Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 374 Something More Hateful Than Darkness

Chapter 374 Something More Hateful Than Darkness
In the dimly lit room, only the TV screen was still shining brightly, and the scenes of the past danced in front of his eyes, making Jianxi's heart itchy.

On the TV screen, her stand-in was standing with Xue Qi and Xue Yuepeng, the shutter sounded continuously, and the flashlight illuminated her face very brightly, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, and after a while, she was finally able to sit down.

Seeing himself being broadcast live on TV, but still sitting in front of the TV, Jian Xi suddenly had a weird feeling.

She picked up the remote control many times to change the channel, but in the end she had to put it down because she was curious. She wanted to see how much Mu Ran could act like her, so that Xue Qi and Xue Yuepeng, two old foxes, could not be bothered. Find.

Now she finally understands it, and it really looks alike, almost exactly the same as herself.

No, it should be said that she is exactly the same as her previous self. When she was Xue Sheng'er, she was a gentle girl. I don't know if it was a genetic mutation or something that made her the woman she is now.

With a self-mocking wry smile, Jian Xi looked intently at the TV screen, only to see the headline read "Xue Sheng'er is officially recognized as the granddaughter of Xue's parents and becomes the first orthodox heir to the property."

In other words, it doesn't matter whether it is time to announce the heir or not. As the most traditional family among the four major families, the Xue family has always insisted on orderly seniority. As the eldest granddaughter, Xue Qi has no children under her knees. The first heir to the property.

Thinking back to seeing the Xue family's total property announcement a few days ago, Jianxi is still a little scared when thinking of that astronomical figure. I really can't believe that she will be a rich person in the future.

It's a pity that she doesn't need it now. The title of "Mrs. Chi" alone is enough to deceive her for a lifetime. It's useless for her to ask for so much money, and she can't bring it into the coffin.

It's just that seeing Mu Ran take over this honor in the eyes of outsiders for her, Jian Xi is still a little upset.

Originally, she should stand in front of the camera in person at this time.

The principal culprit muttered, his eyes suddenly caught a figure flashing in the background where Xue Qi and the others were, and then there was a sudden gunshot, the scene was in chaos, and all the media were concerned about running for their lives, leaving the cameras alone.

Fortunately, the bodyguards came in time and arrested the hulking man, and everyone was safe at last
Jian Xi was also relieved because of this, there was no reason for Mu Ran to die so soon.

But this meeting definitely couldn't go on, Xue Qi hastily announced the end of the press conference, and asked the bodyguards to escort Mu Ran, who helped Xue Yuepeng out of the camera.

From the beginning to the end, he regarded his double as himself, and maybe he was still secretly glad that Sheng'er had returned to the previous Sheng'er.

Jian Xi suddenly lost her temper, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV directly. She flicked the remote control and sat cross-legged on the sofa in a daze.

In fact, she wasn't worried about Xue Yuepeng and Xue Qi, she didn't dare to have too high expectations for them.

But it's different for Chi Yichen, if he mistakenly takes the double as the real body, then who will she cry to?
Worrying is nothing but worrying, Jianxi still has nothing to do now, that's why she is angry.

After she calmed down, she suddenly realized——she actually put herself in the darkness. You must know that the darkness is simply a nightmare for her, and it is also one of her weaknesses.

In any case, she didn't have the courage to turn on the TV again to be stimulated by the substitute, but she didn't dare to get off the sofa and turn around and go to the wall next to the entrance to turn on the light, so she could only stand still.

However, the light was turned on at this time with a "click", and the bright light brightened the room, so Jianxi could see the decoration in the house clearly, which is warm but elegant, even if it is an apartment suite, it is still transparent everywhere. With an air of luxury.

She turned her head to look at the entrance, and saw Mu Shaogong leaning against the wall, watching him with a chuckle. He was wearing a suit, his hair was pulled back and fixed with hairspray, and he looked much more serious than usual. It is undeniable Very handsome indeed.

Obviously, he came in from the outside and passed the entrance before turning on the light for her, but she wasn't sure how long he had been standing here, and she always felt that she was being stared at all the time.

After a stalemate for a while, Mu Shaogong was the first to admit defeat. With two bags in his hand, he walked towards her slowly, while pretending to be casual and asked softly, "Why don't you turn on the light? Are you not afraid of the dark?"

"How is it possible? It's because I'm afraid that I didn't dare." Jian Xi quickly retorted, secretly glad that she was still calm just now, and didn't cry and make noise like before, otherwise he must have made him see a joke.

Being afraid of the dark is also the shadow caused by Mrs. Xue, because she has locked her in the wardrobe of the master bedroom many times. The dark place made her unable to scream even if she was afraid.

Mrs. Xue seems to want Jian Xi to see the picture of her being intimate with Xue Qi, that's why she does such nonsensical things.

However, just by listening to their conversation, one knew that Xue Qi ignored Mrs. Xue at all, and second, Jian Xi didn't have the guts to push open the closed door, so she kept closing it again and again until a shadow was left.

Thinking of these past events now, Jian Xi still can't help but smile wryly.

Mrs. Xue is somewhat sick, and she is too cowardly.

Now she will never make the same mistake again.

In a trance, the back of the head was suddenly patted lightly, and Jianxi came back to her senses, and looked at her side intently——Mu Shaogong sat next to her, unfolded the bag for her, and unwrapped the package. A scent came out.

Jian Xi smacked her lips. She has been lying on the sofa and sleeping since she came here in the morning. When she woke up in the evening, she found that Mu Shaogong was no longer in the apartment. I am so hungry that my chest sticks to my back.

"What happened just now? I called you many times and didn't listen." Mu Shaogong looked at her suspiciously, with worry in his deep pupils, he always seemed so sad.

She really couldn't stand it anymore, she suddenly raised her hand to caress his cheek, rubbed his cheek, and responded to him, "It's nothing, I just remembered a little thing from the past, let me say, can you stop acting like me?" The expression of being owed thousands of dollars makes my stomach ache."

She spoke so seriously and didn't give him any resistance, which made him so helpless that he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I can laugh. Your stomach hurts because you are too hungry, so eat quickly." He pulled her hand away, handed her the chopsticks, and then consciously sat aside and watched quietly she eats.

With his scorching eyes watching a good meal, Jianxi couldn't eat it well no matter what.

And she didn't dare to make a request, after all, she is dependent on others now, so don't go too far in anything, lest he suddenly get upset one day, and simply ask Mu Ran not to come back, then what should she do.

In addition, she hasn't told him about her pregnancy yet, which means she doesn't trust him enough.

But now she can't tell anyone, at least not yet.

After taking a few bites vaguely, Jian Xi put the chopsticks on the table like a child, got up and walked off the sofa, stepped on the soft carpet with bare feet, and walked towards the balcony. She opened the heavy light yellow curtains, Showing the night outside the window.

At this time, she is in a high-end apartment in the western suburbs of the well-known wealthy area of ​​S City. If she rushes from here to the eastern suburbs, it will take at least an hour, unless she is driving a sports car and has a speeding code. within minutes.

If she walks, she needs at least three or four hours.

Even by bus or taxi, it takes an hour or two.

In other words, the distance between her and Chi Yichen is neither too far nor too close, but no matter what, she can't go to him.

Frowning in melancholy, with her eyelids half lifted, Jian Xi sighed and closed the curtains. When she turned around, she happened to meet Mu Shaogong's eyes. From just now until now, his gaze has always been on her.

Feeling embarrassed to be stared at like this, Jian Xi quickly walked to him and sat down, trying to divert his attention, she said, "When can I go back? Don't tell me you're not sure."

"That's not going to happen. Let me assure you first that you will be able to go back. No one can take your place." Mu Shaogong became serious, with a touch of indifference on his exquisite face, but there was still tenderness between his brows and eyes.

Now there are two conditions for Jianxi to go back, one is to deal with Bai Ye, and the other is to deal with Chi Qingfeng.

And these two conditions happened to be unknown to her.

The person who knows her best is Mu Shaogong. How could he not know that with her personality, if she knows, she will definitely do everything possible to escape to be with Chi Yichen, and even personally Get rid of Master Bai.

Otherwise, she would not be able to swallow that breath anyway.

Because of this, no matter what, she couldn't let her know.

Mu Shaogong could only give her a vague answer as if coaxing, so that she could have some confidence in herself, since no one can take her place anyway.

"That's right, I definitely can't be replaced by others." Jian Xi really cared about this point, she forgot about the question just now, all she wanted was to ask Chi Yichen for a few months of pocket money when she went back money.

But they don't know how much her safety has cost Chi Yichen and Mu Shaogong.

Taking advantage of her forgetting, Mu Shaogong got up and turned into the corridor, he entered the study room, when he came out after a while, he already had a stack of materials in his hand, he walked over and handed the materials to Jian Xi .

"This is what Mu Ran will do when you replace you, and what you have already done. In order to avoid being found out after you go back, you must carefully write down these things." Mu Shaogong ordered, looking at Jian Xi with his own eyes. The whole process of the change of face after flipping through the information.

She slammed the document on the ground unceremoniously, then turned her head to stare at him, she was silent because she knew it was useless to argue too much.

Why didn't you tell her that Mu Ran, as a stand-in, would attend the banquet with Chi Yichen and live in the same room?
Doesn't he feel guilty at all for cheating her like this?

After knowing this, Jian Xi suddenly felt cheated, she got up in a hurry, ignored Mu Shaogong, and rushed to the porch.

After Mu Shaogong found out, he quickly chased after her, fearing that she would try to escape, so he grabbed her hands from behind.

But Jian Xi turned off the light before that, and with a "click", they fell into darkness again.

She turned her head and stared at Mu Shaogong bitterly.

But he could only frown, let go of her hand and said to her, "I'm sorry."

It was too late, and the damage she suffered now was more terrifying than being in the dark.

She hates cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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