Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 249 Since She Says It's Not Worth It

Chapter 249 Since She Says It's Not Worth It
"If you can, come see me now, okay? I really want to see you now." Fan Yutong smiled softly, and her steady breathing made the atmosphere between them ambiguous.

Through the phone, he could feel the softness emanating from her.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing her for a few months, she completely changed.

But Chi Yichen knew very well that Fan Yutong wouldn't call if it wasn't necessary. He had an intuition that she must have something he needed in her hand, so he dared to call.

In addition, since Jian Xi felt that she was not worth it, he reluctantly fulfilled her.

Anyway, everything has nothing to do with him, he doesn't want to think about anyone's feelings anymore, he lives as selfishly and domineeringly as before, trying to pretend to be the same as before before the whole person breaks down.

From the moment Jian Xi decided to run away, the bond between them had already been severed.

Take this as her punishment.

"Where are you?" He spat out a few words lightly, and the red gradually faded from his thin lips, but his charm remained undiminished. In this chaotic place, his existence was like a dark night, mysterious and powerful. Appeal.

The other party didn't seem surprised, and hung up the phone after hastily reporting the address.

And Chi Yichen also took advantage of the opportunity to put down his phone, stood up, turned around and was about to leave, with a serious expression on his face.

Miao Yiheng was still waiting to gossip, who knew that he would leave as soon as he hung up the phone, so he quickly grabbed him and asked angrily, "Who called? It made you so anxious? Could it be Jian Xi? She apologized to you, To reconcile with you?"

"It's not her, it's Fan Yutong." Chi Yichen didn't hide it, and he didn't have to.

Shaking off his friend's hand, he strode towards the back door of the bar with firm steps.

What's the matter, don't grab your own wife back and make a good offering, but you are anxious to meet your old lover, or on such a dark and stormy night, who knows what will happen to the lonely man and widow.

Unexpectedly, Chi Yichen is also a sentimental type, Miao Yiheng laughed jokingly, and there was a hint of playfulness on his handsome face, giving the impression of being cynical, but the deep obsidian-like pupils made people feel inexplicably at ease.

Now that Chi Yichen had left, the bartender was going to take down the whiskey he had mixed, but Miao Yiheng snatched it directly. He took a sip with a calm expression, "If he doesn't drink, then I'll take it over, don't worry." What a waste."

Ignoring the black lines on the bartender's face, Miao Yiheng still smiled freely, even a little complacently.

Chi Yichen didn't have time to drink the glass of wine, he could drink it up for him.

So, for Jian Xi, who he didn't have time to give enough sense of security, can he also approach with unusual feelings?
Of course, a friend's wife should not be bullied, and Miao Yiheng was just thinking about it, who would have any other thoughts about that violent woman.

At most, he would occasionally see her smiling at him in his dreams.

Taking a taxi all the way to the downstairs of Fan Yutong's apartment, Chi Yichen's gaze stayed on the Xue family's mansion near the apartment—it was still brightly lit.

He seemed to understand Fan Yutong's intention to contact him.

He didn't go back to Chi's house for a while, because considering Jian Xi, he didn't want her to be pressured in front of Chi Jinnian, so he specifically asked Chi Jinnian not to even call him.

She thought that as long as she did this, she would slowly recover from her past grief.

In the end, no matter how thoughtful he was, he still couldn't give her a sense of security?
Now that she was running away like a wild cat, it meant that she had cut off his ties, so there was no need for him to be attached to her anymore.

Only with thin feelings can we spend the rest of our life without regret.

After getting off the car, he didn't hesitate. Based on the directions provided by Fan Yutong on the phone, he found her apartment after traveling half the neighborhood. He took the elevator directly to her floor, all the way brightly lit.

There were only two doors on that floor, and Chi Yichen chose to walk to the right, and successfully appeared within the line of sight of the monitoring camera equipment equipped in Fan Yutong's apartment.

After pressing the doorbell, he took a deep breath, his white jade-like face was bloodless.

The door was opened immediately, and Fan Yutong was standing in front of him, only the anti-theft door was blocking them - looking through the gap of the door, Chi Yichen could still see her appearance clearly.

He did not make a mistake, this is Xue Jinxi's residence.

And the woman standing in front of her was Xue Jinxi.

The anti-theft door was also opened afterwards, Xue Jinxi took his hand and let him in, a sweet smile hung on her flawless face, her eyes were like silk, and the corner of her mouth was smiling with a bit of smugness.

Without changing his shoes, he shook off her hand, bypassed her and walked through the hallway first, walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, his movements were clean and neat, without a trace of suspicion.

"You are not surprised at all. It seems that you already knew that I am Fan Yutong?" Xue Jinxi followed behind, still smiling slightly.

It's just that the smile is different from just now, with a little more frustration.

I thought he would stare at her face in disbelief, but he just glanced at her calmly, calm and composed.

She wanted so much to conquer him, but every time she didn't succeed.

Sure enough, she could only be held in his hands.

Xue Jinxi went to sit beside him and sat very close to him. She was only wearing a nightgown, with a ribbon hanging loosely around her waist, and the silky silk was snugly attached to her body, showing off her graceful figure.

Raising her hand, the fat sleeves slid down to her elbows, revealing her fair skin, which was as creamy as cream - she took his arm and leaned her head gently on his shoulder. The fabric of the suit jacket was a bit stiff.

"I didn't want to tell you so quickly, but if I don't, you will definitely not pay attention to me anymore. After all, Xue Jinxi's identity is just an insignificant person to you." Before he could respond, she He continued the conversation on his own.

In fact, such a decision was made only because of a nightmare.

She dreamed that Jian Xi was holding Chi Yichen's hand, but her eyes were on her, her red lips were curled up, she was smiling complacently, her narrowed eyes were mocking, as if she was mocking her—someone she hadn't gotten after so many years , she got it in just a few months.

It's disgusting.

But she can't do anything now, and this is what she resents the most.

When she woke up, she was sweating and sticky all over her body, which made people feel sick, and Xue Jinxi felt the same in her heart. She was messed up by that dream, and she smelled danger.

Although there is still an agreement with Jian Xi, it doesn't really matter to her.

Because Mrs. Xue is so old and cunning that she has completely given up on her. Even if she stays by her side with a stern face, she still won't get anything.

But she is not a person who does things without beginning and end. Since she has agreed, she must start well and finish well.

It only takes a text message to inform Jianxi, and everything is over.

Jian Xi didn't reply, but it didn't matter to her at all, as long as she completed the tasks that should be completed, it was enough.

Now, she was finally able to pounce on Chi Yichen wholeheartedly.

After a moment of silence, Chi Yichen turned his head to look at her, his eyes were cold, and his tone was the same, "It doesn't matter, I expected it anyway, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I still have things to deal with, not so much time."

His attitude towards her was more than a hundred times worse than before, but Xue Jinxi felt very satisfied.

She raised her head, leaned forward and kissed his ear, but it was just superficial. He was indifferent, like a wooden man, and he was as calm as ever when she teased him.

Smiling lightly, she began to coquettishly say, "I'm sorry, I always thought it was you who drove me to a dead end, but I didn't know until recently that it was my mother who really drove me to a dead end, she took everything away from me. "

Because she was mentally prepared to restore Fan Yutong's identity, she even specially sent someone to investigate the whereabouts of her mother Fang Rong, hoping to contact her and take her to live by her side.

Who would have thought that what the investigation found was that Fang Rong became rich and became a multi-millionaire relying on the last fee Chi Yichen gave her.

Are you kidding her?
What's the last charge?Does Fang Rong really think her daughter is a fool?It was obviously for her, Fan Yutong, but it was snatched away by her, an old hag, without even notifying her.

It caused her to suffer for a long time because of this, thinking that he was really unfeeling to such an extent, and she held resentment for a long time.

Now she knew the truth, she knew she was wrong.

Is everything still in time?

"Then what? What are you going to repay? I just don't want the outside world to gossip. You don't have to be moved." With a cold tone, he no longer looked at her, but looked directly at his appearance on the TV screen hanging on the opposite wall .

Even if he couldn't see it on the surface, he could still feel that he had become a numb person.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is replaced by anyone.

The most important thing is to let him maintain himself, that's enough.

"Of course there is." Xue Jinxi didn't play tricks, she rubbed her cheek against his arm, wishing she could get closer, she really missed her so much that she was about to go crazy.

She will never leave him again in the future, even if she is his underground lover, she will stay by his side.

Of course, before that, she still had to gain his trust step by step.

Then she had to take out her trump card.

Suddenly letting go of Chi Yichen, Xue Jinxi got up and went back to the room. When she came out after a while, there was a small safe in her hand, only the size of a book, but very heavy.

She held it in both hands, walked carefully in front of him, and put the box down across the table. The whole body of the box was made of metal, no wonder it was so heavy.

Although she was curious about why she didn't put things in the safe, Chi Yichen didn't think this kind of thing was important, so he didn't ask further.

Xue Jinxi was not in a hurry to open it, but leaned over the marble table with her hands on the marble tabletop, and kissed Chi Yichen's forehead lightly.

He frowned, showing a hint of impatience.

She laughed wildly and proudly.

"I found some good things from Mrs. Xue, didn't you say that you can't remember the past? I think you will need this thing, but before that, can you forgive me for what I did before? I am I really love you."

"Even if I can't be with you openly, it doesn't matter."

Her love is so cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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