Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 290 You Should Ask Him

Chapter 290 You Should Ask Him

Jian Xi's collarbone was pressed by Tang Qishan's arm. Apart from the pain, it was uncomfortable to even take her to breathe. However, she did not show any weakness. She raised her leg and pressed her knee against her abdomen, which meant that if Tang Qishan dared to do something, she would not I'll be polite.

Forced to ask such an inexplicable question, she simply didn't want to answer it.

What's more, if Tang Qishan wants to ask, she should ask what Mu Shaogong did to her, he is the one who brought her there.

Thinking of the forced lingering kiss yesterday, Jian Xi couldn't help reaching out to touch her lips. It wasn't because she was in love, but because she was so disgusted that she couldn't help but wipe it again.

There was a long silence, the atmosphere was stiff and stiff, Tang Qishan pressed up again, brought her thin lips to her ear, and exhaled softly, "If you don't say anything, I will really kill you, I don't care if I can't be The police don't care about jail time."

For that man, these are nothing.

She was so sickly in love that she was willing to go through fire and water for him, even to die for him, and she knew very well that this was not what a person with a normal view of love should have.

It can be said that her love is not as soft as a girl's. She can't comfort Mu Shaogong, but she can solve the person who broke his heart for him.

It's a wild kind of love, maybe a little more manly.

Her poor brother, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He would rather have nothing than let her discover his feelings for her.

It's funny, it's just a few months, his kind of love is nothing.

It's a pity that even if the person he loves suddenly knows that he is going to be moved one day, he can't hear it.

"I said you, are you working too hard? Maybe Mu Shaogong doesn't like you at all, so you don't care?" Jian Xi shook her head helplessly, showing a look of indifference, she turned her face away , the delicate face looked pale.

I really don't understand Mu Shaogong, there are people who like him so much, why he still pesters her so hard.

No, she is the one to pester him now.

But she will not do such stupid things again in the future, because she has deeply realized that even if she kneels down in front of him, he will not reveal a word.

So, does Tang Qishan know everything about him?Or is she also a poor deceived?

Jian Xi's provocative words made Tang Qishan's eyes more indifferent, and her delicate face became ferocious due to anger. After taking off her gold-rimmed glasses, Jian Xi could look directly into her eyes. Her dark eyes were covered with A faint light.

At this moment, those indifferent eyes were filled with sullenness, her voice became hoarse, and crying seemed like heart-piercing.

"Shut up, whoever I like has nothing to do with you, and I don't care who he likes. What I'm asking now is, did you say something to him? Tell me, what can I do to make him recover?" She has never shed tears, and she wonders why she doesn't have a sore nose.

In fact, Jian Xi can understand, it's the same as her feelings for Chi Yichen.

Get rid of anyone who would disturb him, and it would be best if only she and Chi Yichen were left in this world. She thought so too, but the only difference was that she and Chi Yichen were in love.

And Tang Qishan is just a poor unrequited love.

Raising her hand to pinch her chin, Jian Xi also grimaced, her attitude was not friendly, "God knows what I did to hurt him, you should ask what he did to me more than this .”

"It's best not to let me see him again in this life." After she finished speaking, she pushed Tang Qishan away violently.

Jian Xi's strength was not small, Tang Qishan was unprepared, and could only follow her push to retreat, and her pistol was also snatched by Jian Xi heavily.

Reaching out to point the muzzle of the gun at the door, Jian Xi sneered, and then pulled the trigger—then there was a loud bang, and the siren sounded.

She put away the pistol calmly, and said in a tone of indifference, "You'd better be careful, if you steal the bullets, you will be kicked out if you find out, I'll take this gun, don't forget I have a higher status than you."

Not all police officers can carry guns. At first, Jian Xi simply refused the right to carry guns because she was afraid that she would not be able to resist using them for fun. But now, in order to prevent Tang Qishan from suffering, she can only accept it mercifully. .

Don't be too touched, she just thinks they can still have fun in the police station.

The gunshots stirred up the servants and bodyguards in the whole villa, who came in from the door one after another, or rushed to the entrance, blocking Jian Xi and Tang Qishan in the middle of the entrance.

Seeing them looking around vigilantly, Jian Xi quickly raised her hand and explained to them, "I'm sorry everyone, my gun accidentally went off just now, because I was too excited because I heard a joke, that's all."

She laughed heartlessly, while watching Tang Qishan, her eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes.

Tang Qishan's face was ashen, she didn't know whether it was anger or fear, her shoulders kept shaking, her clenched fists could only hang down her thighs, even if she wanted to deal with Jian Xi again, she could only hold back.

Because so many people here are all from Jianxi, it is impossible for her to fight alone.

I didn't expect this bitch to have two brushes.

It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the police station from the villa, and the boss gave both Jian Xi and Tang Qishan a scolding. He didn't expect Tang Qishan to ask someone to dawdle for an hour or two.

"I thought you two were rivals. It seems that you have a good relationship now. You can still talk at home for so long before you come here, and you even changed your hairstyle by the way..." The boss smiled viciously, obviously sarcastic.

Jian Xi has long been used to this kind of sarcasm, so she just turned a deaf ear to it, and even stretched out her little finger to dig her ears, with an expression of indifference.

It was the first time for Tang Qishan to be reprimanded, she blushed instantly, she couldn't find anything to refute for a while, she could only raise her hand to straighten her messy hair - when she took a taxi, she was in the car by the way. There was a fight with Jian Xi, because the space was too small and they could only pull their hair.

After a while, she replied weakly, "If I have a good relationship with her, I'll swallow the bullet live."

"I think I have a good relationship with you, so you should quickly swallow it for me." Jian Xi was still laughing heartlessly. Although she had strong self-esteem, she was invincible even when she was cheap.

After finally being trained, Jian Xi came back from the dead as soon as she walked out of the office, smiling so brightly, she was like a sunflower in June. In contrast, Tang Qishan frowned, her face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum of.

The morning shift is not easy, because this is the busiest time of the day, and Jian Xi is willing to be busy. She was so tired today because she had nothing important to do to consume her energy last night.

She does not deny that she is indeed a freak.

In the blink of an eye, the sky outside the window changed again and again. Jian Xi was still thinking about how to surround the drug lord's stronghold. As night fell, her colleague glanced at her resentfully, "You can get off work, but remember to keep in touch. Who knows what will happen today?" Do you want to call the police at night?"

"Understood, I'm leaving." Patting his colleague on the shoulder, Jian Xi turned around and left with a chic back.

As soon as she walked out of the door, the phone rang. She thought it was Chi Yichen, so she connected the phone without thinking, "I'm going back to eat now. If you can't wait, you can start the meal."

"Sheng——Jian Xi, it's me." Xue Qi's deep voice came from the phone, and Jian Xi was stunned for a long time, but she didn't react.

Wait, this voice is not Chi Yichen's voice, but Uncle Xue Qi's - she suddenly moved the phone away from her ear, and turned to look down. As expected, the caller ID - "Uncle"

Why did she get so uneasy when she called at night?
But even so, Jian Xi still didn't hang up the phone, she still has a little nostalgia for Xue's family, or doubts, sometimes she can't even understand Xue Yuepeng and Xue Qi's actions.

But there is no doubt that they love her, but the way they love her is a little sick.

Now it seems that almost no one around her is normal, and the most normal one should be Jinsi Man, but unfortunately she has no contact with him now.

Don't know how the dead guy is doing in the organization.

Seeing that Jian Xi didn't speak, Xue Qi simply continued, "Can you come to the house now? I have something to ask you. This time is really important. Xue Jinxi is also with me, but she said She doesn't have that notebook."

"She's just farting. I saw that book in her hand with my own eyes. Wait a minute. I'll come right over." It was the first time Jian Xi promised so readily, Jian Xi hung up the phone and ran to the street angrily. A taxi was hailed.

After getting in the car, just in case, she first sent a text message to Chi Yichen - I have something to do, and I will be back later tonight, don't get me wrong, I am going to Xue's house, not to mess around outside.

His response was so cold, which surprised Jian Xi, she thought he would organize her right away, but she didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

In this way, she will have no worries.

Xue Jinxi, a little bastard, if she catches her, she will definitely not let her go, but before that, specifically.What Jianxi was even more curious about was why Xue Jinxi was at Xue's house?

Although Mrs. Xue declared that she was from the Xue family, Xue Yuepeng and Xue Qi both turned a blind eye.

But in fact, Xue Jinxi and the Xue family can say that they have no other contacts except Mrs. Xue. Sometimes, even when they go to the Xue family, they have to report to Mrs. Xue in advance, and only let them go when the two big men are not at home. She went to Xue's house.

Don't ask Jianxi how she knows, the servant's mouth is very scary, as long as she stands at the kitchen door, she can hear almost any gossip.

From this point of view, Xue Qi must have personally invited Xue Jinxi to go to Xue's house.

Jian Xi withdrew herself from the chaotic thoughts, she looked at the thick night outside the window, and couldn't help muttering, "What the hell is uncle going to do? Could it be that the wealthy family is not clean like what the outside world said? Bar."

She didn't understand the principles of the rich, and she also knew very well that the police could do very little, many things they couldn't control, and she didn't want to, but she definitely wouldn't agree.

(End of this chapter)

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