Chapter 338 Arguing Endlessly
At the moment when their eyes met, there was a fierce spark of friction.

There is no doubt that it was a look of pure hatred.

It was Jian Xi who looked away first. Just seeing that face made her feel disgusted. Anyway, if she looked at her twice more, she would not lose a piece of meat because of it. It would be better if she didn't see her.

Xue Qi seemed extremely happy, with a smile on his face, he opened his mouth and told Jian Xi bluntly, "I have prepared a surprise for you, I hope you will be happier and forgive me more."

She was so old and still said such witty words, so she didn't know how to answer them at all.

Rubbing the back of her neck, Jian Xi laughed awkwardly, she simply pretended not to hear, pulled Chi Yichen up, turned around and nodded with a smile, "Let's go in first, it's so hot outside."

Long before coming here, Jian Xi had made it clear to him that the biggest purpose of her trip was still the matter of the missing servant, and the bureau also issued an order for her to go to the scene to see the situation before making a report.

So as soon as she entered the door, she put on rubber gloves, carefully observed every corner she walked, and asked Xue Qi who was following behind without looking back, "Is the missing maid serious about her work? Does she have any enemies? Or was there something wrong before it disappeared?"

It's just a maid, Xue Qi can't even remember her face, let alone these details, when he was about to shake his head, someone grabbed his arm suddenly, and turned his head - Mrs. Xue told him to get out of the way, she I have something to say to Jian Xi.

Although he was reluctant, he still vacated the way, and Chi Yichen had already passed through the entrance to sit on the sofa in the living room. Originally, he came here simply to accompany her, and the reason was the same as going shopping with her.

"I know that maid. She has a terrible personality. She often irritates her colleagues and loves to gossip. She is a gossip at all. So it is not surprising that she disappeared. Maybe she didn't want to do it, so she broke the contract and ran away." Xue Madam spoke very quickly, like a serial cannon, without giving Jianxi a chance to react.

At the end, after she breathed a sigh of relief, she still didn't forget to add, "And don't you think it's unlucky to do this kind of thing at home? Although it's a job requirement, it's just a servant, so you don't have to worry about it at all, right?" .”

The contempt was evident in the discourse.

However, Jian Xi didn't care at all and turned a deaf ear to it. She was sure that there was no suspicious trace in the entrance, so she was finally willing to change her shoes, walked into the living room, turned her head and met Chi Yichen's eyes, and he immediately stood up and walked over.

In this gap, Mrs. Xue's cell phone rang, and she seemed to have been waiting for the call. As soon as she heard the ringing, she immediately took out her cell phone reflexively, put down a lame reason in a panic, and hurried to Toilet.

It seems that Jian Xi's conjecture is not wrong, Mrs. Xue is probably waiting for an explanation from the person who attacked her today.

In fact, she didn't need to wait for the phone call at all, because there was someone here who could tell her the whole story.

Even so, she still asked Xue Qi to send a maid to follow secretly, no matter whether he understood the reason or not, she just smirked, "Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises."

Xue Qi understood immediately, turned around and went to the kitchen to call for someone.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jian Xi dragged Chi Yichen upstairs, as expected she was still uncomfortable with outsiders by her side.

Xue Qi's study room is opposite his bedroom, and his bedroom is at the end of the corridor, and there are two windows on the wall at the end, which are usually closed.

But on the day of the banquet, the window was opened.

If she remembered correctly, Mrs. Xue and Chi Qingfeng were standing in front of the window sill that day, looking down at the window with their waist down. At that time, she thought they had pushed Xue Qi down, but the result was unexpected.

Thinking about it now, they should have done something, but the target wasn't Xue Qi.

As for why it wasn't him, it was very likely that the missing maid heard their ulterior secrets and was discovered by them, so she was murdered. In this way, everything makes sense.

Jianxi stood on the window sill and looked down. This is the backyard. The soil is soft and green, and you can still see the scene of this suburb before it was developed.

On the surface, there is indeed no difference, but who can guarantee that there is nothing?
"I remember that we all went downstairs at that time, but Chi Qingfeng didn't go down." Jian Xi turned her head and said to Chi Yichen, her face was solemn, and she no longer called Chi Qingfeng "big brother".

He nodded, although he didn't want to think of Chi Qingfeng's face at all, but who made him the key search object of the case now.

There is no doubt that Chi Qingfeng is the murderer who killed the maid, and he is the only one who can do such insane things.

But now, rather than finding evidence to prove that he is the murderer, what is more important is why Chi Qingfeng and Mrs. Xue wanted to attack that maid. What did she hear?What do you see again?
Thinking of how she was almost discovered by them when she was hiding in the toilet that day, Jian Xi felt terrified. Fortunately, she had strong stamina and was cautious enough, otherwise she would be the one missing now.

But now is not the time to rejoice, she held Chi Yichen with a serious expression, her thin lips were slightly white, and her tone was calm and calm when she spoke, she was completely different from usual, "I'm going downstairs, you're here Accept me."

"I'd better go downstairs, there might be danger there." Chi Yichen wasn't trying to perfunctory her, he was very serious, after all, he lowered his eyelids, his eyelashes flickered, Jian Xi was so moved by the sight, she was of course unconditional promise.

Putting the rubber gloves off on him, Jian Xi originally wanted to teach him some identification knowledge, but unexpectedly, this guy knew even this. He broke away from her hand, turned around and rushed down quickly. His figure quickly disappeared behind her like a gust of wind. before.

She wasn't idle either. She returned to the window sill and looked at the ground with her waist down, until Chi Yichen's figure appeared in her line of sight. He looked around and searched, but he didn't find anything meaningful.

After making sure that there were no clues on the surface, he raised his head and shook his head at Jian Xi. She expected this, so she was not surprised. She took out her mobile phone and called him. There is land nearby."

"I did this when I came here. Obviously, the soil under the window sill is relatively loose." Chi Yichen responded to her with amazing speed, and she didn't need her instructions. She saw him squatting down, wearing a The gloved hand pulled the ground twice.

Only this piece of soil is relatively loose, which means that someone has dug it here, but it was filled up later.

Without waiting for Jianxi to specify the next move, Chi Yichen got up and picked up a large branch from nearby, and pushed the soil away piece by piece. However, when he dug to a certain depth, there was still no trace of clues.

He didn't continue digging, and threw away the branch. With a calm expression, he calmly concluded, "Something was indeed buried here, but it has been taken away."

"I see, then you come up." Jian Xi hung up the phone, her eyes still stayed on the part of the land that had been turned over, but she didn't know that there was someone standing behind her, and she was the person she hated the most.

When she found out, she was really taken aback, and almost lost her balance and fell directly from the window sill. Maybe this really did what Mrs. Xue wanted.

Mrs. Xue didn't know when she was standing behind her, at least when she found her, her face was expressionless, and a hint of sinister flashed in her sharp eyes, and then dimmed again.

what happened?Why didn't Xue Qi find someone to deal with her?

Could it be that Jian Xi's reasoning was wrong?

Jian Xi didn't talk to Mrs. Xue, she walked directly around Mrs. Xue towards the end of the corridor, but she didn't expect that she would follow, and she followed behind in no hurry to overtake her.

As a last resort, Jianxi could only speed up her pace as much as possible. When she went downstairs and stepped on the carpet in the living room, Chi Yichen just came in from the main entrance. He took off the two shoe covers that were covered with wet soil. Get down and throw it away.

With a glance, one could see Xue Qi sitting on the sofa in the living room, calmly making hot tea, and seeing Jian Xi appearing, he smiled and waved to her, letting her pass.

If he hadn't seen Chi Yichen walking towards him, Jian Xi wouldn't have left.

As soon as she sat down beside Xue Qi, Jian Xi's nerves were tense to the extreme. She took the hot tea he handed over, and watched Chi Yichen accept his tea with her own eyes, and nodded her head.

God knows what they said just now, they suddenly became more harmonious overnight.

Suspicious, Madam Xue also came over, Xue Qi's smile was fixed at the moment Madam Xue appeared, he was stunned for a while, then lowered his head, suddenly picked up a cup of hot tea, turned his head and poured it directly on Madam Xue.

She immediately yelled, but it was too late to hide behind.

After all, it was boiling hot tea, splashed on her bare arm, her fair skin instantly turned red, the pain made Madam Xue burst into tears, and she cried to him aggrievedly, "What are you doing?"

"Do you think I don't know? You sent someone to kidnap Sheng'er. If it weren't for her good skills, I don't know what she would be like now. You did something utterly unconscionable just to control me, you vicious woman." He said every word, gnashing his teeth.

Jian Xi on the side scratched her head, it seemed that she was not wrong.

Now it's not her snitching, but the fact is that, since she decided to do this kind of thing in the first place, it's best to be prepared for any possibility.

Seeing Mrs. Xue's face was livid and she didn't say a word, she obviously acquiesced in this matter, but she was unwilling to admit her mistake.

Even if she doesn't admit her mistake, this matter is beyond her control.

Too lazy to look at that ugly woman, Xue Qi turned around and looked at Jian Xi, he held her hand, looked at her tenderly, the corners of his mouth were fondly curled up, never wavering at all.

He could finally assure her that he would repay the guilt accumulated over the years, even if it was a little bit, he wanted to make it up.

"Sheng'er, don't worry, I will divorce her and make your mother the orthodox eldest daughter-in-law of the Xue family. She will get nothing, no matter if it is land, money, or even power, I will never let her be here again." Ruin the Xue family's reputation in high society!"

He spoke with dignity, but Jian Xi was shocked when he heard it. She widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief, unable to believe that what she heard was the truth.

It's useless to say anything now, Yu Jinxi has been dead for so many years, but after all, as a daughter, she still has regrets in her heart.

She thought that Xue Qi was going to be entangled with Mrs. Xue in this life, but she didn't expect that he planned to get rid of her.

Are you sure she heard right?
When she was surprised, Madam Xue suddenly spoke out, instead of being hoarse, she was very calm, her expression was piercingly cold, she lightly parted her red lips, and her attitude was very rude, "Xue Qi, you can't divorce me!"

(End of this chapter)

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