Chapter 354
The strength in her whole body seemed to be drained, she couldn't move, and she didn't have the intention to go anywhere.

The phone in her pocket kept vibrating, Jian Xi managed to stand up, her back was leaning on the leather cushion, her chest was heaving heavily, she tried hard not to think about memories, but it was impossible, she who knew nothing could never go back.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket - a call from the boss, and several text messages of greeting.

Jian Xi hung up his phone, and instead sent a text message to inform him that she couldn't come to work in the bureau today because something happened to her, and now she doesn't even know when she can get out of it.

Fortunately, the boss didn't bother, and readily agreed to her request for leave.

Not having a clue, even forgetting the way she came here, Jian Xi only thinks that someone can save her, save her from the sea of ​​bitter memories.

She thought that only Chi Yichen had this kind of charm.

She didn't have much hope when she called him. After all, it was still working time. What if he was in a meeting and turned off the phone directly.

In the end, he still connected, and his tone was flat, "What's the matter?"

It was because she didn't want to talk so much that she just said two words. Fortunately, Jian Xi was used to his habitual indifference, so she didn't get hurt again because of it.

"Can you... can you come and pick me up? I don't have the strength right now." She hesitated, obviously not sure whether she should tell him, but at this moment, no one shared her pain and despair, and she was about to collapse.

Just by listening to her talk, one could tell that she was weak and lacked energy. Chi Yichen's heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the only laziness left in his tone instantly disappeared. He immediately responded, "Okay."

Immediately hung up the phone, leaving Jian Xi on the other end with a complicated mood, she remembered that she hadn't told him where she was, how would he find her then?
Forget it, no matter if he comes or not, she won't be able to walk anyway.

"I'm so tired." Putting down the phone, her arms drooped weakly, she slowly closed her eyes, and fell into the darkness. The memories were cut into pieces, just like the pictures and plots in the movie kept flying in her heart.

It wasn't until the sound of the wheels rubbing against the sand on the floor that the wheels were rolling, and then her car door was slammed open, that Jianxi opened her eyes and turned to look in the direction of the passenger seat—— Chi Yichen Standing outside the door, looking down at her.

He got in the car and closed the door. He looked calm on the surface, but his hands were trembling slightly. He glanced at her carefully to make sure that she was not hurt, so he was relieved.

As long as it doesn't hurt, it's no big deal.

This kind of thinking was overthrown by Jian Xi in the next second, and before he could ask a question, she said first, "I remembered, everything about the past, it turns out that I am really Xue Sheng'er. believe."

She stared at him with a look of powerlessness in her eyes.

Chi Yichen's eyes widened, and his thin lips were slightly white. From her eyes, he knew that what she remembered was mostly sad things.

Just as he thought, it is impossible for Jianxi to forget what Mrs. Xue did to her - otherwise she would not hate the Xue family so much, let alone be tortured by the Xue family.

If she hadn't met Chi Anche and him at that time, she might have become a gloomy person.

Mrs. Xue made Jianxi's childhood full of shadows. When she thinks about it until now, she still feels a sigh of relief in her heart. She must take revenge.

As for Chi Anche, she couldn't express how she felt in her heart.

The only thing that was certain was that she didn't hate him, on the contrary, she was still very dependent on him.

There was no reply, and the atmosphere in the car fell into a deathly silence. Jian Xi was a little uneasy. She was not sure whether he could accept the existence of two souls, Xue Sheng'er and Jian Xi, at the moment, or whether he would treat her as a monster.

Facts have proved that Chi Yichen certainly didn't think so. When she was in a daze, he held her in his arms and kissed her hair. The faint scent of lemongrass filled his nostrils.

She trembled in his arms, as if a valve had been opened, and Jian Xi burst into tears.

If she had known that the past was so heavy, she would rather be ridiculed for being ignorant all her life than bear this heavy past.

After the tears dried up, she was finally able to sleep peacefully in his arms. In a daze, her body rose into the air——Chi Yichen carried her out of the car and parked her behind the Chevrolet. They got into a Maybach, and the driver got out and opened the door for them.

She didn't know what happened later, it didn't matter how she got back to the villa and lay on the bed in the room.

All she knew was that when she opened her eyes, she saw Chi Yichen sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out to touch her cheek, his fingertips were slightly cool, his eyes were rolling, and in the dimness, they were still shining brightly.

Even sleeping until dark, Jian Xi sat up abruptly, quickly withdrew the emotions that were unconsciously revealed when he woke up, swept his tired face, barely opened his swollen eyelids, and looked at him, "You sit here How long has it been?"

"It's not very long." Lying without blushing, Chi Yichen raised the corners of his mouth, lowered his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "You really remembered, Xue Shenger."

There is no need to explain, Jian Xi also knows what kind of expression she showed just now - it is definitely not what she would show unconsciously now, it is not clear that it is gentle, but it is also resolute.

It doesn't matter, she is Xue Sheng'er in the first place.

"Then can you still accept me?" Jian Xi raised her face, while grabbing his cuffs and playing with the delicate cuff buttons on his shirt, she looked a little uneasy, only this matter, she was only afraid of this matter now.

Undoubtedly, there was only one answer from Chi Yichen, with fondness in his eyes, "Of course."

Whether it's Xue Sheng'er or Jian Xi, it's the same to him, he only likes her.

He had thought so long ago.

Jian Xi was able to breathe a sigh of relief, since he was frank, she didn't intend to hide any more - what Chi Qingfeng did, and why she suddenly and self-willedly asked Chi Anche to take them to see the sunflowers on the day of the car accident.

She wanted to let Chi Anche escape this catastrophe, she thought it would be all right to let him sit in another car, but she didn't expect that the other car was also tampered with.

Obviously she kept a close eye on Chi Qingfeng, making sure that he only used the Hummer to attack that work vehicle.

In the end, he still couldn't escape the catastrophe.

Unreservedly telling him everything she knew, Jianxi felt a lot more relaxed. Now she hasn't figured out what to do next, and now she just wants Chi Yichen to accept her as soon as possible.

She couldn't stand his dislike for her even a little bit, it made her nervous.

I hope he can love her like she loves him, even if her mood can't be the same as before, even if she bears the heavy burden of the past, he still won't leave her.

Hurry up and give her a promise, otherwise she really can't bear it.

From the beginning to the end, Chi Yichen didn't react at all, just looked at her indifferently, and finally showed a forced smile, "Fortunately, I almost let you go because of that misunderstanding."

"That's right, I said that my character is not bad." Jian Xi also laughed, and suddenly remembered that she still had one important thing to do, she immediately got out of bed, walked behind the sofa, picked up that diary.

Holding the book in her hands, her hands were still trembling uncontrollably.

Turning to look at Chi Yichen, Jian Xi's eyes flickered, and she twitched the corners of her mouth, "Can you burn this diary with me? I don't want to open it again, once I open it, it will be like opening Pandora's box Like."

Although this diary can be used as evidence to drive Mrs. Xue out of Xue's house, she really doesn't want to see this diary again. It is a sinful existence, and she will never forgive it. One must be ugly to do it. this level.

What's more, she didn't need these means to drive her out.

I'm afraid that Mrs. Xue will kill her before she does this. If she fails to kill her, then she will never let her go.

The flames of hatred can sometimes make a man lose his mind.

Now that she had made such a decision, Chi Yichen didn't stop her, and took her to the kitchen downstairs, where he turned on the stove, lit the notebook, and threw it into the trash can, looking at the diary completely. combustion.

All the past has been burned away, at this moment she is both Jian Xi and Xue Sheng'er.

The one who can never go back is naturally Xue Sheng'er, but she will not disappear completely, and will exist in her body forever and become a part of her soul.

Xue Sheng'er, who was still a little afraid at the age of 15, did not have as deep a feeling for Chi Yichen as she thought now, but now she is finally relieved, the past is no different from the present.

As for Chi Anche, she couldn't tell what it felt like, it was probably the third kind of love between love and friendship.

But that's not important anymore, she won't want him back.

No one can disturb her and Chi Yichen.

The diary was burnt to a mass of black ashes, just looking at it made her feel happy, Jian Xi was relieved, she had nothing to be reluctant about this thing, once it was completely burned, she turned around and followed Chi Yichen back to the room .

Everything will be fine tomorrow.

However, the result was still the same. The creamy yellow sunlight passed through the gaps between the curtains and sprinkled on the floor. The temperature in the room rose. Jianxi slept hot, with fine sweat on her neck, and her consciousness gradually became clear.

He opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to the side—except for the temperature, there was nothing there.

It seems that it's getting late now. Jian Xi was stunned for a while before sitting up and rubbing her sore neck. She didn't sleep well last night, and the first thing she thought of when she woke up was Xue Sheng'er.

She is Xue Sheng'er, if she is Xue Sheng'er, what will she do first thing when she wakes up?
Nonsense, of course it's a shower, Jian Xi asked and answered, and felt that she was too stupid, she couldn't help lowering her eyebrows and smiling, got out of bed, wobbled into the bathroom with her slippers on, and closed the door.

The self in the mirror is still the same as yesterday, that is to say, even Xue Sheng'er still has this face.

Jian Xi breathed a sigh of relief, turned on the faucet, and let the warm water spray on her face with her face up, she longed to wake up.

Now she needs to be more sober in order to deal with the next war.

Neither Mrs. Xue nor Chi Qingfeng wanted to hurt her.

(End of this chapter)

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