least for now, she didn't intend to let Chi Yichen lie in this muddy water.

"Young mistress, the young master is back." The servant's voice came from downstairs, and Jian Xi's heart was beating wildly. Just in case, she went to the bathroom to wash her face before hurriedly going downstairs.

Chi Yichen was standing in the middle of the hall waiting for her, the patterns on the carpet were faintly blooming under his feet, like stars holding the moon, the crystal chandelier on the ceiling was just above his head, the light yellow light was covered by Fainted away, his slender figure was covered with a halo.

With a face like white jade, his expression was gentle, and his eyes moved, watching the beautiful woman stepping down the steps quickly, and then rushing into his arms.

Everything is so natural, the picture is beautiful.

However, in fact, Jian Xi was originally unwilling to cuddle with him in front of the servant, but since someone said to add a little pocket money for a hug, she had no choice but to endure the humiliation. The so-called life is like a play, all By acting.

Virtue and face are not important, and that kind of thing can't be eaten.

Chi Yichen held her in his arms and stroked her smooth cheeks. Even though she spent most of her time sleeping, she still had faint dark circles under her eyes, making her look haggard.

He caressed the light blue trace gently with distress, his eyes were deep, "It may be very hard after pregnancy, you have to be patient, these few months are very important, after this period, you will be much more relaxed .”

He spoke so seriously, but Jian Xi just wanted to laugh, she completely took his words as words that a gynecologist would say.

It can't be seen that Chi Yichen still has this kind of potential.

"Inexplicable." Patting his dead mother's face, Jian Xi broke away from his arms and walked lightly towards the cafeteria. It seemed that at the end of the day, the biggest hope was dinner. She looked the same as usual.

It's just that in the bottom of my heart, there is already a certain feeling that is alienating, and the deeper it is, the more painful it will be.

After dinner, Chi Yichen took her back to the room before he dared to go into the bathroom to wash up, for fear that she would run around again during his absence.

"Tch, if I wanted to run away, I would have run away before you came back." A certain woman muttered, but she didn't dare to say it in front of him, let alone disobey his orders.

Why does she have the immediate sense of being sold into the mountains to give birth?She is a beautiful lady in the city, and Chi Yichen is an old bachelor in the mountains. He spent 10,000+ to win her as a daughter-in-law, so he must not let her go.

Jian Xi kept giggling and slapping her thigh fiercely. For the first time, she was amused by the unconstrained thoughts in her mind, and she laughed until she got angry.

If Chi Yichen knew about this, it would be strange not to punish her to death.

Sitting fixedly on the sofa, Jian Xi flicked through the text messages on her mobile phone, and found that her friends were really pitiful--that was helpless, although she was very popular when she was a student, she always felt that she had nothing to do with them. There is a distance, as if she has deceived them with an untrue identity.

So as soon as I graduated, I didn't contact you for a while, and everyone dispersed.

At the top of the page is Mu Shaogong, Jian Xi has not contacted him for a long time.

What happened last time was very unpleasant. Jian Xi felt that she was wronged, and she didn't dare to contact him. Anyway, she has such a stubborn temper. Except for Chi Yichen, she couldn't be hot-faced to post it. cold ass.

It may also be because Mu Shaogong doesn't hold enough weight in her heart for her to do this for him.

When she was in a daze, the phone vibrated suddenly, so frightened that she almost threw the phone out reflexively, but fortunately, she controlled the "burning evil spirit" in her heart in time.

Clicking on the page, it was indeed a text message sent by Mu Shaogong, and Jian Xi won this tug-of-war.

She is so capricious, bite her if you can!
How are you doing?Do you have time to meet up?There are some things I want to confess to you, about Chi Qingfeng, and the sudden murder of you that day, I'm sorry.

Seeing him send such a long text message for the first time, Jian Xi was taken aback. She was determined to refuse, but after seeing the word "Chi Qingfeng", she began to hesitate.

Although it has been a long time since this incident, Jianxi has always been brooding about it, and she is too embarrassed to ask Mu Shaogong with the cheek.

Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative to tell her about the past without asking himself.

Speaking of which, she really didn't know anything about Mu Shaogong, even whether he had a fixed residence or not, she found it inconceivable.

Looking up at the bathroom, the sound of running water rang in her ears, Jian Xi looked down at her watch suddenly - Chi Yichen had only been in for 5 minutes, and there were at least 5 minutes before she could change clothes before leaving.

Otherwise, let her go out in pajamas with Hello Kitty printed on it, not to mention whether she minds, but to say that if Chi Yichen finds out, she probably won't let her go. s face.

Jian Xi was heartbroken, and typed in the dialog -- I'm free now, you wait for me in Central Park near the western suburbs, and I'll rush over later.

She didn't intend to have a long talk with him over coffee, after all, there was a cheetah guarding the house, so how dare she neglect it.

Putting on a loose knee-length dress, her slightly protruding abdomen was covered by rough lines. It was loose and not casual, which made Jian Xi feel a little lazy. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't even notice that the body was full. any changes.

Immediately, he turned around and rushed out of the room quickly, forgetting to close the door.

At the same time, the sound of running water in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and then the door was opened, hot air rushed out of the bathroom and lingered on the man. He only wore a towel around his waist, and the well-proportioned lines of his upper body were clearly visible.

His hair was still dripping wet, and he didn't even have time to dry it with a towel.

He was right. Jian Xi ran away again, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or not. She always decided to do something when he came back, and then ran away from him regardless.

He thought that after pregnancy, she would be much more well-behaved, at least she wouldn't go out and cause trouble, but it turned out that he was thinking too much, and she was almost the same as before.

The only feeling is that she has matured.

No longer act impulsively like before.

Trapped in deathly silence, his eyes wandered, and he was about to turn around and go back to the bathroom to get a dry towel, but a text message sounded behind him - the ringtone came from Jian Xi's cell phone, she was too late when she went out. In a hurry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone.

Turn around and walk to the sofa without hesitation, pick up the phone and click on the page - I'll wait for you

Signed Mu Shaogong.

Compared with anger, there is only helplessness in his eyes. It's not that he doesn't know that in Jianxi's heart, his weight is much greater than that of Mu Shaogong.

But it's not enough, this is not the level he wants, what he wants is all her feelings, and her eyes will always be on him.

No matter how anxious you are, it won't help. Many things can't be solved as you like. Even if Chi Yichen wanted to rush over, he could only bear with it. It waved in the air.

It's like breaking all illusions.

And all of this, if he didn't say anything, Jian Xi would naturally not know. She was getting off the taxi at this moment, but she was surprised to find that she had forgotten to bring money...

The wind was messy, and the driver looked at her more and more strangely, "Miss, don't tell me that you want to take the Bawang car."

Hehehe, how could it be?Does she look like this kind of person?
Although she thought so in her heart, Jian Xi's legs were very honest. Before she could react, she had already run towards the park, leaving the driver messy in the wind.

After a three-second pause, I heard a few roars from behind, "Nimma, I've never seen such a shameless person like you!"

There's no way, she really forgot to bring the money, not to mention she couldn't control her legs, and she was about to take steps at every turn.

Mu Shaogong had been waiting for her for a long time, so he sat quietly on a stone bench on one side, facing forward, staring blankly at the sports facilities, the sharp-edged outlines were illuminated by the bleak light from the street lamps behind him Down, slightly pale.

Jian Xi walked up to him without hesitation, she was still panting a little, it was almost summer, the air was starting to heat up, her back was already sweating, she didn't like this sticky feeling.

Sitting down beside him pretending to be calm, Jian Xi adjusted her breathing, "What's wrong? Saying that kind of thing suddenly?"

"It's nothing, how are you doing recently? Is everything peaceful?" Mu Shaogong finally turned his head to look at her with soft eyes, but the eyes were different from before, and he thought she should be able to feel it.

He can't seem to hide his feelings anymore.

Jian Xi didn't know where to start, so she just took his hand and forced it against her stomach, which startled Mu Shaogong, looked at her puzzledly, put her warm hand on her slightly protruding stomach, I can still feel the weak pulse inside.

"It's been almost three months here."

Tell him calmly, Jian Xi thought he would bless her, even if there was no blessing, she thought it shouldn't be that kind of expression - anger and helplessness were intertwined on his face, and his brows were furrowed.

"When did you know?" His voice suddenly became indifferent, making Jianxi unable to react for a while.

Staring blankly at him, she always felt that something was wrong, Mu Shaogong in front of her eyes became so strange, she couldn't tell that it could be him at all, even though his appearance remained the same.

Who can tell her what happened to him these days?Otherwise, why did this baby suddenly change her temperament?

"Some time ago, about two days before you kidnapped Chi Qingfeng, I wanted to tell you at that time, but you—" before the words finished, the person beside him suddenly stood up and turned to look at her. The slender figure blocked most of the light.

"Why do you never consider my feelings?" He yelled hysterically, which was unexpected by Jianxi.

Why should she consider his feelings?


(End of this chapter)

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