Chapter 326
An attractive woman never needs to dress up to adorn herself, but once she is dressed up, she is sure to overwhelm the crowd.

When Chi Yichen saw Jian Xi approaching slowly, he knew that she was this kind of person.

Jian Xi threw herself into his arms without saying a word, she has always been such an inexplicable person, and he was used to it, so he just let her rub her against her.

Coming out of the villa, Jian Xi walked in front with light steps, but she was not in such a happy mood. Chi Yichen followed behind and looked at her back with gentle eyes.

At this time, the cool wind blew, the long skirt fluttered, and the hair hanging on the sideburns also moved with the wind. Under the bleak moonlight, Jian Xi's figure was covered with a faint halo. She turned her head, The side face is soft and beautiful, but the eyes are firm.

The passage of time has made her calmer than before, but that tenderness remains unchanged, only revealed inadvertently.

I still remember that when he was 15 years old, he met her for the first time. She was wearing a red dress, so beautiful.

Now it seems that she is still the same.

However, compared to being calm, Jianxi tonight is a bit different. From getting on the car to getting off the car, she remained silent, depressed, looking away from the window, and then turned her head to him.

Chi Yichen was displeased, and directly pulled her domineeringly, pressing her head on his shoulder forcibly, and pressed her ear with his hand, so as not to listen to the disturbances of the world.

Even if he doesn't speak, he will stay by her side and accompany her without saying a word.

He promised that he would not let go, so he never broke his promise.

Just out of worry, when getting out of the car, he suddenly grabbed Jian Xi's hand and refused to let her get out of the car, so he asked softly, "What's the matter? You look worried."

The answer she got was Jian Xi's gentle smile. She pulled her drooping hair behind her ears and leaned forward to kiss him. A kiss like a touch of water is often the most attractive and soul-stirring.

Once you get it, you want more.

But now is not the time, Chi Yichen also smiled, his sharp eyes turned tender because he met her, he got out of the car with her, and greeted Xue Yuepeng and Xue Qi's enthusiasm.

It was said to be a family banquet, but it was actually very grand. The head couples of the four major families, the noble sons and the young ladies all gathered together, competing for splendor, and walking on the red carpet like dazzling stars.

This family dinner attracted a large number of reporters, and when she and Chi Yichen got out of the car, they were surrounded by reporters, making it impossible to move.

"Excuse me, are you acknowledging your status in the Xue family?"

"I heard that you will be the first heir of the Xue family, what do you think about the chance of the sparrow flying on the branch and becoming a phoenix?"

Chatting endlessly, asking more questions than she answered, she was not allowed to say a word at all, and could only be indifferent throughout the whole process. Only Chi Yichen could solve this kind of situation.

His attitude was naturally unceremonious, and there was no trace of a smile on his cold face, "Jian Xi is already a phoenix in Chi's house, there is no need to fly to the branches. Compared with you, she stands taller than anyone else."

It is said that to be arrogant you need capital, but Chi Yichen has this kind of capital.

Silenced by his words, with just one look from him, the bodyguards came up and pulled the reporters away to make a way for them to move forward. Xue Qi was waiting at the gate early in the morning, and of course Xue Qi was standing beside him. lady.

Mrs. Xue has recovered her blood color at this time, but she is still thin. Although she has a smile on her face, she should be able to see how brave she is, as long as her eyes are not blind.

"Your grandfather is not in good health recently, so I asked him to go back to the room to rest, and he asked me to say sorry to you." Xue Qi said, holding Jian Xi's hand, holding her hand in it, and smiling kindly , There is tenderness between the eyebrows.

Sure enough, he regarded her as her mother Yu Jinxi again.

Mrs. Xue was also frowning with Jian Xi, the corners of her mouth twitched, suppressing the grievance in her heart, she still smiled and covered the back of Jian Xi's hand, "Don't blame your grandpa, your dad Didn't I come to greet you?"

"Excuse me, who are you, this aunt?" Jian Xi turned her face to stare at her, her smile was as cold as ice, her willow eyebrows were raised upright, and the corners of her mouth curled up with contempt.

Don't think that she is so good. The scars forget the pain. She can forgive everyone who hurt her, but she will never forgive everyone who hurt her mother. That poor person probably can't rest in peace under Huangquan now.

Undoubtedly, she also resented Xue Qi.

It's just that she wanted to become a family member with him above everything else, so she resisted the urge to treat him coldly.

Withdrawing her hand, Jian Xi took Chi Yichen's arm, talked to him and walked around Xue Qi with a smile, followed the direction of the red carpet, stepped up the marble steps step by step, and entered the luxurious palace.

In the wide and narrow porch, there are several famous paintings hanging, and the light is dim, but after entering the hall, it is another scene.

Under the crystal chandelier, the gemstone ring on the celebrity's hand and neck exudes dazzling light, and the silverware containing delicacies on the long table also exudes silver cold light, everything becomes hazy, and the air is filled with a luxurious atmosphere.

It's no wonder that some people are obsessed with this kind of occasion, Jianxi is starting to faint now.

In a trance, the person beside her suddenly broke away from her hand, causing Jianxi to turn her head quickly in fright—Chi Yichen bent down and stretched out his hand, like a gentleman, "Why don't we have a dance."

"That's what I mean." She smiled, like a dazzling star, with blurred eyes, lazy posture, and gorgeous clothing, she looked like someone who came out of this high society.

The feeling from the past was revived bit by bit, at this moment her soul was half occupied by Xue Sheng'er.

She reached out to hold him, and she was immediately embraced by him, and she entered the center of the dance floor with a spin, eclipsing all other dancing partners.

But in fact, it just feels like it's coming back. Jianxi completely forgot how to dance the waltz. He learned tango in college, but it's useless in this kind of situation.

Her limbs were stiff, allowing him to drag and dance.

And Chi Yichen, after being stepped on by her for the tenth time, finally couldn't bear her weight, stopped and looked at her steadily, "I thought I was dancing with a log just now."

He didn't look like he was joking, but Jian Xi couldn't hold back, and started laughing with a poof.

Her laughter was jingle and sweet, and she didn't seem rude on this occasion, but instead attracted a lot of people's attention, and Jian Xi's softness and tenderness could be seen at a glance.

For her attitude, he was both helpless and amused. In desperation, he could only bend down and whisper in her ear, "Since you are so happy, I think you will be very energetic at night."

No, who said that!
Jian Xi stopped immediately, blushed, pouted and glared at him, but didn't dare to make a move, after all, his lust was still there.

Since he doesn't know how to waltz, he simply danced the tango according to her wishes. The surging music, elegant and wild dancing posture, Chi Yichen is still elegant and unhurried, while Jianxi is like a delicate red rose, coquettish and charming. But it's not tacky, and it's suffocatingly beautiful.

After the song, when they stopped, there was continuous applause, whether it was out of flattery or genuine admiration, Jianxi blushed and hid behind Chi Yichen in embarrassment.

But at this time, it was a gentle but intimidating voice that broke the surface tranquility to save her.

"Thank you all for taking the time to attend this banquet. Presumably all distinguished guests have seen the news. Apart from false reports, I have to admit to you that I do have a daughter. She is Xue Sheng'er, the charming girl standing in the middle of the hall at the moment. .”

As soon as the words were finished, all eyes turned to Jianxi. She and Chi Yichen stood under the crystal chandelier, star-studded.

Chi Yichen has been used to this kind of gaze for a long time, so she is not surprised, but Jianxi is different, she has no interest in this kind of behavior like being locked in a cage and being watched like a monkey.

She knew that Xue Qi would not hold a banquet for no reason, and it turned out that it was for this matter.

Simply a beast!
Xue Qi stood on the steps of the stairs, not high enough, but enough to overlook the entire hall. The tenderness in his gaze towards Jian Xi was also seen by everyone, which meant that those people had one more object of curry favor. bit.

Even Chi Jinnian, who was usually unsmiling in front of people, couldn't help laughing, the creases in the corners of his eyes were piled up, his attention was all on his son and daughter-in-law, and the people around him ignored them.

Probably because of this reason, he didn't see the eyes of Chi Qingfeng standing beside him who was about to be cremated, and the veins on the back of the hand holding the goblet bulged, almost crushing the goblet.

Under the honest appearance, insidiousness flashed in his eyes.

Chi Qingfeng stopped looking for troubles and turned to search for Mrs. Xue. He hadn't seen her for almost a month, and tried to contact her to no avail. Now that he finally got this opportunity, he certainly wouldn't let it go this opportunity.

Madam Xue is easy to find, in fact, wherever Xue Qi is, she will appear nearby.

However, this time, he saw her back walking towards the corridor that turned left at the stairs. She hung her shoulders and raised her hand to cover her mouth. Her back looked thin and fragile.

No one cares where she is going, everyone's eyes are on Jian Xi, everyone is smart, and it is clear at a glance who will be favored, so they will not curry favor with a person who has lost his status.

But Chi Qingfeng was different, he loved her.

So he chased after him without thinking.

As for Jian Xi, who was still in the spotlight, still feeling anxious but helpless, she could only fake a smile and wave to those who wanted to please her, but her eyes were all on Chi Yichen.

She stuck beside him, whispering to him in a low voice, "Yichen, I want to go home now."

This is not her home, this is just a Hongmen banquet, the purpose is to force her to accept the identity of Xue Sheng'er, to put it bluntly, Xue Qi still can't accept that she is Jianxi.

Since he is a member of the Xue family, he must bear the seal of the Xue family.

If she could, she really wanted to rush up and beat Xue Qi hard now, he broke all her fantasies about her biological father, at this moment she can only cling to Chi Yichen, as long as he is around, she will have everything she needs.

In the end, it is almost impossible to change a person.

Chi Yichen can empathize with her feelings, he loves her, and he can pamper her.

"Then let's go now. Anyway, you have me, so you don't need these things." He was right, having him means having everything in this world, whether it is love, family affection, or love. Both money and power are in her hands.

She also wanted to nod, but when she raised her eyes and met Xue Qi's eyes, she saw his begging eyes.

Sighing, she shook her head, "Let's wait until this banquet is over."

The dignity that Xue Qi wanted, she could give him.

(End of this chapter)

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