Chapter 148

The sky is bright and clear, and there are no clouds in the sky.From Binhai to my home, this road is a municipal image project, so the scenery along the way is very good, with lush trees on the roadside, and colorful flowers in some areas, and the surrounding rice fields are fertile and thousands of miles away. In early spring, the rice fields There are green rice seedlings everywhere, which is very beautiful.

But now I can't care less about admiring these things, because I'm completely stunned by Meng Tingyun's 'superior' driving skills in front of me. She drives as she pleases, overtaking cars at will, pressing the accelerator to the bottom at every turn, the engine roaring loudly, and sometimes overtaking and even turning. The lights are not turned on.

I, who have never worn a seat belt, subconsciously put it on.

"Don't be afraid, although I drive fast, I am very stable." Meng Tingyun said.

"Can you not be afraid." I said, "I think your father should have a reason for not letting you drive."

"Nonsense," Meng Tingyun said in disbelief, "Do you think I'm driving unsteadily? But do you know that I've been driving for such a long time, and I've never had any troubles, not even minor bumps, let alone violations of regulations? gone."

"Be careful, if you drive like this, if something happens, it may be a big deal." I said.

"Crow's Mouth," she said, "Let me tell you, driving requires talent. It doesn't mean that if you drive slowly, you will be safe."

"But you're going too fast," I said.

"It's okay, it's because of you, I'm under control, if I'm alone, faster, let me tell you, I seem to have a talent for driving since I was a child, I've never learned to drift, but when I touch a car , it will. I'll show you one in a while." She said.

"You pull it down quickly." I said nervously, "My blood is already boiling, and you are still drifting. Don't scare me into pissing on your car. I can't afford to pay for such a high-end car."

"Don't worry, it's not that dangerous. Have you watched "Fast and Furious"? Paul Walker, that's my idol."

"It seems that he died because of racing?" I said.

"It's a fault with the car, not a technical problem," she explained.

"Then take it easy," I said.

"Have you seen Initial?" she said.

"I rarely watch this kind of drag racing movie." I said, "At least I think this kind of movie is very immoral and teaches young people badly."

"Pull it down, why are you like the gang of old people in ****? Movies don't dare to have sex scenes. I heard that scenes that smoke too much will be banned. David Apollo's sculpture is still a mosaic on the calf I’m worried about teaching young people badly. Let me tell you, young people are all thieves. How can it be so easy to teach badly. Besides, elementary school students are starting to fall in love and open houses. Are you afraid that a few movies will teach them badly?” She Said.

"All right, all right, you guys are amazing." I said, "I'm an old man, please take care of the old man, okay? If you keep driving like this, I'll be paralyzed when I get home."

She smiled mysteriously, "In "Initial", Jay Chou used the drainage ditch to drift through the five consecutive hairpin turns. This road happens to have a similar section. I will show you a show later."

"Calm down!" I said, "If you want to do this, let me get out of the car and I will walk back by myself."

"It's boring." She rolled her eyes at me.

But her speed still hasn't slowed down. Not only that, but she also talked to me while driving, and the chatterbox opened up, all kinds of questions.

"If there is a problem, let's find a place to sit down and talk, okay?" I said, "Can you concentrate on driving first?"

"Help!" she yelled frantically, "Don't be like my dad, can you?"

"I can understand your dad very well at this moment." I said.

"Forget it, don't talk if you don't talk, I'll listen to music for a while." She said, "That's all right."

She said taking out her phone.

"Can you slow down on the phone?" I said.

"I don't make calls. The music player in the car is broken. I use my mobile phone to connect to the car's stereo," she said.

Immediately afterwards, the music was deafening, all the kind of music that can only be heard in nightclubs, my God!I might as well go home by bus.

I covered my ears and leaned against the car window, ready to fall asleep, but where can I sleep?

After a while, the music stopped, and my ears suddenly felt clean.

She picked up her phone, "It's broken! I forgot to charge it."

"Such a high-end car doesn't have a charging device, right?" I laughed.

"Yes, but I don't have a cord," she said.

"That would be the best," I said. "My ears are ringing from your noise. I beg you, let me be quiet, okay?"

"Okay, okay," she said with a weird smile.

"What are you doing?" I said nervously, before she could answer, I screamed, "Ah!"

The car body was thrown outwards, I quickly grabbed the handle of the roof, and shouted nervously, "What are you doing?"

Before I finished speaking, she slammed on the brakes again, and swayed sideways in the opposite direction. I immediately swung my body towards her, almost lying on her lap.

She laughed loudly, "How about hahaha? Exciting?"

I sat up, "Are you crazy?"

"Why are you so timid?" she said. "It's just two small drifts."

"Is this a small drift? If your car door is not strong, I will fly out." I said.

"Don't worry, it's okay. How is it? Is my technique good? Have I never felt drift?" she said.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to feel it." I said, "I'll get out of the car if you do this again. I'm spending my life in your car!"

"You look timid at first glance." She smiled, "Are you the kind who dare not ride a roller coaster even when you go to an amusement park?"

"how do you know?"

What she said is true. I have never sat on it, and I dare not at all. I can't figure out what those people are screaming in fright after they go up, and I don't know what they are trying to figure out.

"Then your life is too lacking in passion." She said with a sigh.

"If you keep driving like this, I will have no life." I said.

"It's okay, hold on, there's another big one, you'll be so excited!" She laughed.

"Please, okay? Just stop playing with me?" I said.


She yelled and slammed on the brakes, and I felt like I was going to fly out of her car door.She laughed and kicked again, and I immediately swung from right to left again.

"Could you stop doing this?" I yelled.

She smiled heartily, "There is one more, hurry up."

Then she kicked again, and the car immediately swung in the opposite direction. I thought it was all right this time, but at the moment of closing, the rear car suddenly felt a jolt, and the car seemed to be a little out of control.

Meng Tingyun hurriedly braked, but it was too late. The car went straight off the road and hit a tree by the side of the road. With a bang, the airbag deployed.

"Are you okay?" She asked me quickly.

It took me a long time to recover, the airbag hurt my face, I quickly checked myself and found that I was not injured, but probably because I was frightened, my legs felt weak and I couldn’t use any strength.

She got out of the car and opened my car door, "You get down first."

"Wait, I can't move." I said.

"Huh? Your leg hurt?" she said.

"It's okay, my legs are weak." I said, "Wait a minute, I can't move now, when I can move, I will come down, let me take it easy."

"I see smoke coming from the hood in front of the car, you'd better get out of the car first," she said.

After hearing this, I jumped out of the car in a jerk, sprinted, and left the car in an instant.

Meng Tingyun was stunned, and laughed, "Didn't you say you can't move your legs?"

"Come here, be careful of the explosion!" I said to her.

"It's not that bad," she said. "It's not enough to explode."

She came over.

"Didn't you say that your technique is very good? Haven't you never had an accident? How could it be like this?" I complained angrily.

She pouted, "It's not that some wicked ghost put a stone on the road just now, and I couldn't dodge it, so the accident happened, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

"You're still stubborn!" I said, "If it weren't for you insisting on performing some shit drift, why can't you avoid a rock? How do you do it in this barren mountain?"

"Don't worry, just make a rescue call." She said as she took out her phone, "It's broken, my phone is out of battery, use your phone to make a call."

"With your skills, you still like to play around. It's a good thing you came with me, otherwise you wouldn't even have a call for help." I complained to her while touching my pocket. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find the phone. .

Oops!Early in the morning, in order to prevent Liu Ruyue from finding Meng Tingyun, she left in a hurry and left her phone at home.

(End of this chapter)

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