Chapter 352┲My Strength

When going downstairs, Jian Xi ran into Mrs. Xue head-on. This is Chi's villa, and she was standing in the center of the living room with a dignified and elegant figure.

That's right, the person who came to find her was Mrs. Xue.

"I don't know what you can do?" Jian Xi's attitude was quite polite, and she quickly went downstairs, turned into the kitchen, and asked the servant to bring her a cup of hot milk and bread, and deliver them to the table in front of the sofa in the living room.

Turning around and going back to the living room, Mrs. Xue was already sitting on the sofa waiting for her, the hem of the fluffy retro red dress was pressed down by her, her hands were clasped on her knees, she turned her head to look at Jian Xi.

The crystal chandelier was lit, and the dazzling light was covered up during the day. A faint halo hit her face, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes were clearly visible.

After all, you are old, even if you try to pretend to be young, it is still not worth the time.

Glancing at her indifferently, Jian Xi walked over quickly and sat down beside Mrs. Xue. A fresh scent of perfume filled her nostrils. She vaguely recalled that the man who tried to kidnap her yesterday had nothing but the pungent cologne scent. , also mixed with this fresh aroma.

At that time, she was still thinking, because he likes perfume so he wears two kinds at once.

Now that I think about it, it turned out that he got the infection after being in contact with Mrs. Xue.

Rubbing to the side in disgust, Jian Xi didn't want to smell like her and that man, she asked again, "If it's okay, I'll go to work, I don't know why."

"Since I came to look for you, I have something to do, why are you in a hurry?" Mrs. Xue finally spoke, with a smile on her face when she spoke, people who didn't know thought she was so kind, but Jian Xi could clearly see the flames of hatred in her eyes combustion.

While talking, the breakfast that Jian Xi ordered had already been served, and she kept spreading jam on the toast until it was thick and full before bringing it to her mouth.

At this moment, Mrs. Xue said abruptly, "You are really like your mother. You have the same eating habits. You eat as much as you like. It's the same with the people you like. There are so many suitors. To steal from me."

If it wasn't because she likes hot milk, she would definitely splash the milk in Mrs. Xue's face directly.

Originally, I thought that only men would suffer from straight male cancer, but I didn't expect that even women would suffer from straight female cancer. Xue Qi was not labeled "her property" by her, so why couldn't his mother be with him?

Angry as she was, Jian Xi still ignored her, instead of dealing with Mrs. Xue, she had to settle accounts with Tang Qishan first.

But she will not let Mrs. Xue go, from now on, she can't bear it anymore.

Whoever tries to hurt her in vain must be prepared to be hurt at any time!
"I heard that you didn't attend the wedding last night. What a pity. Aren't you the most sociable?" Jian Xi pretended to be nonchalant and brought up the topic to Mrs. Xue, who still settled for lunch leisurely.

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly froze, and the air seemed to be condensed and unable to flow.

She could hear Mrs. Xue's sudden disordered breathing for a moment, and then felt a chill down her back. One could imagine how terrifying Mrs. Xue's sight was.

But she was not afraid, she turned her head without hesitation, and stared at the pale face of the so-called noble lady from the upper class, her tightly pursed red lips, her face was covered with a thick layer of white powder, but the lines still couldn't be covered .

In fact, she had investigated Mrs. Xue's family background, but found nothing, only that her parents died.

Now she suddenly had some doubts. Could there be a different connection between Master Bai and her? Otherwise, how would he know that he wanted to join hands with her?

No matter how natural it is, no one would think that someone would want to kill their own family members.

Staring at her face for a long time, in fact, the thoughts in Jianxi's mind had already flown far away. If Mrs. Xue hadn't suddenly made a sound, she probably could have stared at her all afternoon. She said, "Do you know everything?"

She didn't make it clear, but it was clear from the tone that she had admitted it.

Although she can't guarantee that Mrs. Xue has a high IQ, she thinks that she shouldn't rush to make a deal with him without even knowing what the other party wants to do. She clearly agreed to this matter because she knew it.

For women in the upper class, the biggest pastime in this life is the banquet, and for Mrs. Xue, it is like the lifeline.

To make her give up the chance to show her face, Master Bai must have given him a good deal.

For some reason, Jian Xi suddenly felt her stomach churning, making her nauseous, probably because she was sick of the deal between them.

She simply put down the toast and milk, wiped her mouth casually with a tissue, and responded casually, "So what if you know? I'm asking you now, why did you come to me?"

"To quit this game, all you have to do is say that you reject Xue Sheng'er's identity, and I will persuade Xue Qi to persuade him." Mrs. Xue spoke quickly, and after finishing speaking, she turned her face away and looked away.

At this time, the weather outside the window was just right, and the sunlight shone through the gap between the curtains on the back of Mrs. Xue's head, putting her whole body in the light.

Such a dignified person has such an ugly face.

Why?Why did she quit?Even if she doesn't want anything, she has no reason to hand over everything in the Xue family to Mrs. Xue. She is not a philanthropist, let alone a virgin whore, so she can't be soft on the wicked.

Standing up abruptly, Jian Xi put her backpack on her back and turned her back to Mrs. Xue. She said without turning her head, "You have no right to ask me to do that. I know Bai Ye will join hands with you to solve me next time, but I'm afraid What, I've had nothing to fear since the day the car accident happened."

As soon as the words fell, the servant came over to clear the plate, and Jian Xi shot a shot, "Seeing off the guests."


The servant stared fixedly at Mrs. Xue, and made a "please" gesture, as if she would be kicked out if she didn't do so.

Madam Xue was so angry that she glared at Jian Xi bitterly, picked up the bag beside her, and said through gritted teeth, "No need, I will go by myself. I originally wanted to leave a way for you to survive, but now it seems I am too merciful."

This is good, and it saves her the effort to throw her out.

As soon as Mrs. Xue left, Jian Xi followed her, and drove her Chevrolet straight to the downtown area.

Probably because it was noon, the downtown area was full of traffic and crowds, and there was always a traffic jam. Even the waiting time for the green light seemed to be longer than usual. In addition, the weather was so hot that even with the air conditioner on, the back would still sweat.

Jian Xi became more and more impatient. While waiting for the green light, he simply distracted and turned his head to look around. Times Square was in front of him. Through the windshield, he could see the large posters hanging in front of the tall buildings lining the square.

Even the advertisements played on the big screen were the same as the characters on the posters. Xue Jinxi's flawless face came into view, and it didn't go away for a while. Posters about her almost covered the entire square.

After all, Xue Jinxi is popular, with her acting skills, gentle personality and flawless face, she has won everyone's love.

It is estimated that no one will think of Fan Yutong again, and even Yao Linna has to give way to Xue Jinxi.

However, Xue Jinxi is Fan Yutong, she just reappeared in the field of vision with another face.

It suddenly occurred to me that Xue Jinxi was also a product of Mrs. Xue's hatred. It was because of this that her mother's name "Yu Jinxi" was used. Xue Jinxi's existence was ruthlessly wiped out after being used.

It's really pitiful.

"Bah——" a harsh car horn sounded from behind, which startled Jian Xi. When she came back to her senses, she realized that the red light had already turned green. No wonder the driver behind her was so impatient.

She quickly grabbed the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. Originally, the direction she was supposed to go was to turn left, but she chose to go straight and drive straight down to enter the western suburbs.

I wonder if Xue Jinxi still lives in the western suburbs?

Jian Xi was really worried, so she tried to call Xue Jinxi. She thought that the chance of her being willing to answer was very slim, but she didn't expect the call to be connected.

Before entering the suburbs, she turned the steering wheel, then slammed on the brakes and pulled the car to the side of the road.

The voice on the other end of the phone was obviously impatient, "If you have nothing to say, then I'll hang up the phone."

"Wait, I want to ask you if we can meet? I want to borrow that diary from you." Jian Xi asked straightforwardly, and now she is too lazy to play tricks, anyway, she doesn't hold much hope.

The so-called diary is actually Mrs. Xue's previous diary, and she always felt that there must be important information hidden in that diary.

If you can see her past from it.

Maybe she wouldn't be ignorant of the past, seeing that Chi Anche might come back at any time, she thought she had to do something, but the premise was that she couldn't even remember the past.

So that journal is crucial.

I thought Xue Jinxi would simply refuse, but I didn't expect her attitude to be casual, "You mean that diary? It's ok, do you want to come and get it now? Or do you want to meet at a certain place?"

For some reason, Jian Xi always felt that there was something wrong with Xue Jinxi, anyway, it was different from usual.

It seems that she is no longer regarded as an enemy, but an ordinary person, even just a stranger, who speaks casually and has a casual attitude, and doesn't care about anything.

Could it be that she gave up pursuing Chi Yichen because of her popularity?
If this is the case, Jian Xi can only give Xue Jinxi her knee.

After making an appointment for a meeting place, after she hung up the phone, she still had some lingering fears. She always felt that this matter came too suddenly. Even though she provoked it first, she never expected to achieve her goal so quickly.

No matter what, it is important to go to the appointment now.

Thinking of revealing the past life soon, Jian Xi was so nervous that his hand holding the steering wheel slipped repeatedly, and almost had an accident.

They made an appointment at Jane's Cafe, and when Jian Xi arrived there, Xue Jinxi was already sitting by the window waiting for her, holding a miniature safe in her hand, which looked very important.

Walking to her quickly, Jian Xi sat down opposite her, and asked impatiently, "Why did you agree so readily?"

Maybe she was too narrow-minded, she didn't think Xue Jinxi was someone who would suddenly show mercy.

Actually, Xue Jinxi was not that kind of person.

(End of this chapter)

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