Chapter 307 Was Discovered
Before she settled down, she wanted to run away again, but after running away, Jian Xi didn't even know where to run away.

Anyway, Jian Ce's family couldn't go back, and it was impossible for her to go back to find Mu Shaogong at this time, after all, she was the one who wanted to go back to the villa, and no one could stop her.

Running non-stop until she was exhausted, Jian Xi didn't stop. Standing on the corner of the downtown area, panting, panting, with her hands on her knees, Jian Xi looked around and saw that there were few people.

This is not surprising, it is only six or seven o'clock in the morning, and many shops have just closed, and there are no office workers in a hurry, except for a dozen or so students walking in groups on the road, playing and playing.

Obviously she was not in the mood to pay attention to it now, but she ran behind the group of teenagers like crazy, "Hey, you guys, do you know that this is dangerous? Even if there are few vehicles, you still have to obey the traffic lights. How dare you hurdle me, it’s really desperate.”

Probably because Jianxi's face was flushed, she was not as dignified and convincing as usual.

The group of teenagers were still laughing, turning a deaf ear to her words, she jumped up angrily, and wanted to rush up to pull them back from the road, but a speeding car forced her to retreat.

The wheels rolled over the puddles, splashing a puddle of rainwater and splashing all over Jianxi. She stared wide-eyed and froze in disbelief, with the ridicule of the group of teenagers echoing in her ears.

"We said we were going to die, but she turned out to be the same, so stupid." One of the teenagers laughed out loud, teasing unscrupulously, deliberately raising the volume to tell Jian Xi.

It was just a small prank at first, but the group of teenagers probably did not expect that Jian Xi would suddenly squat down and cry on the side of the road.

Come on, she looks 20 years old if not in her twenties, why did she cry so easily!
Startled by her crying, the group of teenagers were finally willing to retreat to the road, obediently waited for the traffic light, and yelled at her from a distance, "Hey, we are already waiting, so don't cry."

Jian Xi raised her head and looked at them. Her face was full of tears, her eyes were flushed, and the hair on her forehead was also wet and messy with tears, looking in a mess.

Although the tears kept falling, she still suppressed the sadness welling up in her heart, and smiled reluctantly at the group of teenagers, "Thank you, you are really kind people."

If Chi Yichen could soften his heart immediately when he saw her cry, then she wouldn't cry anytime, anywhere just thinking of him.

After all, it was not her wish to break up, so how could she be willing to let go?

After the young man had walked for a long time, the traffic flow gradually increased, and almost everyone cast strange glances at her. Jian Xi stood up until her legs were numb from the pestle, and she lowered her head to wipe away her tears. Dry.

At this moment, the city has gradually woken up, and she doesn't want to stay in such a lively place for the time being.

And now the only thing that can calm her down is her mother's grave.

Jianxi went to the central cemetery. She was penniless, so she could only wander there slowly. Of course, she kept wiping tears along the way, and kept looking at strange eyes along the way. Whatever they want.

Standing in front of my mother's tomb, I saw that there were tributes and a bouquet of roses on her tomb. The flowers were still very bright. It seemed that someone came here to worship yesterday.

She knew that Jian Ce was the same.

"Sure enough, it's easy for a dead person. You don't need to think about anything. Even if the person who killed you comes to pay homage to you, you have no right to drive him away." Jian Xi showed mocking eyes, and simply sat there On the marble, of course she deliberately avoided the sunken cross notch.

She turned her back to the tombstone, hugging her knees, watching the sky in the distance getting more and more dazzling, and the milky yellow sunlight slowly climbed up her cheeks. She didn't know whether her eyes were shining at this moment.

But it was undeniable that she got a moment of peace, although the stuffy air made her back sweat, and the sticky feeling made her uncomfortable.

Closing her eyes, she said to herself with a calm tone, "I think it won't be long before this bad luck continues, mother, I'm going to find you over there, so if you don't want me to share a bed with you there , you hurry up and make me lucky."

Jian Xi only said angry words on the spur of the moment, she didn't mean to be disrespectful to a dead person.

She didn't even think about it, just after she finished speaking, the phone rang again, "youaremysunshine..."

Now that the ringtone sounds really ironic, Jian Xi doesn't hold out much hope, she looks helpless, while taking out her cell phone from her pocket, wishing in her heart that it's not Jian Ce calling, it's better it's Chi Yichen calling.

"Forget it, I still don't want to daydream..." Jian Xi looked at the big characters on the screen of the mobile phone - Bingshan face, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it was automatically muted.

The first time she didn't answer the phone, but turned her head and put her face on the tombstone, kissed the photo, and she smiled silly, "Thank you, mom."

Before the ringtone was hung up because of someone's impatience, Jian Xi hurriedly turned back to answer the phone. She was so nervous that she was trembling all over, and she almost couldn't even hold the phone steadily.

"Yichen, why are you looking for me when you have time? Did you change your mind—" Before she could finish speaking, he was ruthlessly interrupted by him. His indifferent tone passed through her heart like a silk thread, and she couldn't bear the pain. Cover your heart.

Just as she thought, she was really wishful thinking, Chi Yichen's attitude towards her was still the same, and it was impossible to change his mind.

She should be glad that he wouldn't even feel sick when he heard her voice.

"Although I hate you, I don't want you to sleep on the street. At twelve o'clock tonight, I will put your passbook, cash, bank card and the key to the villa I bought near the city in the mailbox at the door. You can take it yourself. "As soon as he finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

He didn't even have a chance to make her speak, and his harshness to her was far beyond Jian Xi's imagination.

That's all, anyway, he has always been so ruthless, she should be grateful for being able to leave her a way out, how dare she ask for anything else?

"But this capitalist is too stingy. He didn't even give me a black card. I don't have much money in the card. What's the use of taking it." Jian Xi muttered, raising his hand to wipe away his tears. wipe.

She was like a wronged child who was about to cry at every turn.

However, this does not mean that she is cowardly, she is stronger than anyone else, and has courage, maybe even death that many people dare not try easily, she can calmly deal with it.

Before leaving the cemetery, Jian Xi turned around to face her mother's stele, and muttered for a long time, saying all the words to scare others and herself.

In the end, she stretched out her hand to wipe the dust off the photo, her eyes were gentle, and her sorrow turned into tears, she knew how ugly she was at the moment.

"If it were you, you would probably forgive Jian Ce, but I'm different from you. I would rather die at the hands of those two women at that time than endure these stupid things in this world." After finishing speaking, she She showed a brave smile, and the sunlight behind her cast a faint halo on her.

Jian Xi is really not joking, she is very tired now, and all the things she firmly believed in have collapsed one by one.

She doesn't know what else to believe?
When she came down from the cemetery, it was exactly nine o'clock, and a bell sounded from a distant mountain, and she closed her eyes.

It is not easy to stay up from morning to midnight, Jianxi is penniless, so he can only sit in the park, then wander in the downtown area, help the old woman who sells fruit on the street, go to the bar, and play with frivolous men a few times A game of billiards.

At the end of the day, she actually earned a lot of extra money, enough for her to buy a suit or go to the beach for a meal.

After hesitating for a while, Jianxi went to buy a pink dress and a pair of candy-colored round-toed high heels. After all, he will stand at the door of the villa later. Who knows if Chi Yichen will sneak through the window with a telescope? look at her.

She didn't understand what was the point of holding on to a glimmer of hope now, but if she didn't hold on to it, she didn't know how to get herself back together.

Boundless fantasy makes people live in hope and temporarily forget the pain caused by despair.

In the blink of an eye, it was midnight, and when Jian Xi stood at the door of the villa, she was even a little flustered, but of course she was more nervous.

The gate of the villa was open, and the mailbox had been moved from the gate to the courtyard, probably for fear that others would take those things first, but Jian Xi had the cheek to insist that it was just to seduce her.

Isn't this letting her in?Jian Xi showed a self-satisfied smile, and took a bold step. She took out the key in her pocket——she said something about giving up on herself before, but it turned out that she put it beside her as a treasure.

Just like what Chi Yichen said, there are all the things he said in the mailbox, and they are packed together in a black cloth bag. After Jianxi took the cloth bag, he did not leave immediately, but continued to move forward, walked through the courtyard, and walked to the door of the inner room forward.

I don't know where the courage came from, but she actually opened the door, and she was still curious that Chi Yichen didn't change the lock after she left. Could it be that he was waiting for her to come back?

"I'm really stupid to say such unrealistic things." Jian Xi patted her forehead and hurriedly opened the door. In fact, she just didn't want to waste money on hotels and didn't want to sleep on the street.

Anyway, since this place is so big, it shouldn't be a problem for her to occupy the corner of the kitchen. She's not very picky about what she eats, and she's fine with leftovers.

Just let her stay here for one night, she will leave tomorrow morning, and he will never find out about her existence.

Make it through today, tomorrow everything will be fine.

Except for the night light in the porch, the lights in the living room and the kitchen were turned off, and the room was dark. For Jian Xi, it was a godsend.

She tossed and slipped into the kitchen, and carefully opened the door of the refrigerator—as expected, she was a rich person, who had everything to eat, and she didn't need to eat leftovers at all!

"Although it looks desolate, there is no way to do it." Consoling himself, Jian Xi took a can of beer and prepared to open it.

However, the light in the kitchen was suddenly turned on, and with a bang, Jian Xi's face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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