Chapter 391 Taking Hostages
When they came back from Mu Shaogong's residence that day, Jian Xi and Chi Yichen were silent all the way.

But on the next day, Chi Jinnian invited them back to Chi's mansion for a family banquet. She thought Chi Yichen would refuse, but he still agreed without any hesitation.

Rather than suppressing his grief, it is better to say that he has accepted the reality.

Whether Chi Anche is still alive, or Mu Shaogong is Chi Anche's business, or even the sad thing that he doesn't want to go back to the past, Chi Yichen accepts it all.

Ten years of torture had made his heart like a stone, and he understood that some things cannot be forced.

Even if he wanted to reproduce the lives of the three people ten years ago today, it would only be a dream, and he had no reason to ask Jian Xi to share this impossible and heavy dream for him.

So all feelings will be buried, and he will let Chi Anche live in a corner that he can't find.

But Jian Xi couldn't do it. For so many days, when she closed her eyes, whether she was awake or dreaming, she dreamed of the memories from the past.

And it was still the same today - Chi Anche was wearing a light blue shirt, leaning against the front of the car, watching the boy in white and black pants chasing the girl with braids.

"Don't go too far." He chuckled, the appearance in his dream was no longer the immature Chi Anche ten years ago, but the mature man Mu Shaogong who existed at this moment.

In the dream, Jian Xi was like an isolated bystander who could only watch them laughing, but she kept crying.

When he woke up, he realized that tears had already wet the pillow along the corners of his eyes, and Chi Yichen had woken up early, sat beside her, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked at her quietly, his dark eyes Exudes a little light.

Seeing her wake up, he wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes for her, and brushed away the wet hair that was sticking to her cheeks. He asked softly, "Is it better now? Does your stomach still hurt? "

It was only then that Jian Xi came to her senses. She hurried up to sleep because of the excruciating pain, trying to relieve the pain, and it was only around seven o'clock in the evening when she fell asleep.

But now, she turned her head and looked around. It was dark everywhere, but the night outside the window was brighter. The sky was full of stars and the pale moonlight was quietly shining down, but it could only penetrate through the gap between the curtains, onto the floor. Cast a mottled shadow.

It can be seen that it is already late at night, but she is hungry.

Stretching out his hand to touch his abdomen, to make sure there was no pain, Jian Xi looked at Chi Yichen, showing a faint smile, "It doesn't hurt anymore, but I'm hungry."

She said, scratching her head in embarrassment.

Don't talk about anything about Mu Shaogong at all, this is a tacit understanding naturally formed between them.

"Then I'll go downstairs and cook something for you?" Chi Yichen also smiled slightly, his slender fingers slid from her cheeks to her neck, and then down, stroking her protruding collarbone, feeling a little ambiguous.

Of course Jian Xi wouldn't understand what he meant, because of the pregnancy, even if he wanted it again, he could barely hold it back.

For the sake of the child, there was nothing to do. Jian Xi slapped his hand away unceremoniously, and forced herself to sit up. She carefully stroked her slightly swollen abdomen——I didn’t expect time to pass so fast, this was already the first time. ten weeks.

In other words, it has been more than a month since she last met Mu Shaogong.

After rejecting them that time, Mu Shaogong seemed to have evaporated, and fled to a place where they could not find him.

Chi Yichen didn't even think about looking for him, his calm attitude surprised her a little, but she could also understand his inner feelings, it must be very uncomfortable.

The warm memories accumulated in the past are all true, but what Mu Shaogong said at that time was not false either.

I can't go back to the past, as long as I know that the other party is doing well, why bother to force yesterday to reappear.

It can be seen that she is the only one who has not been able to get out of the memory.

But now, Jianxi is still very clear that the memories of the past should not affect her current life. She temporarily put aside her chaotic thoughts and looked at Chi Yichen. She grinned heartlessly, "I Come down with you."

"Understood." She shook his head with a wry smile, while withdrawing his hand from her chest resentfully, just now, he was about to do something he shouldn't do because of the sudden surge of desire.

As for why he suddenly wanted to hug her, he thought it was just because he saw her sad expression when she fell asleep that suddenly pulled a certain nerve in him - he just wanted to hug her and give her the comfort he could give.

The feeling of skin-to-skin contact can bring two people's hearts closer in an instant, eliminating all anxiety.

When I went downstairs, the lights in the corridor and living room were still on, and they had to be turned on until they were bright. It's not that the rich are extravagant, but because Jian Xi is pregnant now, in case she suddenly wants something to eat, it's convenient for her to go downstairs.

Although he didn't help her go downstairs, his attention was on her the whole time, and he would remind her to pay attention to her feet from time to time.

"You look like an old lady, so annoying." Jian Xi turned her head and scolded him bluntly, but he was still indifferent, because this was not the first time that she had offended her. Since she was pregnant, her temper has been up and down , becomes very fast.

Sure enough, in the next second Jian Xi began to regret what she blurted out again, and reached out to interlock his fingers. She looked at him weakly with a shy face, "I'm sorry, don't be angry with me."

This speed of change was comparable to flipping through a book, making Chi Yichen a little dumbfounded, but at this moment his face suddenly darkened, "I will never forget what you said."

One sentence is enough to make Jianxi too scared to speak out.

Don't let her be too crazy, lest she think that it will be like this in the future, he will let her always remember that her arrogance is just a flash in the pan.

Because of someone's strong request, Chi Yichen had to fight back his sleepiness, and spent two hours cooking several of her favorite Italian dishes for her.

Who knew that as soon as the plate was taken out, Jian Xi was no longer at the dining table, but lay down on the sofa in the living room, sleeping like a dead pig, and kept babbling.

Walking to the sofa, he looked down at her, she was still meeting Duke Zhou in her sleep.

Even if he was so angry that he hurt internally, he could only pinch her nose. Seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, he didn't want to disturb her.

"Sheng'er..." He murmured, while reaching out his hand to caress her face, looking at her tenderly, only at such times he would call her that, lest she would think wildly.

She fell asleep, but as if she heard his cry, she suddenly started whimpering, while grabbing his slender fingers and holding them tightly.

"Yichen, don't leave me - I have nothing but you..."

Stupid, isn't he the same?
When Jianxi woke up again, she was already lying on the bed in the room, wrapped tightly in the quilt, but the air conditioner was turned off early, causing her to sleep in dire straits, thinking that the house was on fire.

The seat next to her was already empty, and Jian Xi looked at the pillow with dents in a trance, her head froze for a few seconds.

"Nimma, I actually fell asleep without eating supper last night!" Jian Xi shrieked with her head in her arms, so frightened that the servant who happened to pass by the door hurriedly opened the door, and came over worriedly to ask about the situation.

Jian Xi hurriedly explained that nothing was wrong, and the servant felt relieved, but did not leave immediately, but changed the subject, talking about the three or four phone calls this morning, "Around eight o'clock this morning, the police team from the police station called I called you several times, but you were sleeping at the time, so I didn't ask you to come downstairs."

"Understood, thank you." Jian Xi hurriedly dealt with it, while getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, she planned to find the boss after washing up, he would look for her at such a time, there must be something urgent.

It took an hour of dawdling before Jianxi was picked up by the driver to the bureau. As soon as she entered the door, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Why was everyone so excited?

"Come here." The boss waved to her at the door of the office. After finishing speaking, he turned and opened the door and walked into the office, and she followed closely behind.

As she thought, the boss would come to her because of an emergency.

After all, they have been friends for many years, and the boss did not speak politely to her, and straight to the point, "I came to you because there was an infighting among the drug lords. There have been many shootings and murders. The power of Lord Bai is weakening. If It would be much easier for us to start at this time."

"And you will be our bait. Although I'm sorry, you are the only one who can lure Lord Bai. What do you think?" The boss said it lightly, but in fact he was already so nervous that he even took a cigarette. unstable.

Before he lit the cigarette, Jian Xi snatched it up and threw it in the trash can, and she answered casually, "It's ok, I'm idle anyway, but you have to promise, don't let the child in my stomach have any accidents , and of course me."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course I will do my best to protect you." The boss twisted his face, and without a cigarette, he picked up his pen and put on a show.

Now that an agreement has been reached, Jianxi did not stay any longer.

Leaving the boss who hadn't reacted to what she said, Jian Xi walked out of the office quickly, and after a while, the boss suddenly slapped the table and yelled, "Jian Xi, you can't go!"

How can a pregnant woman do that kind of high-risk behavior?Even if this action is important, an innocent life cannot be put in danger because of it. This is a basic principle and cannot be easily violated.

However, at this moment Jian Xi had already walked out of the police station and walked towards a black Lamborghini parked on the side of the road. It was the driver's car.

There was obviously no wind, but rustling sounds could be heard. Jianxi felt strange in her heart, but she didn't think too much, and still headed towards the Lamborghini.

Walking to the front of the car, she opened the door without thinking and got in.

However, she soon regretted what she had done, because the people in the car were not drivers at all, but a group of strong men in black tights. She remembered the eagle logo on their clothes. The underworld people.

Subconsciously, she was about to rush out of the car, but it was too late. She was grabbed by two people sitting beside her, and was handcuffed with bracelets in a short time. She couldn't move at once, and could only watch them close the car door.

As soon as she was subdued, the car unswervingly drove towards the port. If Jian Xi guessed correctly, the place they might be going to was where she had been called by the police, and that was where Bai Ye was shot twice. .

Now she went to that place again, but was escorted there as a hostage, thinking about it made her want to cry.

All the grief and indignation are all transformed into words, even if the voice is hoarse,?She was still roaring, her widened eyes were full of anger, "Why do you treat me like this? If something happens to me, you can't be alone."

It's not bragging, she's telling the truth, Chi Yichen and Xue Qi will definitely kill them.

It's a pity that no one believed her words at all, and she was ignored from beginning to end.

It wasn't until the car stopped suddenly that those people finally talked to Jian Xi, but instead of words, they stuck her head that shook from time to time, and stuck a needle of an injection needle into a blood vessel in her neck. The yellow liquid is injected into it.

Jian Xi was moaning in pain one second, and passed out the next.

The world is finally quiet.

At the same time, the front of the police station was still calm, as if nothing had happened, except for the rustling noise.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the sound came from the large group of decorative flowers and plants in front of the police station. When you remove the grass, you can see a young man in a suit tied up and thrown there.

That's right, he is Jianxi's driver.

(End of this chapter)

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