Chapter 368
"Di--" The text message from the mobile phone sounded from his pocket. Without thinking, Jianxi took out the mobile phone and opened the text message - you are now waiting for me in room 608 of the Versailles International Hotel, and I will rush over.

The sender was actually Chi Yichen!
What's the meaning?Do you want to surprise her?Otherwise, wouldn't it be fine to finish saying something in one breath just now?

Although he was puzzled, Jian Xi still didn't think too much about it, and quickly replied to his text message - no problem.

Coincidentally, just after the text message showed that the message was sent successfully, the screen of the phone suddenly went dark, and then couldn't be turned on again. She knew that it was turned off automatically when the battery ran out.

Can't help but mutter, why is the mobile phone as arrogant as the owner?
But she didn't care, she threw the phone to the cushion next to her, Jian Xi stretched her waist, her hands were just touching the roof of the car, and she remembered that she was still in the car—after coming out of the parking lot, the driver He just stood at the door and insisted on getting her into the car.

"Did your Boss tell you that they are going to prepare a surprise for me?" Jian Xi hesitated for a moment, and decided to ask the driver first.

The black-bellied driver shook his head and complained about her, "For a woman as energetic as you, you can easily turn surprises into frights, so Mr. Chi probably wouldn't do this kind of thing. It's obviously inconsistent with his IQ. Only Mrs. Chi can do that." would do stupid things."

Hey, don't talk too much, be careful that she beats him!

Although the driver spoke with confidence, he still let go of the steering wheel and reached out to meet him on the passenger seat.Fumbled for his cell phone.

He didn't manage to see anything useful because his phone was also turned off.

This gave Jianxi a chance to expand her imagination, maybe Chi Yichen really prepared a surprise for her, and also notified the driver, but his phone was turned off, so he didn't know about it.

In addition, she had just been irritated by the driver's aggressive language.

Very well, Chi Yichen did something stupid that only she would do.

"Don't worry about looking for a mobile power bank. You can just send me to the entrance of Versailles International Hotel. I can guarantee that Chi Yichen definitely prepared a surprise for me. It's just that you didn't receive the message because your phone was turned off." Jane Xi patted Yimapingchuan's chest, proudly.

It was so hard for her to make this black-bellied driver deflate, and she definitely couldn't let this opportunity go, and let him take her to Versailles International Hotel no matter what.

Just because of impulsiveness, she had to ignore the doubts.

In fact, Chi Yichen really wouldn't do such pretentious things. His definition of romance has never been this kind of game that scares people half to death. Anyway, no matter what, he would never do such stupid things.

But the gentleman said, it's hard to chase a four-horse horse, and Jian Xi couldn't regret it, because the driver had obviously started to waver, he turned his head to look at her, and asked suspiciously, "Really?"

"Believe it or not." After saying this, Jian Xi turned her face away and looked out the window, with her hands folded on her chest, so she ignored the driver.

It was because of her arrogant attitude that the driver was finally willing to believe her words, and almost moved Jian Xi to tears. You know, this was the first time, and it was the first time she felt respect here.

Turning the car around, the driver drove towards the direction of Versailles International Hotel in the city center.

The business district is not far from the city center. After 15 minutes, there was a sound of brakes, and Jian Xi immediately opened the door. This tall building came into view.

Even in the daytime, the sun can't stop the dazzling light from the hotel, and the extravagant atmosphere of the upper class is everywhere.

Jianxi was afraid of such a place, so naturally he couldn't like it.

But today's feeling is different, when she thinks of Chi Yichen's surprise, she can't hold back the excitement in her heart, without any restraint, she goes straight to the hall - this is not a place where everyone can come in, there is no doubt that she stopped.

The lady at the front desk nodded and smiled very politely, and she didn't treat her badly because of this. She asked patiently, "Do you have an appointment? Or do you know the residents here?"

Jian Xi was lying on the front desk, but her eyes were always on the corridor on the left. If she could get there, she wouldn't have to dawdle here anymore.

"I don't have an appointment, but my husband asked me to come and wait for him. The room number is No. 608, the resident's name is Chi Yichen, and I'm his wife." Jian Xi reported all the information he knew in one go. She didn't know how else to get her in.

Because it was a reservation, the name of the guest in the room was registered based on the customer's phone number and the name he voluntarily proposed. After Jianxi reported the mobile phone number for the reservation, the receptionist finally let her go and nodded with a smile.

The front desk customer service asked the waiter to come and lead Jianxi upstairs. The waiter was a young man who had just arrived, and he did things neatly. He took her all the way to the sixth floor without hindrance, but he had one shortcoming that made people unbearable. .

"Speaking of which, this season is the off-season, and there are almost no residents on the sixth floor. I was really shocked when I heard that you were going to the sixth floor. There are obviously better choices, but it is very inconvenient to live so high. .” He chattered endlessly, and his mouth has not stopped since just now.

Jian Xi was about to go crazy, but she still had to pretend to be calm, and responded to his words bravely, "Well, then I will tell my husband to transfer him downstairs later, thank you for reminding me."

"You're welcome." The young man smiled brightly, unaware of the irony in Jian Xi's words.

Nima, she thought she was already very annoying, but she didn't expect there to be someone more annoying than her, it seems that she can only bow down.

But maybe she looks like a dog leg in front of Chi Yichen.

It's hard for Chi Yichen to endure it for so long, but today she has learned the lesson of blood.

This is retribution.

Almost at the destination, the waiter’s mouth still didn’t stop for a moment, “Speaking of which, your husband’s taste is really strange. He deliberately emphasized that we should light musk in the room. He explained that you like it very much, but I don’t think so. picture."

Because no woman would like the smell of suffocating people.

Especially women who have had a miscarriage.

But Jian Xi is such a person.

"My husband really said this?" She couldn't believe it, and finally she was willing to have a serious conversation with the waiter, and the waiter suddenly became more energetic and nodded sharply.

Before he was about to approach the door, he stopped suddenly, grabbed Jian Xi, and took her aside. His pockmarked face was wrinkled because of entanglements. It looked a little funny, but Jian Xi still couldn't smile. come out.

She didn't understand what the waiter was going to say, but she didn't interrupt him either.

Because she had a hunch, she would know something terrible.

"Although your husband won't let us tell you, I really can't hide what's on my mind. You can pretend to be ignorant at that time. Let me tell you, in fact, your husband arrived in the hotel room early in the morning. You are so surprised that we don't want us to tell you." The waiter said, and suddenly straightened up.

Seeing his sly smile and sinister eyes, Jian Xi quickly reacted and shouted, "Impossible!"

At the same time, she turned around and ran away. Regardless of whether the people behind caught up, she was already aware of the danger that was approaching, but she was still deceived.

Not to mention whether it was possible for Chi Yichen to prepare a surprise, but just saying that he had someone prepare musk, and that he hid in the room early in the morning, she knew that it was not Chi Yichen who did these things.

Because he knew better than her how much musk harmed pregnant women, and since she had a miscarriage, all things related to pregnant women were deleted and not mentioned, including musk.

What's more, part of the reason for her miscarriage was because Mu Shaogong sprinkled essential oil with musk in the room that day.

In addition, when she came out of the parking lot, Chi Yichen was still in the office, how could he arrive at the hotel one step earlier than her?It is also impossible for him to do such wretched things as hiding in the room.

From this point of view, she really fell into a trap.

When Jian Xi cleared her mind, she had already walked from the end of the corridor to the opening, and the waiter behind her followed, not far behind her.

There is no doubt that the waiter is the accomplice of the person in the room. As for why he would take the initiative to show his feet and not let her into the room, she thinks it may be because of greed.

He wanted to monopolize the credit to make such a decision.

Then she would really like to thank him. If it wasn't for him, she might have entered the room without any vigilance at all. What would greet her would be a terrifying punishment. Whether she could come out alive was a question.

Although the thoughts in her mind were chaotic, Jian Xi never stopped. After walking to the beginning of the corridor, she turned to the right without thinking, and entered a new corridor, which was actually the direction she came from.

Based on intuition and experience, the person behind him was carrying a pistol, but he was afraid of making noise, so he didn't shoot her right away.

And she only needs to run to the elevator door before he catches up. When the elevator opens, she rushes in and closes the elevator door quickly to avoid this attack.

If not, then she would have escaped death today.

It's also my fault that she is too easy to relax, and even did something wrong out of impulsiveness. If Chi Yichen finds out about this, he will probably laugh at her mercilessly for a long time, and he will feel ashamed when he thinks about it.

But the current situation is, can she get out alive?

The elevator was right in front of her eyes, Jian Xi stopped the car in time, desperately pressed the down button, while turning her head to see how far the man was from her, sadly, the man had already turned the corner and appeared in her field of vision .

The man didn't hesitate, he raised his pistol, pointed it at her, and ran towards her.

She was so anxious now that she almost couldn't help yelling.

Fortunately, before he pulled the trigger, the elevator door opened, and Jian Xi could see a figure in the elevator, but she was too anxious to see clearly, so she ran in without thinking, shouting, "Hurry up!" Press the close button, hurry up!"

The person in the elevator reacted quickly, quickly pressing the close button, and the elevator door slowly closed before the waiter outside rushed over.

Panting heavily, Jian Xi sat down on the floor.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a familiar voice, "Jian Xi? Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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