Chapter 190 Sleeping Together
In fact, most of the progress between Liu Ruyue and I was brought about by my efforts.So, I think if I bring it up, maybe there will be a breakthrough, and maybe she will say yes, and if she says yes, God, it will be a qualitative leap, skipping second base and going straight to third base!
I made a judgment. With our current intimacy, it’s okay for me to bring it up. Even if she doesn’t want to, I don’t think she will be too angry. Why hesitate?
I brewed for a long time, mustered up the courage for a long time, and finally gritted my teeth and stomped my feet, and was just about to speak.

"Why don't I..."

Before I finished speaking, Liu Ruyue snatched up, "Do you think my bag was taken by that pervert?"

I was taken aback, "Uh, probably so."

"I think it should be him. Think about it. At that point, there should be very few people passing by. Even if there are people passing by, they may not be able to see it, right?" She analyzed, "Yes! It must be him, he followed me, my bag was dropped, he must have seen it, he must have picked it up!"

"You're right, but we don't know who he is, so what's the use of knowing he took it? Go there and wait for him to come?" I said.

"I have a mobile phone in my bag. I can call my mobile phone. We can give him some money and ask him to return the bag to me," she said.

"It's feasible enough to be feasible, but I'm afraid that the mobile phone may have been turned off by now."

"Try it." She said, groping around.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nonsense, of course you are looking for my mobile phone."

"Your phone..."

Only then did she come to her senses, and said with a smile, "I'm so scared, I'm going to find my mobile phone to call my mobile phone, so use your mobile phone to call."

"I don't have your phone number saved."

"Hey, hurry up!" she urged.

I picked up the phone and dialed Liu Ruyue's number. Sure enough, as I expected, the phone was turned off.

"Generally, he doesn't dare to turn on the phone in such a situation." I said, "If your mobile phone has a positioning function, it's not him who has exposed it."

"Then what should I do? The ID card and bank card are all in it. If you want to reapply, you have to make up the ID card first. It's too troublesome." Liu Ruyue said.

"There seems to be no better way." I said, in fact, my mind was still on the matter I had just summoned up the courage to say.

"In this way, let's send him a text message. If he turns on the phone, he will be able to see it." Liu Ruyue said, and began to send text messages to her mobile phone.

I think it's all futile. Under normal circumstances, this kind of pervert is most afraid of exposing himself and will never contact you.

After she sent the text message, she showed it to me, "Do you think it's okay to say that?"

"Okay." I glanced at it.

She sent the text message, holding her chin in thought, "This bastard is too annoying, my good life has been disrupted by him, I still have a lot of important calls on my account, it's good now, I have to start over one by one again Forgot."

"That can't be helped. It's bad luck for you. You can't escape. I think you should be glad that he didn't do anything to you. If he catches up with you and drags you into the underworld..." I said.

"Stop talking, I was already scared enough, but you still said, now that I think about it, I'm in a cold sweat," she said.

"Don't be too scared, maybe he just dragged you into the underworld, and showed you his newly bought luminous watch while no one was around." I laughed.

"If all the bad guys were as innocent as you, then the world wouldn't be so chaotic."

"You think I'm innocent too, don't you?"

"Is it funny? Let me tell you, I lost my bag and I'm in a bad mood, so I can't be funny right now," she said.

"If you can't laugh, don't laugh, go to bed quickly, don't you have an important performance tomorrow." I said.

"Oh yes!" she said, "I almost forgot. But I can't sleep, what should I do?"

I look at her and she looks at me.

Was she waiting for me to speak up?

"Why don't I..."

Before I finished speaking, she said, "Forget it, forget it, try to sleep, I'm asleep."

I stood there with my mouth half open, watching her walk back.

She turned around, saw me standing there, and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

"Oh no, go to sleep," I said.

She thought for a while, and said, "How about...or you can sleep with me, I really dare not sleep."

What?Did I hear you right?I was ecstatic, and after a long time, she actually brought it up!

"What? You don't want to? If it's inconvenient for you, then forget it."

"I'm going to get the pillow!"

I ran back to the house at the speed of Bolt's [-]-meter sprint, and rushed back to Liu Ruyue's bedroom door in an instant, "Let's go."

She looked at me with a smile and shook her head helplessly.

"Let me declare first, I really need you to be by my side because I have an important performance tomorrow and I need to sleep, and I was frightened by that pervert. I don't have any other thoughts, and you are not allowed to have any. Got it?" she said.


"I sleep here, you sleep over there, put a pillow in between, you are not allowed to cross the boundary with any excuses and reasons in the middle of the night, understand?" She continued to repeat her orders.

"Understood." I just agreed. "Then what if you cross the line."

"Impossible!" She thought for a while and said, "If I cross the line, you have to remind me in time."


"Also, are not allowed to tell your buddies about this, as a bragging capital." She said.

"According to the order."

"and also……"

"Do you want a policeman to come over and stand guard? Put handcuffs and shackles on my feet, and tie me into a big rice dumpling with rope?" I said.

"That's no good, what if I wake up in the middle of the night and see your zongzi look, what if I'm hungry?" She laughed.

"Okay, go to sleep, if you don't sleep, it will be dawn." I said.

"Okay, turn off the lights and go to bed." She was satisfied and turned off the lights.

I lay on my side and looked at her. There was a faint moonlight outside, and I could just see her delicate face.Where can I sleep.

Her bed carried a woman's unique faint fragrance, as well as her unique smell, inhaling it, it was refreshing.

I looked at her and felt a wonderful feeling, thinking, it would be great if time was frozen at this moment.

When she turned around, she saw that I was looking at her, "Why don't you sleep? Why are you looking at me?"

"I'm hungry."

"Why do you look at me when you're hungry? I'm not a zongzi."

"Haven't you heard of Beauty Can Eat?" I laughed.

"Okay, little rascal, close your eyes and go to sleep!" she said.

"Have you ever seen such an honest hooligan?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I'm really going to sleep," she said.

"You sleep yours, I didn't bother you." I smiled.

"Then why are you looking at me," she said.

"You just said that I can't cross the border, but you didn't say that I can't see you. This is my freedom. You can't deprive a legal citizen of exercising his normal rights and freedoms." I said.

"I won't let you see it now," she said.

"I do not care."

"Oh, please, don't look at it, can you? You look at me like that, I can't sleep at all." She said.

"Okay, okay, don't watch it." I said and turned my face away.

After a while, I heard her breathing slowed down. I guessed that she had fallen asleep, so I turned around and continued to look at her.

Liu Ruyue is definitely a first-class beauty no matter from which point of view. Judging by her facial contours, it can be considered very beautiful. Even if ordinary people don't have her figure, they can be regarded as beautiful with such a face.

Seeing that I am very satisfied, I can't help but want to hold her hand.She was asleep anyway.

I reached out and took her hand gently.

Unexpectedly, she immediately turned around and squinted at me, "Why are you holding my hand?"

It took me by surprise.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I said.

"You crossed the line, how can I sleep." She said.

"Don't make excuses, I'm just exercising my normal rights. It's my right to hold hands, okay?" I said.

"I said that you can hold hands within a certain period of time, but I didn't say now."

"Your limit is very vague, okay? What is a specific time? There is no way to define it, and I can't tell the difference, so I drag it." I quibbled.

"All right, all right, just pull, but you can only hold hands, don't try to push yourself further." She compromised.

"Okay, just hold hands." I smiled.

She stopped talking, turned her face away, and fell asleep. After a while, she suddenly said, "Are you... are you overwhelmed?"

I was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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