Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 342 Nobody Can Understand Her Fear

Chapter 342 Nobody Can Understand Her Fear

Mu Shaogong was really the same, before he refused to speak, but now he took the initiative to tell her that Chi Anche might still be alive.

Did he think that this would change anything?

No, nothing will change.

Jian Xi would rather that he choose to hide it, let Chi Anche disappear forever, and live alone in any corner he likes, in short, just don't appear in front of her.

It's not resentment, it's fear.

After escaping from the park, Jian Xi trotted all the way back to the villa with her slippers on. When she returned, the servants at home were too busy. They thought she had disappeared inexplicably, and their faces were livid with fright.

Aunt Mei, who was already a middle-aged woman, was so nervous that her heart ached. When she saw Jian Xi came back, she calmed down and sighed with lingering fear, "It's good that you are back, young mistress, otherwise I don't know what to do." Tell the young master."

Jian Xi didn't take it seriously, she had been coming and going freely before, why did she suddenly become nervous about her whereabouts during this period of time?
"Did Chi Yichen tell you anything?" She asked suspiciously, but she was just asking casually. In fact, her thoughts were not in front of her eyes, and Mu Shaogong's slightly hesitant voice was still echoing in her mind, "Chi An Che may still be alive."

What does his return represent?She can't remember anything yet.

After Jian Xi's question, Aunt Mei realized that she almost slipped her tongue, she quickly shook her head and showed a forced smile, "It's nothing, young mistress is going to work now? Or should I eat breakfast first."

Actually, it's past breakfast time.

Jian Xi didn't have the appetite to eat, she waved her hand to refuse, bypassed the servants who surrounded her, and walked straight towards the stairs.

And Aunt Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Not long ago, Chi Yichen told her that except for working hours, whenever she was at home, she must be optimistic about her, and she had to ask where she was going to make it easier to follow. He also emphasized that Don't reveal your secrets.

If she hadn't been dazzled just now, Aunt Mei would have revealed her secrets because she slipped her mouth.

In fact, even if the truth is revealed, it doesn't mean much to Jian Xi. After she returned to the room, she was like a deflated ball, slumped on the sofa, feeling as if all her strength had been drained.

She couldn't describe how she felt at the moment, couldn't tell what was wrong, but she just didn't feel right.

If Chi Anche came back, would it bring back memories of Chi Yichen's past, and then push her into a desperate situation again.

But she knew that the biggest problem was not here, but her own. Obviously, she was afraid of Chi Anche's arrival, and she thought that he would never come back in this life.

She didn't kill him, let alone have such evil thoughts.

But she just didn't want him there.

Probably because she was afraid of recalling her thoughts at the time, she had no confidence in herself, and maybe she had shown mercy to Anche Chi, which is also uncertain.

Jian Xi lay on the sofa and thought about this topic many times, but in the end she still couldn't come up with a clue. She didn't know which tendon was cramping, but she even thought of calling Chi Yichen.

And, she did.

"Du——" The longer the sound rang, the more nervous Jianxi's heart became. She sat up, hugged herself and curled up on the sofa, the waiting sound was like a spinning black hole, and she fell into the black hole.

Finally, before she exhausted all her courage, Chi Yichen finally answered the phone.

He seemed to have just finished the meeting, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, speaking in a lighter tone than usual, "What's the matter? Where is the credit again? I asked the driver to deliver the money."

Usually she called him for this reason.

It would be great if it was for such a small matter now.

Jian Xi covered the phone and sighed, she suddenly regretted calling Chi Yichen, what good would it do him to tell him such uncertain things?But it only increased his hopeless expectations.

"It's not for this kind of thing, I just want to ask you, how much do you know about the past? Have you remembered everything?" She asked cautiously, her hand holding the microphone couldn't stop shaking, if she didn't try her best to control it, she It is estimated that even the voice will tremble.

Speaking of such a serious question suddenly, both ends of the phone fell silent.

After a long time, it was Chi Yichen who spoke first, without vigilance, and did not intend to hide anything, and told her straightforwardly, "Almost all of them are remembered. Of course, it is normal for some things that are too long ago to gradually fade away."

In this way, he was able to accept Chi Anche's death calmly?

Jian Xi thought about asking him about the car accident, but felt that it was not a gentleman to use such a despicable method to test whether he really let go, so she still didn't ask in the end.

Since he can accept the fact that Chi Anche left, she can hide it.

Taking the initiative to change the subject, Jian Xi laughed heartlessly, no different from her usual eccentric personality.

No matter what, knowing that nothing happened to her, Chi Yichen was also relieved, although his attitude was still very cold, but those who knew in their hearts would know that he simply didn't want to spoil her too much.

But their relationship has passed the stage of chatting on the phone, and soon Jian Xi expressed strong impatience, and hurriedly prepared to hang up the phone.

However, before he said goodbye, she changed her mind temporarily and spoke again suddenly.

"Let me ask you, what would you do if Chi Anche was still alive?" Jian Xi went to pour the boiled water on the table down, she urgently needed to calm down now, otherwise he would find out soon.

I don't know if it's Jian Xi's disguised well, or Chi Yichen thinks that this kind of thing is impossible to happen, he didn't find the meaning in the words, he just fell silent, so long that Jian Xi began to wonder if he was still listening to the phone .

She is also really, to ask such a messy question, it doesn't make much sense in the end.

But regardless of whether it makes sense or not, Chi Yichen finally answered, without perfunctory, but seriously responded to her with a sense of despair, "If I'm still alive, I will use up everything to find him back, but it's a pity that these things are gone. used."

He will never forget that three days after the car accident, Chi Anche's body was found on the river embankment. It was almost unrecognizable, the blood had dried up, and there was no evidence to prove that he was not Chi Anche.

He didn't speak after that, but he didn't hang up either, as if he was waiting for her to continue.

What should I say?She didn't know anything about it, and she couldn't empathize with his feelings.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said these things. You can concentrate on your work. I won't bother you anymore." In the end, Jian Xi could only say some innocuous words, and then hung up the phone. throw.

The mobile phone hit the table and fell to the floor. She was not in the mood to pick it up. She fell back, her neck resting on the armrest of the sofa, and she lay on her back with her arms hanging in the air.

Close your eyes and go to sleep, and wake up like nothing happened.

Don't let Chi Yichen and Mu Shaogong meet again, or warn Mu Shaogong not to tell Chi Yichen this, and try all means to make it possible and hopeful that Chi Anche is still alive.

Don't break the peace.

Even she didn't understand why she had to do this, but she was inexplicably afraid that if Chi Anche came back, it would definitely have a big impact on her. After all, he was such an important person in her life—— Can't get up but she somehow feels it.

At that time, she will definitely have to make a choice. This is not because she is mediocre, she has already seen everything through.

Jian Xi closed her eyes abruptly, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and fell into her long hair. She wanted to sleep, but she still couldn't do so, because at this moment, the mobile phone that was abandoned on the floor rang.

Fuck, let her sleep peacefully.

Although she was dissatisfied, as soon as Jian Xi saw that it was a call from the bureau, she still didn't hang up, and reluctantly picked it up, humming twice as a protest, waiting for the other party to speak.

Unexpectedly, Tang Qishan's voice would come from the other end of the phone, cold and arrogant, like a desert rose.

"The boss asked you to come to the bureau, the drug lords are making another move." She dragged her voice deliberately to show her impatience.

Since it was news from drug lords, even if Jian Xi was missing an arm or a leg, she would have to call the police. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and replied vaguely, "Got it, I'll be there in half an hour."

After all, she was about to hang up the phone, but who knew that the person who showed impatience on purpose just now would stop her and not let her hang up.

"Let me ask you, did you meet Mu Shaogong today? Do you know how disappointed he is? What did you say to him? Why is he always depressed when he meets you?" Tang Qishan questioned , the attitude is not polite at all.

Jian Xi is much more impatient than her, is she annoying?

It's fine to ask her about Mu Shaogong for the first time, but now Tang Qishan is still addicted, asking her again and again.

Please, she's not Mu Shaogong's mother, how would she know why he's been depressed recently.

Moreover, Tang Qishan's desire to control was too much, almost like a nanny who protected him 24 hours a day.

Jian Xi secretly slandered, and didn't want to quarrel with her again, not to mention that she was not in the mood now, she scratched her stomach, yawned, and responded casually, "We did meet in the morning, so what's the matter? "

Apart from this, she has nothing to say.

After thinking about it for a long time, since she couldn't face up to this matter, she might as well just forget about it, at least in the short term, she didn't want to see Mu Shaogong again, who made him talk nonsense.

She didn't care about his mood, but Tang Qishan did.

"If you don't have the ability to make Mu Shaogong happy, then don't meet him. You already have Chi Yichen, why bother him anymore, can't you let him live a peaceful life?"

Another unceremonious scolding, Tang Qishan pushed all the blame on Jian Xi.

What more can she say?
Rather than being so angry that she can't speak, it's better to say that she doesn't want to talk to this kind of person now, Jian Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and interrupted her coldly, "Okay, don't say anything Dirty water is poured on me, I don’t accept it, thank you.”

Putting down the harsh words, she hung up the phone.

This time she didn't throw the phone anywhere, but slammed it directly towards the wall.

But even a mobile phone was against her, so he refused to break it in half.

The phone is still ringing.

(End of this chapter)

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