Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 302 This Is Not A Temporary Impulse Anymore

Chapter 302 This is no longer a sudden impulse

Because the drug lord organization was still hunting him down, Mu Shaogong had to move his residence frequently, but he didn't need to panic for too long.

Because Master Bai was about to fall into his trap.

Avoiding the eastern and western suburbs and the downtown area, Mu Shaogong moved to a villa in Shinan District. The place is not big, but it is more than enough for him to live alone. There are two servants at home to help clean and cook.

When he brought Jian Xi back, the servant was taken aback, thinking that he was robbing the women outside, and his face was livid with fright.

Who knew that the person carrying it was still awake and conscious, "Mu Shaogong, have we arrived yet? This is your home."

"Well, I'll take you upstairs." Mu Shaogong chuckled, and immediately put her down, Jian Xi's brain was congested and his face flushed, and now he was no different from the Red Bread Man.

He couldn't help laughing, thinking she would reprimand him angrily, but he didn't want her to stare at him blankly without any response, her eyelids were swollen like walnuts, and she almost couldn't open them.

The tears had all dried up, so her eyes were very astringent, she lowered her head and rubbed her sleepy eyes, then stomped her numb feet.

Turning around, she didn't need Mu Shaogong's guidance, she walked slowly towards the stairs like a walking dead, and Mu Shaogong also restrained his smile, watching her swaying back, he showed worry.

Who knows if she will suddenly fall down and never want to get up again.

Mu Shaogong took her into the room and sat side by side on the sofa. He was finally willing to speak, "I didn't expect Chi Yichen to remember it. I thought this kind of thing wouldn't happen if I kept it a secret."

"Don't be foolish, I'm almost annoyed to death now, everyone knows, everyone remembers, Nima, I can't remember anything by myself." Jian Xi hugged her head irritably, rubbed her hair vigorously, and Hair scuffed.

After being sad, she had already shed her tears. She couldn't be sad anymore, but she was unwilling to let this matter pass by.

Fidgeting, she scratched and scratched.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, she casually grabbed a cushion and hugged it in her arms. She swayed and staggered, staring blankly at the display screen hanging on the opposite wall. The black screen reflected their appearance.

He was prudish, but she could only pretend to be ruthless.

After a moment of silence, before the atmosphere became extremely cold, Mu Shaogong finally spoke, "Chi Yichen thinks you killed Chi Anche."

An understatement of a sentence, but the amount of information contained is so huge that Jianxi didn't react at all for a while. She couldn't believe what she heard. Is this really the truth?
No, it's impossible. Ten years ago, she was only 15 years old. Even if she wanted to hurt Anche Chi, wouldn't he resist?He was 20 years old at that time.

Wait, how did she know he was 20 years old?
This was not the first time, the first thought that came to mind had never been heard of before, but she just blurted out unconsciously.

Perhaps her memory is also recovering.

Thinking of this, Jian Xi jumped up from the sofa, she sat on her knees, her knees sank into the soft sofa, she rubbed her hands, her voice was trembling,
"Not to mention whether this is a misunderstanding, you know my personality, although I usually do some excessive things out of impulsiveness, but you also know that I have never killed anyone, no, I just hurt Fur, not to mention I'm a policeman, I can't-"

She was so anxious that she almost bit her tongue.

Seeing Jian Xi's appearance, Mu Shaogong felt uncomfortable in his heart. He frowned slightly, turned to face her, grabbed her clasped hands, pressed her shoulder with the other hand, and pressed her down.

"Calm down, I mean he thought you killed his third brother indirectly, you may have forgotten that on the day of the car accident, you insisted on asking Chi Anche to drive you and Chi Yichen to see the sunflowers. That is to say, this matter has nothing to do with you." He said calmly, his eyes flickering.

Looking at her with clear and deep eyes like obsidian, apart from distress and pity, there is more guilt.

Why feel guilty?

Jian Xi wanted to ask, but there was nothing that could calm her down now, she was dumb, her eyes widened, her gaze was erratic, the sky wobbled for a moment, her eyes darkened, and she just passed out like this.

If Mu Shaogong hadn't hugged her in time, she would have fallen headfirst to the floor, and he wouldn't let her get hurt.

Holding the crowd, while calling her name, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead from time to time, his heart was so painful that it was about to burst, but he still had to pretend to be calm.

"Sheng'er, wake up, my Sheng'er."

Jian Xi woke up, even though she still had a splitting headache, the lack of oxygen in her brain made her very uncomfortable, she pushed Mu Shaogong away, struggled from his warm embrace, Jian Xi shook her head, and raised her hand to hold the center of her eyebrows.

Instead, she calmed down, but she could hear that she was tired, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I ran and jumped today, and my mood was always ups and downs. It's okay to faint. You also know that I hit my head in a car accident. .”

Talking to herself, she was haggard as if her soul was gone.

Even strangers can tell that Jianxi is pretending to be calm, let alone Mu Shaogong.

She didn't even need to ask him if there was something wrong, because she could sense that Chi Yichen was not wrong.

It was all her fault.

At that moment, he really wanted to tell her the truth of the matter. It is true that what Chi Yichen remembered was also the truth, and what Jianxi would learn later was also the truth, but it was just a shell.

The real core lies in Chi Anche.

He has seen everything through to be so ruthless.

But it's not good to boast so much, Mu Shaogong smiled wryly, resisting the urge to come up, he was also pretending to be calm, "Then do you want to go home now? Or hide here for a few days?"

No matter what, his place will be her port of call.

As expected, she shook her head, opened her thin lips, and murmured weakly, "I want to go home, and I have to apologize to him for doing something wrong, although he may not necessarily forgive me."

Since she was going back to Chi Yichen, Mu Shaogong didn't stop her, but just told her to be careful, and if anything happened, she could call him at any time, and he was waiting for her here.

Due to Mu Shaogong's status, he did not send her off in person, but sent a driver to take her back. He stood at the door and watched her get into the car, and closed the window for her.

Before the car started, Jian Xi suddenly rolled down the car window and stuck his head out of the window, shouting to Mu Shaogong who was standing at the door, "I ask the last question, Chi Anche is not only a brother to Chi Yichen, How important is it?"

When she was speaking, there was thunder, the gray sky fell heavily, lightning illuminated the dark street, and then the street lights came on. I didn't expect night to fall in a blink of an eye, let alone the sky.

Mu Shaogong paused for a while, until the servant who came up from behind poked his shoulder with the tip of the umbrella, he just woke up like a dream, turned around and took the umbrella, he turned back and smiled.

"He is the person who understands him best in this world, maybe you will be the second, but you are so similar, it is difficult to understand each other thoroughly."

Jian Xi knew that she never felt that she understood Chi Yichen very well.

If you understand him, maybe you won't have to suffer as much as now.

It was agreed that it was the last question. When Jianxi got the answer, she put her head back into the car, rolled up the window, and the car started. At the same time, the rain was beating on the window. She knew that the rain would fall sooner or later, so she didn't Not surprised.

Turning to look at Mu Shaogong through the rearview glass, he shrank a little in the rain, and of course she couldn't see him soon, because he turned and walked into the courtyard, and the car turned a corner and entered another road. street.

Only then did she turn her head and stare blankly at the people and buildings passing by outside the car window, as well as the vehicles that were always on the same level. She couldn't get used to the sudden bustle.

Simply close your eyes, recalling what Mu Shaogong said just now, Jian Xi raised his hand and pressed his arm on his eyes to block all light.

She smiled wryly, and told herself, "Chi Anche is the person who knows Yichen best, but I killed him, what, I didn't know that the memory I forgot was so heavy and overwhelming. Can't breathe."

Now she has no reason or basis to refute, she can only pray that Chi Yichen will remember the old relationship, and still have a little nostalgia for her.

She is a child who is used to being abandoned, and she has also begun to get used to the life of running away, but now, if she can, she will choose not to run away again, and she only hopes that Chi Yichen will not abandon him.

Now, whether to stay or go, the decision rests entirely with him.

It takes half an hour to travel from the southern district of the city to the eastern suburbs, but Jianxi feels like a century has passed. Although she was very tired, she did not sleep.

She couldn't sit still, she didn't have a sudden heart attack because of nervousness and would have to burn incense, how could she still be able to sleep?

When the car stopped in front of the luxury villa she was most familiar with, Jian Xi's heart almost stopped beating. She opened the door, and it was still raining outside the car. The driver kindly handed her an umbrella, but she refused.

Pushing away the hair sticking to her face, she pulled out a brave smile, "I'm going to apologize later, of course the more pitiful I look, the easier it is to make people feel distressed."

After finishing speaking, Jian Xi turned around and headed towards the villa, her back was very chic in the rain.

Probably no one knows, she seems to be going to hell, knowing that all the peaceful life will be broken, but she has to do it.

She didn't care about Xue Sheng'er or Chi Anche.

She only cares about Chi Yichen, that's all.

Jian Xi was mentally prepared to see Chi Yichen's iceberg face as soon as she opened the door, but she didn't expect the actual situation. When she opened the door, she only saw clothes, shoes and Hair accessories, and some odds and ends.

No matter what it is, Jianxi can recognize that the things lying on the floor are hers.

In addition to surprise, more anger.

When she froze at the door, a cold chuckle interrupted her thoughts, Jian Xi didn't have time to think about it, she followed the prestige, and saw on the stairs directly opposite the entrance, on the second floor corridor, Chi Yichen stood behind the railing, looking at her with disdain.

This is no longer a sudden impulse.

(End of this chapter)

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