Chapter 253
The hem of the skirt could only cover her buttocks, and there was a large bruise on it—the place that Master Huang touched was originally red, but it turned blue now, and the miniskirt was also torn into a mess. Huddled in Huang Ye's arms.

How embarrassed Jian Xi is now, she knows very well.

It is probably because of being clear that I am so disgusted with myself at this moment.

But she thought that even if she met Chi Yichen with this dignity, their relationship would not ease up, but with his shrewd mind, it was impossible for him not to see what was going on.

Then why can he answer so calmly - he doesn't know her?
Didn't he know that it might kill her?
"Oh? So that's the case, then I'm really offended." Although Huang Ye was still jokingly smiling when he said polite words, his narrowed eyes were already cold, and the air seemed to be condensed. Dangerous atmosphere is flowing.

The foreigners who were also in the clubhouse seemed unable to understand what happened here, looked at Chi Yichen suspiciously, and frowned, "Whathappen?"

"Nothing." Chi Yichen turned his head to answer him, his tone was indifferent, as if he had really put himself out of the matter, and the matter in front of him just suddenly involved him, and he was always an outsider.

I'm sorry, he can be so calm, but Jianxi can't.

Enduring the pain in her heart, Jian Xi pretended to be calm. She sniffed to keep her eyes from getting red, raised her chin and stared at Chi Yichen, and shouted loudly, "Chi Yichen! No matter what relationship you have with me, everyone is very good. Clearly, I just walked out of you, why? Are you afraid of trouble now?"

If possible, she just wants to escape from here and hide in a place where there are no people.

But she still has a task to do, it is impossible to do such an irresponsible thing, not to mention, she should have put Chi Yichen down a long time ago, why should she care about him?
As long as she can survive, no dignity or integrity is important to her.

She doesn't care!

"So you are Chi Yichen. Aren't you the president of that entertainment group? I just heard that you had an affair with a female celebrity recently. I didn't expect you to have an affair with this kind of woman. Your wife is really pitiful." .”

As Huang Ye said, he pulled Jian Xi's hair violently, his eyes were fierce. Obviously, he didn't believe her words a long time ago, even if he did, he didn't need to keep her.

Because Chi Yichen is a person in the open, completely different from people in the dark like them.

Jian Xi frowned in pain, and tilted her head back, still pretending to be stupid, "Master Huang, what are you doing, I told you that I always knew Chi, not only that, I It's still his lover, and his wife won't mind anyway."

Chi Yichen didn't speak again, but turned his head to look at the bodyguard behind him. The bodyguard immediately understood, nodded, walked around Chi Yichen, walked to Master Huang, raised his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Please go out, both of you, here You are not welcome."

"Did you hear that? People say you are not welcome anymore, why do you want to argue?" Huang Ye grinned, but his eyes were not as kind as his smile.

He pulled Jian Xi's hair and prepared to take her out. Jian Xi wanted to struggle, but helplessly, she only felt weak all over. This weakness was not due to physical discomfort, but because of her heart.

She never thought that she would come to this situation, she thought she could ignore it all.

But actually she can't.

A heart is falling, she is like being locked in an empty prison, isolated from the world, no one can hear her speak, and no one can accompany her to die.

Not pitiful, but pathetic.

Watching Chi Yichen standing upright on the spot, looking at her calmly, knowing that she will die if she goes out, he is still indifferent, and she can't see clearly the flickering eyes.

"Let me thank you gift I empty joy."

She didn't understand why she said such things at this time. It was obviously wrong, but it was better than tears streaming down her face. Jian Xi closed her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled helplessly.


"Hello, is this Miss June?" A steady voice broke in suddenly, breaking the status quo, and also blocked Master Huang and Jian Xi at the door. Master Huang stopped and looked at the woman standing beside the door. in uniform.

Jian Xi turned her head suspiciously, only to see the policeman dressed in uniform, and gave her a wink, she immediately understood, her voice was a little trembling, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Lin asked why you didn't come over? He's been waiting in box 609 for a long time." The waiter said, and showed her the paging slip, and asked Huang Ye to read it too.

Huang Ye hurried out of the door, looked at the house number - 909, he started to laugh, "It was just a misunderstanding, why didn't you say it earlier? You can't lie just because you panic."

"It's not all about you, you almost scared me to death." Jian Xi pulled out a forced smile, followed out of the room, and slipped into Huang Ye's arms with a smile, secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and glanced at Colleague, he gestures "no problem" to her.

She was saved, but she thought she was going to die.

Now that the misunderstandings were cleared up, Master Huang's expression changed in an instant. After all, Jianxi is also a beautiful girl. Of course, he was not willing to send her to the gun for nothing, so he didn't pursue it anymore, and walked back slowly with her in his arms. In the box.

And Jian Xi never looked back at Chi Yichen from the beginning to the end.

Her heart is exhausted, is this what she wants?Is it also what he understands as "letting go"?

It can only be said that she deserved it.

"Sorry for disturbing you two." When Jian Xi walked away, the policeman turned his head and smiled at Chi Yichen, and then closed the door.

Chi Yichen stood still, and then slowly closed his eyes.

What's wrong with him, he can't judge whether what he did is right or not.

Probably, even if it is wrong, it has nothing to do with him.

As soon as Jian Xi returned to the box, he secretly sent a signal to the walkie-talkie while Huang Ye was dealing with his guests. Within a few minutes, a large number of policemen rushed in and took Huang Ye and his The guest and a dozen of his bodyguards were arrested, and those prostitutes were also arrested.

After everyone was taken out, the boss came into the box to check the situation—Jian Xi sat slumped on the sofa, an open box was placed on the marble table in front of him, and there were dozens of bags of powder in the box.

Seeing the boss appear, Jian Xi stood up with tired eyes and expressionless face.

Looking at the small box of white powder, the boss smiled wickedly, patted Jian Xi on the shoulder, and praised him greatly, "Yes, Jian Xi, you have made a great contribution, and I will praise you in front of my superiors." of."

If it was before, Jian Xi would be so happy that her eyes would be shining like she got some treasure, but now, she still has no expression on her face, she just licked her dry lips, nodded calmly, and walked around the leader to follow walked out.

what happened?How did his pure Jianxi become like this?
The boss still didn't understand the situation, he turned around blankly and watched Jian Xi's lonely figure drifting away, his face was full of astonishment, and then the police officers in uniform who followed him couldn't stand it anymore, so he explained to the boss.

"When she was on a mission just now, she met her husband. At that time, she was suspected by drug lords, but her husband refused to save her. If I hadn't rushed up at that time, she would have died."

The boss looked away and sighed silently.

Although it is not sad, but being treated so ruthlessly, anyone will be sad, right?
What's more, it also made him see Jianxi's miserable appearance.

How should I put it, he always felt a little sorry for her.

After successfully breaking down a branch of a drug lord organization and subsequently breaking down two drug production sites, Jian Xi made a contribution and was praised in the bureau. Of course, Tang Qishan alone still can't see her well.

However, Jian Xi was not in the mood to listen to these compliments or sarcasm. Her ears were blocked like this, and no one could hear her voice except her own.

All day in a daze, spent at a loss.

She didn't feel sad or painful, even if her heart ached, it was just the moment Jin Ming was still there, and she recovered afterward, as if nothing had happened, and she didn't think about anyone.

But the whole person seemed broken, very stuffy, she couldn't breathe, she was about to suffocate.

I really want to never wake up every time I close my eyes.

Why don't you go out and enjoy the cold wind, maybe you can change your mood --- After two days of being decadent, Jian Xi finally couldn't stand her appearance and decided to make a change.

After get off work, the boss drove the battery car out of the police station as usual, patted the rear seat, and motioned for her to sit on it, but Jian Xi shook her head and hugged herself tightly in the wind, "Go back first, I want to take a walk outside, and I will solve the dinner outside."

"That's all right, pay attention to your own safety." Patting her on the shoulder, the boss didn't object, but just looked at her worriedly for a while before turning around and starting the car.

Her current state was beyond his control.

She didn't understand what happened between her and Chi Yichen, but she seemed to feel that it was her fault from the beginning to the end.

Her heart was about to sink into the dust.

Where can I go in City S at night - as long as it is in the downtown area, I can go anywhere, whether it is a street corner or the city center, all are brightly lit. Bar up.

And it had to be the bar where Miao Yiheng was.

I don't know why, but it's rare for her to think of him at this moment.

Going around the alleys, she walked into the back door of the bar in simple or even casual clothes. It was completely different from the darkness outside. Although the light was dim, there was light everywhere, and the faint blue light shone on the dance floor. The men and women in the center exude a decadent aura.

At that moment, Jian Xi suddenly had a feeling that she seemed to have found a group.

Of course, she is not in the mood to indulge in singing and dancing, she just wants to find a place surrounded by people, watching those people frantically, while she quietly enjoys her own solitude.

Knowing that this is pushing herself to a desperate situation step by step, she still has no complaints or regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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