Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 240 Everything Is False

Chapter 240 Everything Is False

In the long corridor, all the doors on both sides of the room were tightly closed. Jianxi opened them one by one as she walked. If she could open it, she would go in and walk around twice.

She didn't understand why she did this, she just felt that something was wrong.

If she doesn't keep herself in a state of exercise, she will definitely make time to think about other things.

Since Chi Yichen has given her such great encouragement, she can't let him down, cheer up quickly, she doesn't want to be so decadent anymore.

However, things turned out to be contrary to expectations. After Jianxi walked to the end, a closed door at the corner at the end attracted her attention, especially the sign "inside warehouse, do not enter" hanging on the doorknob, which attracted her even more. With the urge to go in.

This is how the same thing?She clearly remembered that there were only the master bedroom and the guest room on the second floor, and the warehouse was either on the first floor or the third floor. How could it be located in such a conspicuous place?
What's more, just looking at the carefully carved wooden door exuding a faint sandalwood fragrance, one knows that this cannot be a warehouse. How can a warehouse door use such an exquisite room?

So, what's in it?

In the dark, Jian Xi always felt that this sign was for her to see, but in fact, everyone knew it except her.

No matter what, I met my old lady today, and of course she would not let go of the opportunity to go in.

Unscrewing the handle without hesitation, just as Jian Xi thought, the door was locked, and even if she used brute force, she couldn't unscrew it.

"Meeting me today is considered unlucky for you." Muttering to the doorknob, Jian Xi let go of her hand, then reached behind her head, took off the black clip used to fix her hairstyle, and adjusted the angle.

After all, she was a police officer, so it was easy for her to open the door with something else, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

Chi Yichen probably didn't expect that she would come here on a sudden whim, so he didn't add a few more locks.

She stooped and put the end of the clip into the keyhole. Jianxi held her breath, and moved her fingers carefully, letting the part of the clip protrude inside until it hooked a part. She pulled hard, and a "click" came from inside. " With a crisp sound, the door lock opened.

Retracting the clip and holding it in her hand, Jian Xi turned her head and looked around, making sure that no servant on the second floor saw this scene, then she turned around, straightened up, took a deep breath, held the doorknob, and gently opened it .

Without too much effort, the door was pushed open by the draft, and what was knocked out of sight, except for a large area of ​​pink, was a large area of ​​sky blue, and a dreamy atmosphere drifted out from the room.

Jian Xi stared at everything in front of her in a daze. She couldn't even believe what she saw with her eyes. Is this really reality?
As she thought, the room is not a storage room at all, but a dream world. This world is not reserved for Chi Yichen or her, but for their future children, or in other words, their original children. should have children.

Now that the child has disappeared, this room has also become a forbidden place, sealing off all Chi Yichen's thoughts about the child.

The room is almost as spacious as her and Chi Yichen's bedroom. Half of it is blue and the other half is pink. A room is divided according to the color system. The small crib is placed in the same position, and there is a single bed for children to sleep in. There is also a cabinet next to the bed.

Probably blue represents boys, so all the toy cars are placed, and the pink side is replaced by Barbie dolls, sitting on the shelves in rows, looking cute and cute.

Even the ceiling lights are set up on each side - Hello Kitty and Snoopy.

When Jian Xi pushed open the door, the light was turned on in the room. Either it was always on, or Chi Yichen forgot to turn off the light before leaving. As for when he came last time, it is unknown .

"Dinglingling——" the draft wind came in bypassing Jianxi blocking the door, and blew the wind chimes on the crib. When they shook, they made a crisp sound, which was pleasant to the ear, reminding people of early spring.

But in fact, after this rain, summer is coming.

Jian Xi didn't react all the time, her expression was sluggish, her erratic eyes didn't know where to look, after all, everything here was so new to her, she didn't even know that this place existed.

Walking into the room mechanically, stepping on the soft carpet with bare feet, the soft touch is very comfortable, but it can't relax her tense nerves.

Carefully placing her hands on the bed, she gently smoothed out the folds on the bed. The soft touch made her squint her eyes, and the picture of children playing here appeared in her mind.

If it is a boy, he will spend his childhood, maybe even his teenage years, in the Snoopy-themed room closer to the door.

He will love the model cars and Lego blocks his dad bought him, and he won't be immersed in electronic devices, because his mother will try to control the time he touches these electronic devices to prevent him from myopia.

Let him be free, like a wild horse that has run free, let him grow, but hold on to the thin rope in your hand.

Watching him grow up, and then gradually forgetting the teachings of his father and mother.

If the child is still there, Jianxi thinks that his future life will be so rich, and it will be the same if it is a girl, she will love the girl more, and she can't let her develop the habit of being pampered.

Everything used to be so natural, but now it has become a fantasy.

When Jianxi opened his eyes again, tears were streaming down his face, and the clear sound of wind chimes shaking could be heard from time to time, so beautiful, yet so cruel.

But what surprised her more than the child was when did Chi Yichen prepare these?Why didn't he tell her?Why is this room sealed up now?How many times has he been here alone?

Originally thought that he didn't pay much attention to the child who passed away, but he didn't expect that, compared to her carelessness, he had already carefully prepared everything for the child who was about to be born.

How silly of her to think that he really didn't like the child.

It turned out that he just didn't want her to feel guilty, so he had to seal up his true thoughts, just for someone like her, was it really worth it for him to do this?
Covering her face, Jian Xi cried depressively, but it was in extreme pain.

Tears overflowed through the slits between the fingers, and gathered into teardrops little by little, until they became heavy, before they fell and landed on the carpet, from no trace at the beginning to forming a puddle of water stains.

God knows how many tears she shed.

"Yes, I'm sorry - woo" Jian Xi cried so hard that he could only pause for words, hoarse and hoarse.

What kind of character is she, how can she make a self-confident man abandon his dignity for her?She is really not worthy of his love - she was the one who gave him thoughts back then, and now she is the one who destroyed his expectations with her own hands, she should be damned!

In the end, he had to comfort her instead, accept her willfulness and self-abandonment, and even change his temperament to try to please her.

She didn't know before that she was a complete green tea whore.

Knowing that there is no medicine for regret in this world, Jian Xi still can't help but think - how good it would be if Mu Shaogong's call hadn't been answered that day, no, she should have taken a few steps back before Jian Jia pushed her, That way everything can be rewritten.

If she could do it all over again, she would rather imprison herself at home than take any risk of losing her child.

That was not her own expectation, but Chi Yichen's nostalgia.

But she personally destroyed everything that was supposed to go with the flow.

Jian Xi's legs were sore from squatting, so she just sat down, and then there were soft footsteps behind her, and the muffled sound of the wooden door being pushed open, which made her fragile nerves tense up.

Turning around abruptly, she didn't see Chi Yichen, only the housekeeper, Aunt Mei, was leaning against the door frame. Her attitude was still respectful, but with a bit of helplessness.

"The young master has asked us to clean this room more than a month ago. While you were away for work, he came back from the company and personally instructed them to place the purchased furniture in the place he wanted. Those light things , he did it himself."

"When you're not around, he'll come here to have a look, keep adding new items, and buy clothes from birth to 12 years old, but he himself said that clothes will be outdated, the child is not yet born, the wardrobe It has been updated twice."

Aunt Mei spoke very slowly, as if she was still a little hesitant. You must know that Chi Yichen had specifically told her not to let Jianxi know about this room. He didn't want to put any pressure on her, making her think that he had to have this child.

Since she had a miscarriage, this room was directly sealed and became a forbidden area for everyone.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't want Jian Xi to know, so that she wouldn't find out how much he liked the child, and wouldn't make her feel guilty about the miscarriage.

"As long as Jianxi knows that she is the most important thing, that's enough." -- This is the last sentence Chi Yichen said when talking about this room with the servant, which shows how much he values ​​Jianxi. to this extent.

After Aunt Mei finished speaking, her eyes were filled with kindness, and she watched Jian Xi covering her face and crying loudly, almost shedding all the tears in her life, she also felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I killed that child and let him down again. I'm sorry--" she shouted hysterically, her voice hoarse. She tried her best to apologize, but it was still not enough.

Knowing that Chi Yichen did this to not make her feel guilty, knowing that what he wanted was not her apology.

But she was really uncomfortable, or he could just kill her, why did he keep someone like her by his side and make him live in such a depressed way?She really doesn't deserve it.

It was as if a faucet was turned on, and tears rushed out of her eyes. Jianxi wiped it with the back of her hand over and over again, while turning her head to look at Aunt Mei. Her face was red from crying, and her eye sockets were also red.

Chi Yichen will be back later, she must leave here quickly, as if she had never been here before.

"If possible, I hope you can help me keep it a secret. Don't let Yichen know that I have been here, just pretend that I don't know about it. If he comes back later and finds me crying, if he secretly asks you, Just say I'm crying because of a nightmare, please, okay?"

Since he doesn't want her to know, then she will follow his will. She doesn't want to make him sad anymore, because she doesn't want him to feel sad for her anymore.

The sad thing was not that the child was gone, but that he had been looking forward to the birth of this child so much, but she didn't know anything about it.

She really doesn't deserve his love.

Aunt Mei didn't refuse, just nodded, a servant's respectful voice came from downstairs, "Young Master is welcome back, Young Mistress is resting upstairs, I'll go up and ask her to come down."

Jian Xi tensed up, quickly stood up, rushed out of the room, locked the door, and slammed it shut.

The sign hanging on the handle was shaking because of her excessive force, Jian Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

She will not come here again.

Because she didn't know this place existed at all, did she?

(End of this chapter)

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