Chapter 32
When he reached the window, a sense of fatigue hit him immediately. He tried his best to hold back his energy. It must be that he had been in a stalemate with the zombie for too long just now, which caused him to lose a lot of physical strength again, as well as mental fatigue.At this time, he desperately needs to replenish energy and rest, but at present, he seems to have no chance to replenish.Because there are still a large number of zombies rushing in outside the door, he has to leave, immediately.

He looked outside the window, and a window sill of fifty centimeters appeared in front of his eyes. This window sill was made of cement. He tried to knock it, and it was very strong.As long as you pass through the window, you can leave the room and get rid of the zombies.

Without further ado, he quickly climbed out of the window. The window sill here was covered with dust, and it was a bit slippery for people standing on it. If one was not careful, he might fall to the first floor.He held onto the window tightly to stabilize himself.


At this moment, the gate was broken open by a large number of zombies, and they swarmed in. These zombies did not find He Jun at the first time, but rushed towards the zombies on the ground.

Then there was a rattling sound, and these guys began to eat the same kind on the ground. Listening to this sound made people feel sick.At the same time, a large amount of stench floated outside, which was really unpleasant.

With a bang, He Jun's feet hit something, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Time seemed to stand still, and the zombies stopped what they were saying.They got up one after another, trying to find out where the sound came from.


Suddenly a zombie jumped out of it and rushed towards He Jun's direction. It had already spotted him. He could see clearly that this zombie was wearing a security uniform, which was exactly the same as the one he killed just now. The guy has a keenness that ordinary zombies don't have.With its beginning, other zombies followed.


Without stopping, he quickly moved to the other side.

Crash, some fragments fell from the window sill. As soon as these fragments fell to the ground, nearby zombies stopped, and they searched for the location of the fragments.

His foot slipped and he almost fell, but luckily he caught an iron rod just in time.

"so close!"

There is not much time for him now, because the zombies are already rushing to the window.

He immediately accelerated and moved away from the window. As soon as he walked forward, a large number of hands appeared behind him. They flew out of the window and stretched out the window. They wanted to grab He Jun but couldn't.

He didn't dare to neglect, and moved quickly towards the window, and those zombies couldn't climb the steps, let alone the windows, they could only worry there.After waiting for a distance of about three meters, he saw the heads of these guys protruding, roaring continuously, and a string of disgusting liquid dripping from their mouths.

"These annoying guys, I will kill you!"

He picked up his pistol and took aim at these guys.

At this time, the temperature of the muffler of the P18C has almost recovered. This kind of muffler cannot be used too frequently, otherwise it will affect the performance of the gun.That's because when the bullet passes through the silencer, it will generate a lot of heat, even the machine gun. If too many bullets pass through the muzzle of the machine gun in a short period of time, its tip will turn red. If the bullet is forced out, It is possible that the entire muzzle of the gun will be melted, then the gun will be considered scrap.

"Go to hell!"

bang bang bang
He fired four shots in a row, one zombie at a time, causing their brains to squirt everywhere, and a large amount of black liquid splashed onto the first floor. When the liquid reached the first floor, he heard the first floor start to be lively, about fifty The head of the zombies jumped at the liquid on the ground.

Facing so many zombies, he took a deep breath. It was lucky that he didn't run into them on the first floor, otherwise he probably wouldn't have arrived here so quickly.

At this time, the system mechanically issued a sound:

"Didi Didi, 4 points have been credited to the account, and the current points are 106 points. The task completion rate is 40.00% four."

With this voice, he will not be too lonely in this night full of zombies.

But once the four shots were fired, there was no chance to destroy them.Because the zombies in the rear had no chance to poke their heads out, or they couldn't poke their heads out.That way they can't be killed.

"It seems that I have to give up. It's a pity. Let's save your life first. When the day comes, I guarantee that I will wipe out all the zombies in this building."

I originally wanted to kill a few more heads, but now it seems impossible.As for the zombies below, due to their poor vision, they might not be able to hit their heads even if they were shot. Every bullet must be exchanged for points, so he chose to give up.

He then moved sideways, he didn't know where the window ledge ended, but at least he was safe now.


Inadvertently, he found a billboard ten meters away. This kind of billboard is made of iron frames. After all these years, it must be rotten, right?But how do you know if it's rotten if you don't check it?

As far as he knows, such billboards usually have an iron ladder inside, and the iron ladder is used to facilitate the replacement of the advertisement layout.From a distance, the sign is huge, and it should be connected to the roof. If all is well, he may be able to go up to the roof through there, and at the same time avoid zombies. There should be a place to rest on the roof.He has been tense for most of the day, and he also needs to take a good rest.

Every time he took a step, he had to clean off the ash under his feet, otherwise the surface would be too slippery, and he might fall if he didn't pay attention.

Eight meters, seven meters... As he got closer to the billboard, the window sill became smaller and smaller. Why did he have a feeling that he was tested by the system when he came here.From the moment he woke up until now, nothing has gone his way.However, his mood was excited, it was a kind of pleasure brought by killing zombies by himself.

He seemed to hear a familiar voice again, yes, he heard a squeak.

"Huh? It's another mutant rat!"

He turned his head quickly to confirm whether the giant rat was nearby, because he heard the sound very close and felt that it was nearby.It is not a good thing to encounter it at this time. Before, it was two against one, although he was the dominant player, but now there are more variables, such as his awkward position, and there are many zombies.

He thought to himself: "I don't know if the giant rat will attack the zombies, if so, maybe there is still a way out."

The speed, strength, and sensitivity of the giant rat are much higher than that of the zombies, but the number of the zombies has an advantage.Animals will not be infected with Solanan, so there is no such thing as a zombie giant rat, otherwise the whole world will be in chaos.

How can the two attack each other?This question has been spinning in He Jun's mind.

In desperation, he thought of a way.

"Yes! I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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