Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 258 She can go on her own!

Chapter 258 She can walk back by herself!

The rental house is very simple, but it is enough for one person to live.

Don't ask Jianxi why, it's not all because of poverty, but as long as she has a job, she won't be so downcast that she will be out on the streets, or live in a slum like before.

She didn't touch the passbook or bank card, because she knew early on that the balance in it was zero.

Going to work in the bureau during the day and going back to the apartment at night, Jianxi thinks this kind of life is enough, although the boss always teases her like an old man, but she doesn't care.

Such a peaceful life lasted for three days, only three days.

It will rain a few times before summer arrives.No, it hadn't been clear for a few days before the sky became gloomy again. At night, after Jian Xi got off work, the moment he opened the glass door, the raindrops fell directly.

Fuck, how many evils did she do in her previous life to be so unlucky in this life!
Seeing that the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and it changed from a drizzle to a torrential rain in just one minute, Jian Xi originally wanted to rush home directly, but had to give up.

Turning around and returning to the bureau, Jian Xi was like a poor beggar, asking her colleagues if they had brought extra umbrellas, but everyone just shook their heads helplessly, and they were also frowning like her.

"It's really unlucky for people to drink cold water and stuff their teeth." Sighing helplessly, Jianxi could only accept this cruel reality - either she would wait until the rain stopped before going back, or she could only go home in the rain.

But when she pushed open the door again, stood under the eaves and looked outside at the ankle-deep water and the rain, Jianxi felt a little desperate.

Obviously neither of these scenarios will work, okay?
But at this time, the temperature suddenly dropped. Jian Xi was wearing short sleeves, shivering from the cold. She crossed her arms and looked at the end of the street, expecting a car to pass by.

However, it is already past twelve o'clock in the evening, not to mention the cars, even the people are much less, especially because there is still water here, most of the cars try to detour as much as possible.

Unless the car is going to the rich area in the eastern suburbs, it has to pass through here...

So will Chi Yichen's car also appear here?
The moment she thought of him, her heartbeat suddenly slowed down, and her mind went blank. She couldn't describe this feeling.

The busyness of these days made her forget to think of him, but at this moment in such a silent night, when she thought of him helplessly, she was in a different state of mind.

In a daze, the street she was looking at suddenly had a gleam of light, and the rain continued under the light. Jianxi lost his mind for a moment, and naively thought that the fate in this world could make her wishful thinking come true.

If Chi Yichen had seen her in this predicament, he would have stopped the car and opened his arms to her.

Jian Xi is so stupid that he rushed out without even thinking about it, and stood in front of that car.

When the front of the car was about to touch her knees, Jian Xi suddenly closed her eyes, fell back, and sat down on the ground. It can be said that she was already awake the moment the raindrops hit her.

What the hell was she thinking? She was so dazed to such an extent.

Fortunately, before touching her, there was a piercing sound that would only be made when the brakes were slammed. She knew that the car had stopped, and the bloody picture that appeared in her mind did not happen, only the cold The raindrops hit her body, and the sound of "slapping" rang through her ears.

Immediately afterwards, she heard the sound of the car door being opened, and she slowly opened her eyes. As expected, the person who got out of the car was neither the driver nor Chi Yichen, but a middle-aged man with a big belly. It looked menacing.

She should have known that things backfired, that there would still be good luck in this world, but it wouldn't happen to her.

The middle-aged man got out of the car not to check on her situation, but to scold her. What was even more hateful was that he didn't leave his umbrella after scolding, obviously he already had a car.

Jian Xi was speechless, this matter was her fault, she could only laugh helplessly, laughing heartily, letting the raindrops on her cheeks slide into her mouth.

She didn't understand why she was laughing, maybe because her own stupidity and wishful thinking were so ridiculous that even she couldn't stand it anymore.

Obviously that person has become impossible, why does she still have such thoughts?
The one who broke the bond between them was herself, so what are you thinking now.

Raising her hand to cover her blurred eyes, Jian Xi stood up from the ground and took the initiative to make a way for the car, but she didn't go back to the station to hide from the rain, because she was already wet, so it didn't matter.

The cold wind was blowing, Jian Xi hugged herself tightly in the rain, watched the car drive away, and did not forget to splash the rain all over her body.

Jian Xi smirked and walked on the road with her arms folded. She didn't know if she would catch a cold, and she didn't know if the mobile phone in her pocket was flooded and whether it could still be used. Her head was muddled.

Sure enough, let's go home, don't have any expectations.

But Jianxi really didn't expect that one's misfortune may not only happen once. After walking dozens of steps in the rain, she tripped over a bump hidden in the stagnant water. fell into the water.

Although she was forced to drink a few sips of dirty water, thanks to the stagnant water, she did not break the bridge of her nose.

The second misfortune made Jianxi angry, so she just sat on the ground with her buttocks and feet in the water, and she started talking to herself, "Damn it, how did this broken city support the country's economy?" , the city’s drainage system is poor, and even the roads are uneven.”

Forget it, she simply said that she was the most unlucky person, and that's why she bumped into every bad thing together.

After Jian Xi sat on the ground, two beams of light suddenly lit up in front of her, illuminating the rain. Jian Xi covered her eyes reflexively. Of course, she didn't expect the car to stop, anyway, she didn't get in their way. .

However, she didn't expect that almost everything was beyond her expectation - the car stopped, and it stopped beside her.

Feeling that the light was gradually dimming, Jian Xi put his hand down, and saw the front door of the black car was opened, and the driver walked out with his umbrella open. His leather shoes were soon soaked by the stagnant water.

"Miss Jane, what are you doing here?" His expression no longer seemed to be puzzled or surprised, but already looked like he was watching a psychopath.

Jian Xi was a little embarrassed, and quickly stood up from the ground. She raised her hand to push away the raindrops on her cheeks, and looked around to find a suitable reason for herself.

Come on, she still wants to find a reason.

A normal person would sit on the side of the street at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was still raining heavily. Even if it was a performance art, she didn't see an audience.

In desperation, Jian Xi could only smile dryly, his lips trembled slightly, and his face turned pale, "It's okay, I'm just sitting around, you don't have to worry about me, go back to the car quickly, or your boss will be angry , he hates other people meddling in their own business."

Anyway, for him now, she should also be in the "nosy" list.

She was quite self-aware of herself, so she wouldn't expect him to pity her at a time like this.

Please, she doesn't deserve his pity at all, okay?
Jian Xi lowered her head, letting the raindrops hit the back of her head, the cold invaded every corner of her body, and she was shivering all over.

She was ready for the car to leave immediately, but she didn't want what happened next would surprise her again.

Life is always like this, even if things backfire, I always like to joke with people.

"But, Mr. Chi asked me to stop the car, and he let you get in the car." The driver said something inexplicable, while opening the door of the rear seat, Jian Xi couldn't even realize what he said for a while. what.

She could only see Chi Yichen sitting in the car, although he didn't turn his head to look at her, but the corner of his eyes was unabashedly looking at her, his angular side face was more charming and delicate under the moonlight.

It's just that being watched like this, Jian Xi can't move, and can only let him surround her in his sight.

Forgot what lame reason she used to convince herself to get in the car, Jian Xi only felt that her mind went blank, she seemed a little cautious, and a little embarrassed, huddled in the corner like a wooden figure.

She was drenched and soaked the leather upholstery, and the rain slid down the curves of her body to her heels and wet the carpet until, in the end, not a single piece of the area where she sat was dry.

Jian Xi was so nervous that her heart almost stopped beating, she tensed up her nerves, even though she was trembling all over, she still pretended to be calm.

Turning his head to look at him, he no longer looked at her, but turned his head to look out the window, the rain was hitting the window, blurring his vision.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, I also, I don't want to, but I'm soaked through..."

As soon as the words fell, Jian Xi regretted it. The meaning of her words was clearly asking for sympathy. It would be bad if Chi Yichen really misunderstood that she was the kind of green tea whore who likes to sympathize with others.

Even if he misunderstood, with his personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to sympathize with her.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a while. You are so polite. Don't forget that we are not divorced yet. There is no need to talk to me like this. Just listening to it makes people extremely annoying." He wrinkled impatiently He frowned, not hiding his emotions at all.

Originally, Jian Xi was quite guilty, but when she heard what he said, let alone guilt, she immediately became angry.

"Even if there is no divorce, I think it is similar to physical marriage. Anyway, you will never realize your problems until you die, and I will never become able to cherish feelings. Divorce is only a matter of time--" she said in her voice Before falling, he was stopped by him sternly.

He finally turned his head to look at her, but his eyes were indifferent, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth showed coldness, which made people shiver uncontrollably.

"In this case, why do you still get in the car? Just refuse me directly."

Jian Xi's self-esteem is very strong, so she is often easily irritated by such words, but now, she just feels embarrassed-maybe because what he said is not wrong, or because she thinks about him, she will do this .

"That's really sorry for me." After Jian Xi finished speaking, he reached out and locked the car lock, his attitude became more and more rigid, "Driver, please stop, I want to get out of the car."

She can walk back by herself!

(End of this chapter)

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